San Jose City Council OKs Mask Mandate in Unanimous Vote

Despite protests by anti-mask activists that briefly disrupted Tuesday's San Jose City Council meeting, the council unanimously approved a mandate that would require attendees of events with 50 or more people at city-owned facilities to show proof of vaccination.

The mandate was proposed by Mayor Sam Liccardo and will impact attendees and staff at facilities like the SAP Center, San Jose McEnery Convention Center and the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts.

“This action will reduce the risk of 'super spreader' events in our community that can dramatically increase infections and hospitalizations,” Liccardo said in a statement. “We must listen to the science and the data, and right now, the data clearly tells us that vaccination provides our safety path to the other side of this pandemic.”

Dozens of anti-maskers, who predictably did not wear masks in the council chambers, forced the city council to take a recess as they tried to get unmasked attendees out.

Photos posted on different social media platforms show attendees holding signs that read "my body, my choice," or "What next? Mandating Proof of Vaxx to vote?"

Liccardo has said the mandate would not be effective immediately as venue operators would need time to adjust in order to adhere to the new rule.


  1. Must be a cut and paste problem. Was there a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate or both? We seem to be mixing the two together.

  2. Hey Liccardo, The residents of San Jose would like to impose a mandate upon you, clean up San Jose you schmuck.

  3. It really should be a mask mandate for gatherings of 10 or more. I think that the Council was being generous. Let’s keep in mind that this virus has a death toll in the US of 200 times more than 9/11.

  4. SCC Resident, What does 9/11 have to do with masks, viruses, or overbearing bureaucratic rules?

    The only thing related to 9/11 is the disaster that Feckless, Bumbling Biden has wrought on the hearts & memories of the families that are set to remember the events of 9/11 in a couple weeks. Biden’s chaotic drawdown, for all intensive purposes will be an event which will live in infamy.

    Maybe try some other comparisons:
    Death toll (HighestEst) / Event / Location / Date
    4,000,000 / 1931 China floods / China / July 1931
    2,000,000 / 1887 Yellow River flood / China / Sept 1887
    830,000 / 1556 Shaanxi earthquake / China / Jan 23, 1556
    655,000 / 1976 Tangshan earthquake / China / July 28, 1976
    500,000+ / 1970 Bhola cyclone / Pakistan (now Bangladesh) /Nov 13, 1970
    316,000 / 2010 Haiti earthquake / Haiti / January 12, 2010

    And don’t compare this virus to Famines:
    Rank Death toll Event Location Date
    1. 15,000,000–55,000,000 Great Chinese Famine China 1958–1961
    2. 25,000,000 Chinese famine of 1907 China 1907
    3. 9,000,000–13,000,000 Northern Chinese Famine of 1876–1879 China 1876–1879
    4. 11,000,000 Chalisa famine India 1783–1784
    4. 11,000,000 Doji bara famine or Skull famine India 1789–1793
    6. 10,000,000 Great Bengal famine of 1770, incl. Bihar & Orissa British India 1769–1773
    7. 7,500,000 Great European Famine Europe (all) 1315–1317
    8. 7,400,000 Deccan famine of 1630–1632 Mughal Empire now india 1630–1632
    9. 5,000,000–8,000,000 Soviet famine of 1932–1933 Soviet Union 1932–1933
    10. 5,500,000 Indian Great Famine of 1876–1878 British India 1876–1878

  5. StevenG, more silly ALL CAPS blather.
    OK – then start advocating for IMPEACHING the incompetent, lying, weak Joe Biden who clearly has Blood on his Hands for much more than 1 life from his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

  6. StevenG, So Dull, more ALL CAPs Mis-information. A “Treaty”? “A treaty is a formal ratified agreement, legally binding between actors in international law. It is usually entered into by sovereign states and international organizations.”
    “The term “treaty” as a matter of U.S. Constitutional Law denotes international agreements made by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate in accordance with Article II, section 2 of the Constitution of the United States.”

    No “previous treaty”, an agreement with conditions, which were not being met by the Taliban.

    “The United States and the Taliban signed an AGREEMENT aimed at ending the 18yr war in Afghanistan”

    It is sad for you to say the standing U.S. President is so WEAK & Incompetent as to have “NO SAY” in international affairs, bowing to “RED LINEs” of a terrorist group.

    Now, there was an agreement & treaty with Mexico & Central American Countries regarding irregular immigration and security of the U.S. Southern Border, but our incompetent President had no problem throwing out those agreements and Opening the Southern Border to Millions of (dare I say Unmasked) illegal border crossers during a World-Wide Pandemic – resulting in COVID infected (20% – 40% of migrants tested Positive) non-citizens overwhelming Border Control Personnel and Border towns resulting in certain Spread of a “Dangerous & Deadly” disease throughout the USA.

    Agreement Title: Joint declaration and supplementary agreement regarding irregular migration.
    Signed at Washington June 7, 2019. Entered into force June 7, 2019.

  7. Goldschmuck wasting tax dollars on city time! Get back to work! Bring daddy some coffee up here on the 18th while youre at it!

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