District Attorney: When can we have tea with the Asian guys?

Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen actively courted political fundraiser Christopher Schumb, the same person he’s now prosecuting for allegedly illegally raising funds for his political rival, Sheriff Laurie Smith.

The revelation is contained in a motion filed Monday morning by Schumb’s defense attorney, John Joseph Wall Jr., to have the district attorney removed from the case because of what he contends are conflicts of interest.

The motion’s exhibits contain some of what Wall says are 224 emails exchanged over the course of several years between Schumb and the DA.

In one email, Rosen asks Schumb to arrange a lunch with car wash and winery owner Frank Dorsa, whom the DA hopes will host a fundraiser at his Los Gatos estate, an idyllic 42-acre Old World vineyard with terraced rolling hills.

Calling the now-indicted attorney “a good and generous person,” Rosen asked in a 2013 email, “Also, when can we have tea with the Asian guys?”—an apparent reference to restaurant supply company owner and tea aficionado Victor Duong.

Three years later, Rosen asked again, according to emails Schumb provided, suggesting reciprocity for a past donation.

“The Victor that sells Restaurant Supplies,” Rosen wrote. “The guy where we go for Chinese New Year Lunch. The guy who had that big party several months ago for the Benevolent Society he supports for the immigrants who came from where he did. I have gone to several events for that Victor, and I would really like him to step up for me.”

One email details Schumb’s efforts to advise Rosen on restoring a vintage watch for which parts are no longer available.

Another has Rosen asking Schumb for help in buying tickets to a One Direction concert for a friend’s daughter. (The DA was careful to point out he wasn’t asking for free tickets.)

And one email includes Rosen’s suggestion that Schumb join him for lunch and help him “do a little dialing for dollars.”

A May 8, 2016, exchange thanks Schumb for his political support.

Dear Chris,
It was great having lunch and making phone calls with you yesterday.
I had a lot of fun.
Here Is the email and flyer for the re-election campaign barbecue. Please send this to your friends and associates. Thank you very much for strongly supporting my re-election.

The motion contains a declaration by Schumb in which he describes a worsening relationship in 2018 between the sheriff and the district attorney over the latter’s desire to have unrestricted access to recorded telephone calls by jail inmates.

The final exhibit is a seven-page, single spaced Jan. 8, 2019, memorandum from Rosen arguing his position on the call monitoring issue.

Just 75 days earlier, the Santa Clara County Public Safety Alliance—an independent expenditure committee supporting Smith’s re-election—filed a public disclosure of AS Solution manager Martin Nielsen’s $45,000 contribution.

Shortly thereafter, the DA’s public integrity unit began its investigation.

The Fly is the valley’s longest running political column, written by Metro Silicon Valley staff, to provide a behind-the-scenes look at local politics. Fly accepts anonymous tips.


  1. This is a non story. Just another example of the media trying to make a big deal over nothing. Shame on you.

  2. “Also, when can we have tea with the Asian guys?”
    “The Victor that sells Restaurant Supplies,”
    “The guy where we go for Chinese New Year Lunch.”
    “The guy who had that big party several months ago for the Benevolent Society he supports for the immigrants who came from where he did.”

    My, what a warm person. The absence of actual names in his correspondence reads like the transcripts from a mob wire tap. Of course, the mobsters would be more colorful, with references to The Green Tea Gang, Pots ‘n Pans, The Noodle Pusher, and Saint Party Boy.

    It seems the only thing he bothers to remember about people is what they’ve done for him. What a perfect politician.

  3. Remember that time when Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen got caught making fun of an employee with disabilities? Well…. Enjoy the video folks….


    Sounds like we know who the real problem is here in Santa Clara County.

    This is a prime example of the “The Pot Calling the Kettle Black”

    Opppssss….. Almost forgot…. Remember that time when the Attorney General of California was looking into Jeffrey Francis Rosen as far as government corruption?? Ole Rosen got caught red handed but somehow he was able to make that go away?? I believe it was Kamala Harris at the time doing the investigation…. Friends in high places??

    Pay the money back and the charges go away?? That’s not how your office play’s ball….

    Who broke the window?? Telling the truth is not going to be easy Jeff!!! Good luck with that….

  4. > The title of this story is EVIL VERSUS EVIL. Recall Jeff Rosen

    Dear FEXXY:

    You’re obviously much more of justice system insider than I am.

    I’m just a humble outsider and an inconsequential little pissant.

    Such being the case, would you be so kind as to undertake a research project for the good of humanity and for civilization?

    Could you ask around and report back if Jeff Rosen is one of the “George Soros” DIstrict Attorneys who are currently wreaking havoc in places like Seattle, Minneapolis, and St. Louis?

    Also, who are the likely candidates to oppose Rosen, and which of them are Soros surrogates?

    Rosen may be a lizard and a reptile, but I fear that there may very well be worse specimens in the swamp.

    Thank you in advance for your service.

  5. I’m just so tired of the FRAT BOY culture in this city. If these cheeseballs want to Bro-Out , they need to stop doing it on the dime and emotional energy of the tax payers. Long before this came out, I suspected that Schumb was doing unethical handlings of all those teacher cases with CTA. Let’s hope that gets investigated too. With Rosen in office, it’s not likely there will be any real progress of learning up this corruption.

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