The votes have been counted—most of them anyway—and it's time to reflect on all that went into the 2014 Midterm elections. But before we do that, here's a collection of photos from a make-or-break night for some local politicos.
- Mayor Chuck Reed and his merry council of pension reformers showed out for Chappie Jones, second from the right.
- Campbell Mayor Evan Low, left, continued his fast track up the political ladder by routing Chuck Page for a State Assembly seat.
- Supporters of Raul Peralez wait on the man of the hour—and election results. (Photo by Brian Kirskey)
- Larry Stone said he walked door-to-door for 20 hours for Sam Liccardo—in the snow, with no shoes; you kids just don’t understand. (Photo by Brian Kirskey)
- No one tells a diddy like former San Jose Mayor Tom McEnery. (Photo by Brian Kirskey)
- Sam Liccardo and his wife, Jessica Garcia-Kohl, were all smiles on Election Night last year. (File Photo by Brian Kirksey)
- Sam Liccardo felt no pain as he soaked in what looked like a slim victory in the San Jose mayor’s race. (Photo by Brian Kirksey)
- Dominic Caserta was kind of huggy after winning a seat on the Santa Clara City Council. (Photo by Rodriguez Studios)
- Susan Ellenberg celebrates her San Jose school board victory over a two-decade incumbent in perfect fashion. (Photo by Rodriguez Studios)
- Jim Cunneen takes what must have been a very important phone call. (Photo by Rodriguez Studios)
- San Jose Councilman Ash Kalra enjoys himself, as he did not have anything riding on Election Night. (Photo by Rodriguez Studios)
- Cindy Chavez and Dave Cortese take a moment to enjoy Election Night. (Rodriguez Studios)
- Two points behind at the end of the night, Dave Cortese played the part of unsure winner. (Photo by Rodriguez Studios)
- Raul Peralez shows off his Gavin Newsom hair as he goes from copper to councilman. (Photo by Dan Pulcrano)
- Jim Unland snaps a photo at Raul Peralez’ Election Night party. (Photo by Dan Pulcrano)
- Raul Peralez, left, standing beside his parents, easily won San Jose’s District 3 council seat. (Photo by Dan Pulcrano)
- San Jose might have to get used to Sam Liccardo’s patented guffaw. (Photo by Brian Kirskey)
- Don Gagliardi didn’t have to turn on the red light. Voters did. (Photo by Josh Koehn)
That picture right there is the circle of death (For San Jose)
Wait till the County Council Investigators tell you what they found when they paid an unannounced visit to the IT Election guy who fled after the investigators show up. He went to the restroom and never came back leaving a note saying “This is my resignation”.
I don’t think that’s true. From what I have read, he resigned the day before the election. Maybe he was just so burned out that he couldn’t take another election; however, having 20 years on the job and just abruptly quitting is a huge mystery. It will be interesting to find out what actually happened.
Wait till the election fix is uncovered after you know who fled at the end of the election day and the County Councils Investigators visited the IT GUY at the election office. Remember Chicago and the voting machines that switched selections to the democrat? How many elections have been rigged in San Jose?