Chu, Nguyen Trade Accusations via Email

It’s officially election season—two San Jose city councilmembers sparred via email this week following a Vietnamese New Year flag raising ceremony held Monday at City Hall.

Kansen Chu sent the first email to Madison Nguyen, accusing the vice mayor of sponsoring an event that featured “campaign activity” by his challenger, Tam Truong, in this June’s election. Truong is a San Jose police officer.

Ensuring that everyone would know just how he felt, Chu CC’d the entire council, Mayor Chuck Reed, City Manager Debra Figone, City Attorney Rich Doyle and City Clerk Dennis Hawkins.

“Aside from elected officials, I did not feel it was appropriate for a sole council candidate to be introduced and then allowed to address the audience which included many of our city employees,” Chu wrote. “This sole candidate was ‘working the room’ and giving out his cards to let people know he is in a political race.”

Chu told San Jose Inside he was notified of Truong’s presence at the event by a female city employee.

Nguyen disputed Chu’s account of Truong’s actions and said that she and the mayor co-sponsored the event, which was then carried out by independent organizers. She added that Truong was introduced by the ceremony’s organizer and did identify himself on stage as a candidate for the District 4 election, but that was beyond her control and there was little more said or done by Truong than wishing people a Happy New Year.

In her email to Chu, which CC’d the same people, Nguyen called out her fellow councilmember for grandstanding.

“May I note,” she wrote, “that the fact you sent this only to me as a sponsor and decided to copy so many leads me to two conclusions: You are willing to attack women and not a man when something like this happens. You sent this not as a way of trying to avoid this in the future, but as an attempt to generate publicity. Both of these reasons are unfortunate.”

While Chu didn’t mention it in his email, his accusation that Nguyen sponsored a campaign event for Truong would violate a city ordinance.

“My council colleagues feel what she did was inappropriate but it’s up to the city attorney and any action his office decides to take,” Chu told San Jose Inside. “Maybe it’s up to the mayor. At this point, I’m comfortable with what I wanted to do and bring this to the attention to the attorney and the council.”

Doyle told San Jose Inside he went to the people who received the emails and advised them not to add their own opinions, because it could potentially result in a Brown Act violation if the matter were to go in front of the council. At the same time, Doyle said he is not sure Nguyen should be held responsible for what occurred.

“It’s hard to say there was a foul here other than it happened at a flag raising ceremony by a private organization,” he said.

Nguyen is clearly not happy with Chu about the way things played out.

“We have flag raising ceremonies throughout the year, It’s a public event,” she said. “I don’t really understand what he’s trying to get at. I think he’s over-reacting.”

Here is the email from Chu:

From: Chu, Kansen
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 5:13 PM
To: Nguyen, Madison
Cc: Reed, Chuck; Constant, Pete; Kalra, Ash; Liccardo, Sam; Campos, Xavier; Oliverio, Pierluigi; Herrera, Rose; Rocha, Donald; Pyle, Nancy; Figone, Debra; Doyle, Richard; Hawkins, Dennis (Clerk)
Subject: RE: Vietnamese New Year Flag Raising Today- Moved to the Rotunda

Dear Madison,

I was disappointed to see campaign activity at the ceremonial flag raising event that you sponsored.  Aside from elected officials, I did not feel it was appropriate for a sole council candidate to be introduced and then allowed to address the audience which included many of our city employees.  This sole candidate was “working the room” and giving out his cards to let people know he is in a political race.  I certainly hope that this type of activity will not be displayed again at future City functions.



And here is the email from Nguyen:

From: Nguyen, Madison
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:33 AM
To: Chu, Kansen
Cc: Reed, Chuck; Constant, Pete; Kalra, Ash; Liccardo, Sam; Campos, Xavier; Oliverio, Pierluigi; Herrera, Rose; Rocha, Donald; Pyle, Nancy; Figone, Debra; Doyle, Richard; Hawkins, Dennis (Clerk)
Subject: RE: Vietnamese New Year Flag Raising Today- Moved to the Rotunda

Dear Kansen,

As you are well aware, organizations ask us to sponsor events we do for a variety of groups. This was a public event. The mayor and I co-sponsored this event; however we were not responsible for its organization.

May I note that the fact you sent this only to me as a sponsor and decided to copy so many leads me to two conclusions:

You are willing to attack women and not a man when something like this happens.

You sent this not as a way of trying to avoid this in the future, but as an attempt to generate publicity.

Both of these reasons are unfortunate.

I am deeply disappointed by your reaction.


Josh Koehn is a former managing editor for San Jose Inside and Metro Silicon Valley.


  1. So there it is ” An event planned by Mayor Reed & Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen” but organized by someone else. This mayor & Vice Mayor will do whatever it takes to swing things their direction. it Might not be illegal , but it is definetly unethical.  The sad part is , that really shouldnt surprise anyone. This Mayor and company are the most corrupt in San Jose history. This city is going to pay HUGE for this Councils horrible lack of common sense . San Jose residents need to get off their couches and start educating themselves about the very sad state of this city . read something other than that rag “The Merc” , they wouldnt know an unbiased story if it stared them in the face. they only write what Reed wants them to write. please lets all educate ourselves and stop blindly believing our elected and corrupt leaders.

    • The Mayor and Vice Mayor sponsored the event not planned it.  Many times dignitaries are asked to lend their name to an event as a “sponsor” to give credibility and exposure.  They rarely have input on the content or agenda for the day.  Kansen Chu knows this.

      He was grandstanding.  He says to SJ Insider that his council colleagues feel it was inappropriate but does not name them or how many.  Let me guess Campos (the failure) and Kalra (the DUI drunk)

      His overreaction clearly indicates his already established FEAR of the competition.

    • She’s bringing up the sexist accusation to act as smoke and mirrors.  I agree with “Disgusted SJ resident”.  Madison, you sponsor the event with the mayor, and in the same sentence claim you are not responsible for the organization…

      I’m sure you didn’t plan to have Detective Troung speak at the ceremony..right??  It was all ad-lib…right?? Cmon.

      We the masses are gullible as a whole, but please don’t hood wink us with your “Third party” organizers argument.  It is shameful, fool hearted, and outright low.  The voters do have a little more brain than you suspect.

      And politics 101 prevails.  When a politician gets caught doing something illegal or unethical:

      step 1) Move the heat back on the opponent or another subject

      step 2) Claim racism, sexism …etc..choose your ism

      What a joke


    • When you can’t deny the facts, you yell sexism, racism, or some other inflammatory claim. As soon as she said that, we all knew she was just blowing smoke. If you are wrong without any defense – go on the attack. Classic Chicago politics. Just what San Jose needs – not.

      Chu was right, and her cries make it obvious she screwed up. I guess anytime she lies, cheats, or steals, her accusers are just sexists.

      And she wants to be Mayor. Really? She doesn’t stand a chance. The Mayor is playing her for her vote, and she doesn’t have a clue.

  2. So Madison has been been parading Tam around since at least October 2011, according to littlesaigoninside.blogspot….and what better platform to showcase him than a Vietnamese celebration at City Hall.  Yes men… politics….shocking I know.  I’m curious to know as to how Mr. Truong plans to handle his current position as a defective (not a typo, thats what I’ve heard) at SJPD, and also his position as CEO at Taps Protection Services, while running for his city council seat. 

    As for Madison’s comment about attacking her because she’s a woman….is that what we can expect anytime someone accuses her of something? Or does she actually have proof to back up a bold accusation.  Or would she claim racism if it was someone else who accused her, not Chu?

  3. Are you kidding me. Vice Mayor Nguyen wants people to believe That her and Mr. Burns were asked to “Sponsor an event” ? Yeah right!  Everyone knows that you and the Mayor are trying to insert your own hand picked Candidate into Council. The problem is He is associated with you two corrupt politicians.  its a good thing you referred to yourself as a woman and NOT a LADY. Our own community sees you for the snake that you are. it really doesnt suit you trying to play the victom.

  4. Kansen is one of the few councilmembers that I’ve met that I’m not wiping my hand clean after I shake it. 

    He’s got a point.  Our city charter has it laid out when you can, and cannot campaign.

    Cousin Dave is already distributing flyers around East side that say, “I WANT TO BE YOUR NEXT MAYOR”

    I found one floating in the gutter off Maro Av, right around the corner from SJV a few months back.  Just finally got around to mentioning it. 

    Should I turn him into fppc? I’m tempted…  Everyone should play by the rules.  Cousin Dave and Madisons new buddy included.

    • Memo: from KC to MN.  You are breaking City Election Codes.  You can’t use city events to campaign. Cut it out.

      Memo: from MN to KC.  Stop beating women. 

      I side with KC on this issue. 

      Making a speech, announcing your candidacy and passing out cards counts as “campaign communications”.  You can’t use public events to politically campaign and you can’t campaign directly to the city employees.  The first violates city anti-corrutption rules forbidding someone from using one’s office or city resources for personal gain.  It does not matter if private groups organized things, the event is public because it was held at City hall and open to everyone in the city. The state rules banning campaigning to direct employees is there to prevent coercion.

    • “Cousin Dave is already distributing flyers around East side that say, “I WANT TO BE YOUR NEXT MAYOR”

      yeah right.  finally got around to mentioning it.  stop spreading rumors.  probably lost it too.

      • Why would I start a rumor?  If I wanted to do that, I’d just use a fake name.

        By “finally”..

        There’s always that underlying pressure there to not rat out your family, but I had to struggle with my overall sense of, “I know the rules too, what the hell is he doing?” 

        Make sense?

        If Dave knows one thing about my father from their childhood, he was always, he’d carry a “Hoyle Rulebook” in his back pocket.  He was always the one pointing out when others didn’t follow the rules as a kid.

        That story always stuck with me for some reason, and when I got over my teenage rebellion years I tried to live by it in work, and in life.

        Now that I’ve explained myself, could you please use proper capitalization when writing from now on? It’s second grade stuff, I know you can handle it.

        Seeing how this site is run by a former Bellermine teacher, and the owner of a newspaper, I think I can safely say that writing as bad as yours makes us want us want to gouge our eyes out of their sockets with rusty forks.

        (it also makes an easy target for me to snipe)

  5. This is great stuff.  This is multiculturalism with a little snarky dollop of radical feminism popped on top to put Chu in his place.  Enlightening to see the different cultural values of some Taiwanese immigrants and some Vietnamese immigrants…very educational.

    It’s part of the socially-constructed propaganda package taught by our taxpayer-supported universities in fields like diversity education and feminist studies. You old guys reading this stuff have no idea what is going on in universities at your expense these days. 

    You caught a dose of the same brand of multiculturalism in a 9/8/11 SJI piece titled “Latino Legislators’ Party Flyer.”

    • When they aren’t feathering their beds by catering to the poverty-pimp land developers or laying the groundwork for their future political aspirations or posing as “community volunteers” picking up trash while driving between engagements where they are appearing as city officials and doing so while burning taxpayer subsidized gas….

      (A) what could possibly be more important? -and-

      (B) where would they ever find the time?

  6. This is all so petty.  It seems all Madison wanted to do is introduce a Vietnamese person who wanted to get involved in politics.  People who claim to be progressive, and then act so reactionary disappoint me.  I am told that the same is true in Milpitas where a silly scandal has been brewing for months over a wedding at City Hall.  In Santa Clara, there is a fellow who claims to be a community leader near the old Kasier Hospital site who berates other residents who simply disagree with him about the role of the city in helping developers.  He claims to be a member of the council advisory committee, and actually uses that “title” to demand planners give him details over all proposed developments for his inspection.  He recently told some other “activist” that they need to purge the advisory group of people they object to, and then report it to council.  Why can’t we avoid the emails, and the self generated inquiries about weddings at city hall, or purging advisory committees of people we disagree with, and simply all work to invite more people to participate in democracy?

    • Tam Truong’s wife is Madison Nguyen’s friend.  And she has encouraged Truong to run for office.  This isn’t some coincidence, it was clearly a planned act for political gain.  You need to take off the rose colored glasses.

      • So what?  What if they are friends and she did encourage him to run for office.  What is wrong with that? 

        Nora Campos encouraged her unqualified under investigation, failure at MACSA brother to run for her seat in District 5.  Was that a problem?  Or when Nora herself was encourage by her employer and friend Manny to run for his seat when he bailed? 

        Their personal relationship is irrelevant.  If Kansen is offended because he’s a coworker and this guys just an outide friend, my advice is put your big boy pants on and get a life.  If his stance is that it violated a city ordinance then don’t send petty emails cc’d to all the council, simply file the grievance and ask it to be handled officially. 

        This isn’t high school, act like a professional Kansen.  This makes you look like a fool regardless of what Madison & the Mayor did.

        • Kansen has his own issues.  But, there are several here who continue to try and distance Tam Truong from Madison Nguyen as not having any kind of relationship.  They do know each other and she does support him. There is no reason to deny it, but she and her supporters seem to want to play games in this regard.  Everybody knows that politicians try and stack the deck whenever they can but to lie about it is unseemly.

        • “So what?  What if they are friends and she did encourage him to run for office.  What is wrong with that?”

          She made a public statement that she just recently met him, when she was friends with his wife all along.

        • It is dishonest to deny a relationship that exists.  Why Nguyen is doing so remains to be seen.  But, lying about the situation isn’t ethical and speaks volumes.  I would be more impressed if VM Nguyen simply came out and made a statement that she knows Tam Truong, was impressed with whatever skill set he has that encouraged her to support him, and then endorse his candidacy.  Why try and hide the truth?

  7. Council and trusted city administrators has been meeting for months in back rooms and not at City hall so meetings do not show up on Council or City Hall city calendars to sell off millions dollars city property to political contributors, future campaign contributors, former politicians , ex city management and City Hall insiders

    Many of below market price city land deals are already ” done deals ” with city fee deferrals or lower fees or other incentives ( higher profits ) as part of city land sales deal

    Look closely at prior below market city property political insider deals and A’s Baseball Stadium deal to see how Council can transfers millions and millions taxpayer money to political friends and cronies

    Look for increases San Jose taxes, fees and more city service cuts that if Council political transfer of millions taxpayer money had not been done would not be necessary

    Crony Capitalism – Unethical but maybe not illegal unless they get caught and are exposed

  8. Don’t know who this Troung guy is but if he’s running against Chu I like him already. If Chu is the reflection of the berryessa area then there should be a lot more little yellow school buses driving around there.  He only won because he was running against a s*&# for brains.  Lets get some qualified people running that are there to represent us and not the people that pay for their campaigns.

  9. I support Madison’s version.  I always like her.  I remember visiting one of the petition gatherers during the recall effort.  He was so rude, and I called to compalin and then when I was at an event, Madison waved at me and my grandkids.  That was so special to them.

    Last week, I had nice dim sum lunch with someone in Cupertino, and they were complaining about how Kansen was takin all this.  I mention the petition incident and she told me about a guy in Santa Clara gathering petitions and making obscene gestures towards some union workers who were women.  He is an officer in some group against some sort of thing.  But back on Madison, she has even helped kids get into SJ Giants games.  Mexican kids, white kids, some black kids.  She seems to be a gem.

    • Michael from Seventrees

      I guess all it takes for you to think someone is ” a Gem” is for them to wave at you! Please , educate yourself by looking at her voting record and you will see that Madison has only voted with the Mayor not against him . Is this the kind of mindless handpuppet you really want to support? Dont kid yourself anything that Madison has done , she did to gain advantage /notoriety or acceptance nothing has been done out of the kindness of her heart. Take a look at what she did for Public Safety , she asked for support during her recall ( which they gave) and then after being picked as vice-Mayor does everything she can to dismantle SJPD and SJFD. Both organizations are now insanely understaffed( lowest staffed in the Nation)  . she voted to give valuable real estate to a Billionaire, she voted for more low income housing,she voted for a ball park that we cannot afford,she voted for an illegal ballot measure( will cost millions of taxpayer monies only to lose in court). As a council member did you know that she was also on RDA , or Diridon Developement Agency or Finanacing authority. To most people that would seem like a conflict of interest to be on that many committees with “only the same people on city council”. all of these agencies are vital to San Jose,  No wonder the mayor has been able to push his agenda! so again please educate yourself

      • Madison votes with Mayor Reed on his proposals and she’s a “mindless sock puppet”  So are we draw the same conclusion about former Vice Mayor Cindy Chavez and Councilwoman Nora Campos who voted with then Mayor Gonzalez? 

        Yep, I’d buy that.  Cindy Chavez and Nora Campos both mindless sock puppets. 

        Oh wait did you mean that those slurs only work when its against your candidates?

    • A reading of the city charter does not show any reference to the part-time or full-time nature of the job of the council member.

      If you wanted to make the job part-time, you could approach the problem through an amendment to Article 4, Section 407, by severely limiting their pay so they would have to maintain separate real jobs.

      Another approach would be to amend Article 4, Section 412, by limiting council meetings to fewer than four meetings each month.

      Another approach would be to amend Article 4, Section 406, by banning council members from holding office on any other city board or commission.  This would free them up to pay attention to core city work, not some other board or authority.

      Conceivably these could be condensed into a single initiative amendment as each one shares a single purpose.

    • “Conceivably these could be condensed into a single initiative amendment as each one shares a single purpose.”


      I’m ready to write a check, gather signatures, walk my district, etc. and I’d bet my last dollar that such a measure would pass without breaking a sweat.

      Less government is better government.

      Thanks for the information.

  10. This sexism accusation Madison is making toward Council Member Chu is the same one she made when she got in hot water over the Little Saigon issue. She claimed that the only reason her own people were going after her was because she was a woman, and refused to acknowledge her wrong doings over the issue of signage. That ploy didn’t work then and it doesn’t work now.

    As a woman who fights for people’s Civil Rights, I find her abuse of this sexism accusation to be offensive and shameful, especially when there really are women out there being treated illegally due to their gender.

    If Madison really knew Council Member Chu the way I do, she would know that he has the highest respect and regard for woman. Her accusation that he is selectively attacking her because of her gender is just plain BS.

    And finally, touting a candidate for office at a co-sponsored event in front of the current Council Member shows a real lack of class, and respect for Kansen. I can pretty much guarantee you that if the shoe were on the other foot, she’d be screaming foul herself.

    • We all know that’s election season and Chu was simply trying to cave out his turfs with offensive jab at the one who he thinks supports his adversary.  He was either trying to play the ‘victim card’ or trying to play ‘got yah’ card.  Either way it’s back fire on this political light weight and intellectual challenged Chu. Chu made a bad political calculated move before when he openly support the recall effort while the rest of the council members support Madison, thinking that he will get the majority of the Viet-Ame. votes when election time comes.  Despite a great majority of the Viet-Ame voted to recall, the recall effort fail and Chu looked like an a**.  Don’t be surprise.  This is his initial move to rally the troops.

      Admittedly, Nguyen’s accusation of Chu as a sexist might be a bit off, but it was a political move on her part to shut Chu’s ‘crying wolf’ mouth off.  Essentially she’s saying ‘I can out play you’ and she explained it with solid reasoning in the email. It’s a public event and any body can be there.  What Chu did was the equivalent of ‘biting off the hand that fed him’.  When he was just won his seat he often came to Nguyen for advice and often asked her to introduce him at different Nguyen’s district public events.

      Nguyen, the vice-mayor, is intelligent and has the respect of the council and the community.  While the office of councilman is way over Chu’s head.  He got lucky the first time around because there were no worth challenger.  Let’s see if the people of district 4 can decipher a worth candidate to represent them this time.

      • Bushduh , I dont know what planet you are on , but on this planet and this Community Madison Nguyen is an embarrassment . She is a proven Liar as well as Mr. Burns Hand Puppet. She has never once voted against Reed! she could care less about anyone that cant help her get ahead. She is a snake that will turn on a “friend” with out hesitation. do some research, please!

    • Kathleen I wonder if you fail to see any validity to Ms Nguyen’s accusation of sexism simply because you are in fact friends with Mr Chu.  Your post indicates your bias towards him. 

      Examine the facts presented.  Both Mayor Reed and Councilwoman Nguyen were sponsors of the flag raising event.  Mr Chu knew this, or at least informed himself of the sponsors in order to express his displeasure.  However, he only addressed Ms Nguyen not Mr Reed.  Yet he copied Mr Reed on the memo.  Why is that? Isn’t that a curious turn to only focus his displeasure on the female sponsor and not express the explicit displeasure on the male sponsor as well (especially since he was taking the time to copy the Mayor and entire council on the memo)?

      Maybe Mr Chu is intimidated by the mayor and his position, or maybe Ms Nguyen is correct and there is an element of sexism in his actions. 

      Don’t let your friendship or high regard for Mr Chu cloud your judgement or fair appraisal of his actions. 

      I’d have to disagree with your lack-of-class comment about campaigning for someone other than your current co-Council members.  It happens regularly and is in fact quite common for sitting council members to recruit and campaign for people they want to replace council members they find ineffective, are at odds with or simply think are not good council members.  Its a job, not personal. Mr Chu shouldn’t take it as such, I agree with the other poster in this thread who said he should have filed the complaint if he thought it was a violation of the ordiance rather than take a personal jab since he was only doing it to Ms Nguyen and not the Mayor.  It makes him look weak and misogynistic.

      • Janelle,
        I gather you didn’t read my entire post, nor are you looking at all the facts without bias. Madison tends to use the gender card whenever it suites her. This isn’t the only instance in which she has done this, nor is this the first time she has side stepped responsibility for her actions. Her behavior since the beginning of her political career almost cost her the election when she ran for a 2nd term on the Council. She only won by a few hundred votes. Given who ran against her, that is pretty sad.

        Secondly, as has been pointed out, Madison is a friend with this candidate’s wife, so I’m sure she knows him as well. Having said that, the Mayor has zero social ties with this Officer running for D4, and the Mayor isn’t touting this person for Council, so why should Council Member Chu address him on this?

        My personal feelings for Council Member Chu stem from the incredible work I have seen him do in the community, and my feelings for Madison come from the way I have seen her behave.

        To be completely honest, I’ve actually known her much longer than Kansen Chu, and by the way, Kansen and I are NOT friends. I have just worked with him on community issues, so please don’t make accusations that are not true about my relationship with him.

        Having said that, I find Council Member Chu’s action in contacting Madison to be a professional, and respectful thing to do in this circumstance. Filing a formal complaint on someone without contacting them to give them the opportunity to respond is a low life, and unprofessional thing to do.

        As to your commentary that everyone in politics does this, let me say that no one is questioning, or even cares who Madison supports, but if you are going to allow one candidate to speak to the public at an event, then it is only fair and professional to give equal time to the other candidate/s.

        As to your disagreeing with the way I view abuses of policy, accusations of sexism, professional conduct, and how YOU see Council Member Chu’s actions, we can certainly agree to disagree on that.

        • Kathleen

          Thank you for your forthright and truthful posts.

          One does not need to be a rocket scientist to comprehend what occurred at this event.

          I commend council member Chu for attempting to level the playing field in a professional manner especially when the political deck is obviously being stacked against him.

        • Response to Kathleen,

          Thank you for your kind words of support. I don’t think Council Member Chu will lose his bid for re-election. He won by a landslide in his first bid, and has shown real dedication to his constituents. He really has done a very good job and deserves a second term.

          Having said that, I know how much Kansen respects, supports, and encourages women to advance in their careers, so I find Madison’s accusation of sexism to be completely self serving and false. If you were to ask any of the women working in his office, or any event he sponsors or co-sponsors how Kansen treats them, I’m sure they’d tell you what a great boss he is. He has an incredibly successful wife that he loves, supports, and encourages to excel in any endeavor she wants to take on. He truly is a man who has the highest regard and respect for women.

          He has my support 100%.

  11. HaHaHaHa, it is always discrimination when a man says anything against a woman. HeHeHeHE it is racist when a Chinese says anything against a Vietnamese! HAHAHA even worse when dragging a Vietnamese man – Tam Truong who I don’t even know! HAHAHA, It is twice no three times as bad! Hahahahaha add in accusations against Mayor Reed who is old and white – oh boy big trouble in little Saigontown!  Not only racist but anti-elderly!!!  HAhahaha, very bad, very bad indeed! especially when All Asian people cultures represent that they have great respect for old people!

    Hehehehe, maybe we need police like Tam Truong to investigate these abuses! HAHAHAH.

  12. Let me get this right so the mayor and Vice mayor will pick the next council positions ?  why bother to Vote just let Reed take control … I heard a greedy man speak once he said his goal was to own a piece of the moon and while standing at his moon base look back at the earth and say I own all of that… !!!! Now you know exactly what Reed has in his mind if he could some how figure a way to make the world follow.  Reed appears to be a Tyrant.  What a bunch of crap .. i will not vote for him just because he stand next to Reed and Reed is picking the Vote and blocking a fair election.  this is why our country is so screwed up to start with you have no real vote you vote for who they set in front of you.  Look at the current GOP line up a total joke.  Good Job Mr Greed next you will be telling use all how to use the toilet when your king.

  13. So it is ok for the Mayor and Madison Nguyen to parade around their candidate at a city santioned event with city workers attending, but not ok for Campos to send an email wishing the same city workers a Happy Holiday and he is publicy scolded. Where is the city manager, Deb Figone, on this one? The silence is deafening. It seems as long as one is willing to suck up to Reed it is pretty much anything goes and a blind eye is turned by fellow council members (with a few exception), our city manager, city attorney, and even district attorney. We have city council members who have committed theft and been caught red handed, possible workers compensation fraud, and now flagrant campaign violations, and not a word is said. Just amazing.

  14. If these allegations and others posted on “San Jose Inside” have merit file a complaint with Santa Clara County DA’s office Governmental Integrity Unit.
    Question #6

    DA Rosen, Please explain the mission of the Governmental Integrity Unit. Does this unit actively monitor government for corruption and or illegal acts? Does this unit self initiate investigations? What is the expertise and background of those assigned to this unit?

    — Governmental Integrity Unit
    Dear Governmental Integrity Unit,
    One of my signature accomplishments this year was creating a dedicated Public Integrity Unit. The unit both initiates investigations and takes referrals from other law enforcement agencies. Deputy District Attorney John Chase heads the unit and works closely with specially-dedicated District Attorney Investigators.  John Chase is a veteran prosecutor with numerous successes in the prosecution of white collar and violent felonies.
    The Public Integrity Unit supervises the investigation of cases involving corruption of public officials and employees in their official capacities or in the performance of their duties.  It also initiates criminal charges when appropriate, generally by grand jury indictment. These crimes include theft, embezzlement or misappropriation of public funds; and removal, alteration, destruction or falsification of public records. The unit also enforces the provisions of the Political Reform Act, relating to campaign filings and practices, and the Elections Code. The unit reviews issues relating to the open public meeting law (Brown Act).
    I believe that Adlai E. Stevenson said: “Public confidence in the integrity of the Government is indispensable.” I share his opinion.

    Yours truly,

    Jeff Rosen

    • Santa
      I don’t question your allegations however posting online anonymously will no doubt fall on deaf ears.

      If you have evidence of illegal activity by public officials present it to the District Attorney’s office.

      I have full confidence in SCC DA’s office.  If you are not comfortable locally perhaps another reader can advise how to contact State or Federal prosecutors.

  15. FBI investigates Public Corruption.  The follow is an excerpt from their web site:

    “Public corruption poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. It impacts everything from how well our borders are secured and our neighborhoods protected…to verdicts handed down in courts…to the quality of our roads, schools, and other government services. And it takes a significant toll on our pocketbooks, wasting billions in tax dollars every year.

    The FBI is singularly situated to combat this corruption, with the skills and capabilities to run complex undercover operations and surveillance.”

    FBI San Francisco
    450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94102-9523
    Phone: (415) 553-7400
    Fax: (415) 553-7674
    E-mail: [email protected]

  16. “Santa Claus Sat, Jan 28, 2012 – 11:47 am

    So it is ok for the Mayor and Madison Nguyen to parade around their candidate at a city santioned event with city workers attending, but not ok for Campos to send an email wishing the same city workers a Happy Holiday and he is publicy scolded. Where is the city manager, Deb Figone, on this one? The silence is deafening. It seems as long as one is willing to suck up to Reed it is pretty much anything goes and a blind eye is turned by fellow council members (with a few exception), our city manager, city attorney, and even district attorney. We have city council members who have committed theft and been caught red handed, possible workers compensation fraud, and now flagrant campaign violations, and not a word is said. Just amazing.”
    You could share your concerns with California DOJ

    CA Department of Justice
    4949 Broadway
    Sacramento, CA 95817
    (916) 263-4887

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