There are enough candidates for mayor of San Jose to field a football team with a few water boys, but no one entrant should expect the blessing of Mayor Chuck Reed just yet. With a year left on his final term, the mayor’s five pension reform supporters on the City Council—a.k.a. The B Team—are all vying to drag their files over to the 18th floor’s corner office, and he needs their support to gets things done. Councilman Sam Liccardo has created the most early buzz, no doubt fueled by his massive kickoff party downtown. Some observers are very interested to know how much he paid—or didn’t pay—for that shindig at SP2, which will become public at the end of January. In noted contrast, councilman Pete Constant and Pierluigi Oliverio have barely moved the needle in their campaign efforts. Constant has been out of town much of the last month dealing with family issues, but there is yet again growing chatter that his wife, Julie, a Campbell school boarder, might run for his termed-out seat. As they say, the couple that campaigns together—actually, we’re not sure what they say. Oliverio announced on his Facebook page that he would forgo soliciting campaign contributions in December out of respect for the holidays, which his friends and supporters should see only as a temporary gift. Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen is looking to mend fences with old foes—though she doesn’t stand to get labor’s endorsement, even if county supe Dave Cortese fails to make it to the runoff. And despite Rose Herrera’s late entry and unclear backing, there’s always the chance she could erode Cortese’s Evergreen support base. Regardless, Mayor Reed is expected to wait until after the primary to throw a shoulder behind one of his allies—which in recent election cycles hasn’t been quite the political kiss of death it once was. At least that’s what Charles “Chappie” Jones hopes.
Mayor Reed Sits out Mayor’s Race for Now
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San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed is not expected to endorse a candidate to succeed him until after the primary.
Chappie Jones?
Now that’s funny. Anyone being supported by Reed is simply more of the same. Even an ostrich raises his head from his hole if he feels enough rain on his back. Although in Reed’s camp, it’s more likely to be someone relieving themselves on the ostriche’s back and just telling them it’s raining.
Looking forward to Rufus’ support of Land Barron Liccardo.
Good point by Absolutist. Or he is just unable to make a wise decision ????
I don’t think it’s that. I think he is not wanting to alienate any of the other council members. He needs their support for the next year, so he can’t show his hand this soon. We all know that it’s gonna be sam.
It’s time to put Rose in the spotlight and have her explain why on the last Council meeting in June, she voted to forgive a $600,000 loan to Downtown Charter Prep, a school in which her son David Herrera is the founding principal. This is an obvious and glaring conflict of interest, and clearly demonstrates that she has severe ethical deficiencies.
And these should be no doubt that Mayor Reed was aware of this.
Well Engineer you have mentioned this once or twice and no one at SJI has taken the bait sooooooo…. I did.
Attention Josh, here is is, all the ground work, all the references in a nice neat package (which I am posting on the MW fb page and maybe even on the MW blog in case it gets lost in the SJI black hole of information about folks SJI likes)
(1) Rose Herrera Bio Identifies David Herrera as son and principal at Cesar Chavez School in EPA
(2) David Herrera Class of 1997 Stanford Alumni news:
David Herrera ’97 (Psychology) served as principal at Cesar Chavez School in East Palo Alto and was then selected to be founding principal of Downtown College Prep-Alum Rock, a charter school in San Jose. (2012)
(3) Councilmember Herrera (picture of Proud Mom) with Son David Herrera in unrelated SJI posting
(4) Memo to Mayor Reed and Council recommending forgiving $600k loan dated 6/5/2013
(5) City Council Meeting Minutes 6/13/2013 Item 2.29
Action: Upon motion by Council Member Herrera, seconded by Vice Mayor Nguyen and
carried, the Seventh Amendment to the $600,000 Line of Credit Agreement between the
City and Across the Bridge Foundation to forgive $200,000 each year that Downtown
College Preparatory adds an additional grade level at the Alum Rock campus, was
approved. (9-2. Noes: Constant, Rocha.)
(6) Status of Mayor and City Council Refferals to the Proposed 2013-2014 Operating Budget (see page 7)