City-Issued White Bronco Seen Fleeing To Mexican Border

SUV Driven by Joe Guerra is Carrying Ron Gonzales

Several dozen CHP Officers have been involved in a low-speed car chase down Hwy 101 since early this morning, apparently trying to stop a city-issued, white Ford Bronco that is being driven by Joe Guerra and carrying Mayor Ron Gonzales.

All the major networks, along with the BBC and Al Jazeera (who preempted a scheduled beheading), have picked up the media feed and are broadcasting live over the protestations of World Cup fans across the globe.

“This should be over soon,” promised an employee at the city garage.  “Joe left his city gas card here.”

Trying to explain their sudden and inexplicable flight, the two people still close to the mayor say that although he seemed frail and distraught after his public flogging on Wednesday, he didn’t seem to “snap” until he was reminded that Forrest Williams had verbally supported him.

“‘O God, I’m through’ were his last reactive words,” said one of those friends.  “He then climbed into the back of his budget director’s car and they raced to the city limits like scorched dogs.”

Several media helicopters have been following the convoy and are providing clear and disturbing images of the mayor cowering in the back seat, holding a resignation letter in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other.  “He has threatened to cut,” said one CHP officer, “so we’re steering clear at this point.”

But the most chilling words were spoken by City Attorney Rick Doyle, when he whispered with a tortured acquiescence “Because they have left the city limits on an unauthorized journey with city property, they are officially fugitives of the law and can be arrested…um…again.”


  1. Can anyone tell us why District Attorney Kennedy waited until after the Primary Election to publish his Criminal Indictment against the Mayor?

  2. It was a dark and stormy night when the Commando Squad of George, Chuck, and Victor, broke into Ronny G’s apartment.  George, worried that his black pants were too tight, “if they can’t fit, we can’t plant the evidence to convict,” while Chucky stood out with his black clothes and red, white, and blue tie.  Having put Victor outside, dressed as a sunnyvale firefighter, and with Darren Seaton dressed as an Oakland gangsta, the two planted all the evidence they needed to get Ron G.

    Next episode, at the Lezotte Hairdresser

  3. I don’t think the DA had a good choice on timing. 

    If he’d published the indictment just before the election, that would have looked just as bad.  Plenty of people would have attacked it as a political attack on Chavez.

    As it stands, people attack it as a political favor to Chavez.  One way or the other someone was going to cry foul.

  4. I want to know who those “two” friends are – it would be easy to say they’re lobbyists, but lobbyists don’t need him anymore.  Golf buddies?  Well some people did still play golf with OJ after the trial, maybe…HP?  I don’t think they will hire him when he is out of office now.  The council?  Well there is still Forrest who seems to idolize the guy.

    You got me.

  5. Dear San Jose:

    The only way to get rid of Gonzales is to recall him.  I know…he’s going to be out anyway, and it would just kick him out two months early…what’s the point?  The point is, this is our city and no one should be able to hold it hostage or disregard the will of the people.  This isn’t funny anymore.  The guy’s a tyrant, and he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. 

    A recall campaign could be orchestrated through this website.  What say you?

    Pete Campbell

  6. Sorry folks, that’s not Gonzo in the white Bronco.  He was spotted at Mineta International rushing through the terminals, pushing people aside and jumping over stacks of luggage.  (He’s simply getting a head start on the July City Council break.)

  7. Pete- You’re right on.  Even if it is a big expense, it would be worth it on principle alone – it would also add an exclamation point to his wonderful career!

    If Gonzales shows up with a bit part in Naked Gun 5, I will start to worry.

  8. Since San Jose is a city of many firsts, I agree with Pete, how about recalling a Mayor seven weeks before he completes his last term in office.  Not only good riddance, but out already!!


    A slow-moving avalanche of paper files, index cards, outdated City Council agenda packets and other public records brought down a portion of the old San Jose City Hall building on North First Street.

    The Thursday morning incident prompted a partial evacuation and the shuttering of dozens of homeless people and two analysts from the County Executive’s Office who were there to locate and review City-County litigation materials.

    No one was injured.

    “Thank God no one was under that, that no one was hurt,’’ said City Attorney Rick Doyle as he viewed the damage.

    At least 100 people and possibly as many as 120 were evacuated from the building after a contract security guard at the entrance and beneath the unstable floor area heard creaking and witnessed the floor fall about two feet, said San Jose Fire Department battalion Chief Mike Boredom.

    “Apparently water from this past winter had been collecting in there for quite some time which rotted out the structural beams and with the weight of this significant amount of paper, resulted in the collapse of the roof,’’ said Boredom.

    Mayor Ron Gonzales’ spokesperson indicated that the Mayor could not be held responsible for the structural failure of the building, since all of the Mayor’s office records were now in the custody of the District Attorney and his attorney Jack Ruby.

    Inspired by:

  10. Come on folks…The OJ/Gonzo comparisons are unfair.

    Gonzo did not actually kill his wife. He only cheated on her with a young staff member.

    Also, let’s be fair to OJ who was charged with two felonies. Gonzo is charged with SIX felonies.

  11. Pete,  #14

    Re:  “This isn’t funny anymore.”

    Yes, a recall campaign probably could be mustered up and the public, save a few loyalists, would probably work to rush it through to beat the end-of-term deadline. 

    But just think of how many years that he and Joe have bossed and marginalized the Council and City staff in the name of “the greater good”.  Now a little justice has found it’s way into their lives and you want end it?

    Come on Pete.  It’s a wake.  Enjoy it.  Good people will go on to do good work and move the city beyond this; but for now let’m have a little fun.  And besides, Ron wants it that way.

    Interesting that Forrest Williams raised the issue of the City’s historic park lynching in defense the Mayor’s innocents, then voted to let him twist in the wind.  Hhhmm.  Saturday Night Live couldn’t write stuff like this. 

    Lighten up, slap back some chard, pop a cold one, the chickens have come home to roost and the fox is no long in charge.

  12. and all the way to the border, Ron was saying, “I am an employee, I get a w-2.  I am protected under California Labor Law. I want to know why the Labor Council hasn’t spoken up on my behalf.”

    “You know Joe,” Ron babbled, “I was elected to be an employee, you weren’t.  You know what that means, don’t you?”

    Joe asked, “have you lost your mind?”

    Where his Security guards were still on payroll at the time or not John?

  13. It sounds like you guys need a Ron Gonzales pinata to get your anger out of your system…Save your energy for November.

    You should start thinking about our next mayor. Who should that be? What will it take to accomplish the task?

  14. Cindy Chavez Potter seems like she would make a fair, ethical mayor.  She has strong leadership abilities.  She has been mayor-in-waiting for enough time now to have learned the ropes.  A great big plus is that she’s not an attorney.  The present council is overloaded with attornies.  She would have the backing of a large ethnic community and she’s not afraid to help out during crisis times such as the Mardi Gras celebrations.  She could be outfitted with a bullet-proof vest, a night stick, handcuffs and a side warm.

  15. From today’s Merc:

    Talking on the radio Friday morning, San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales derided city council members who “fancy themselves as attorneys’’ and could come up with only a “silly’’ punishment, as he responded to the council’s unprecedented rebuke of him two days earlier.

    “After pounding their chests for a week about removing me from office and cutting my budget,’’ Gonzales told Ed Baxter, co-anchor of “KGO Newstalk,’’ on Friday morning, “I think they learned . . . that No. 1, they couldn’t do many of the things they wanted to do.

    “I’m a little surprised, because there are three of my opponents on the council who fancy themselves as attorneys. I’m surprised they didn’t know these things ahead of time.’‘


  16. Let’s get the recall started NOW! This arrogant egomaniac has got to go! The sooner the better. We shouldn’t wait for his term to die a natural death—it’s already dead, he just doesn’t know it. Clearly he is delusional and poses a threat to all of us. Get rid of him now. Start the recall.

  17. I agree with Pete Campbell (#14) and Howard Beale (#29).  Let Ron go down history as the first recalled SJ mayor.  He has been claiming that the people of SJ wants him to stay. 

    Look at the mirror, Ron.  87% of the people in SJ want you out.  You brought so much disgrace to the mayor’s office that only Terry Gregory can compete with you.

  18. Ok ALL,
    I have read all that we have had to say about Ron, Cindy, Chuck and the rest of the council for the past six months.  There will be an election in Nov.and I know one of the most important things we can do is get a qualified mayor elected.  That is if one is running.  What I want to know is, what do each of us plan to do in the future to make San Jose a better city?  What will we do to prevent an other Gonzo type or worse from taking over again?  And please don’t say not voting for Cindy, that is way too easy.  Also how about sharing some examples of what some of us did to stop Gonzo?  The list I am afraid may be short but it is a start. What did we do that worked and what didn’t.  Where did we go wrong, and where did we go right?  What should we do in the future?

  19. Speaking of Norcal and trash, does anyone know how trash pickup works on a holiday?  Tuesday is my trash day.  Will they show up Tuesday, or wait until Wednesday.  If they wait till Wednesday then maybe I will ask the Mayor to bring his SUV over and I can put the trash in it.

  20. Up Yours # 28:  Has Gonzo taken complete leave of his senses?  Has Allen Ruby lost control of his client?  Or were Gonzo’s remarks to Ed Baxter on KGO a cleverly calculated way to get a change of venue motion granted based upon publicity?

    Popular mayors like Chicago’s Daly and Boston’s Curley long before could get away with saying things like that when the wolves were at their door demanding reforms.  They had popular support.

    Gonzo has always been aloof, has had litle popular support, and has never resonated with the people.  The Teamsters was the only union to back him first time around.  I guess he’s paid them back.

    He comes into the SJ Athletic Club in the early a.m., does a “workout” that does not cause him to break a sweat, speaks to no-one most of the time, and leaves to go back to his little love nest to shower off.

    But he blasts away on KGO.  Why?  Perhaps to win a change of venue motion to one of the 56 counties in California where no-one has ever heard of him by claiming he can’t get a fair trial here.

  21. SJ Bus Journal –

    The indictment, however, says that during the meeting Mr. Gonzales “suggested to Norcal that they would really like to see (the recycling facility) be a Teamster shop and asked whether Norcal could make that happen. When told by Norcal that using Teamsters would cost an estimated $2 million more per year than originally proposed, and that Norcal would have to be made whole for this additional expense, (Mr.) Gonzales suggested that if Norcal made that happen, they would make Norcal whole.”

    The proposed contract guaranteed that all of the existing workers would keep their jobs, but federal law prevents a city from mandating what union can represent workers. The city is making the same worker retention requirement part of the next recycling contract, for which bids are now under review.

  22. Why is it so quiet on Cindy’s front?  I would like to hear what Don G. and Lisa J. have to say about all of this. Before we get into the heat of the election and evryone srarts spinning let’s talk.

  23. Change of venue?  Given the facts, Gonzo will not get much sympathy anywhere in California. The public cannot stand politicians that throw taxpayer money away.  They will hang something on him one way or another.  His best chance is to use his spot as Mayor as a chit and get a break from the DA. In the meantime, Gonzo wil continue to burn through his own personal funds “defending” himself.  The ultimate loser is Cindy Potter who will continue, correctly, to be associated with Gonzo as she continues to run as a “reform” candidate.

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