Avila Announces Assembly Bid

Roy Avila, the community affairs guy at KICU, yesterday announced his campaign for State Assembly District 23. His letter follows:

Friends and Colleagues,
Through our work in the community together many of you have mentioned that I should run for office someday. Well, I have decided to take your advice: I am running for State Assembly in 2010 here in San Jose, the 23rd District.

The first event of my campaign exploratory committee is next week. We’re celebrating its inception and (of course) Cinco de Mayo. I hope to see you there so we can get together and jumpstart the campaign that will be kicked off publicly in June. 

Helping our community has always been my passion. I got to do it in my Public Affairs position with KICU and in working with people like you. Now I’d like to do it on the state level, combating record deficits, a struggling economy and the hardships felt by local communities but given out by the people in Sacramento and Washington.

So I hope to see you next week to start thinking of ways to help our community, our state and our country. Again, the date is Tuesday, May 5th, 6pm to 10pm at 180 Restaurant and Fondue Lounge (15 1/2 North Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA, 95030). 

Please feel free to share the news with friends and family. Your help will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Roy Avila is a just a kissy poo candidate with no real agenda for the 23rd.  He has never been to the Central Committee, has no interest in the party, and cannot even hold a fund raiser in the district.  I will give Paul Fong the following piece of respect, he chose to be active in the district, did work for the party for years, and did work with people in the district.  Avila has lost the campaign already.

  2. If Nora decides to run, Roy Avila should save his money for retirement. He wouldn’t stand a chance.

    And, Roy, when you’re campaigning to represent East San Jose, it’s probably not the best idea to kick-off your campaign in Los Gatos.

  3. LOL CENTRAL COMMITTEE!? Yea, lets make every potential candidate kiss their ass while they beg for our money and promise results but deliver nothing.


    Looks like he’s doing exploratory committee and just trying to raise some funds in my opinion. Waaaaaaaaaay too early to call anything here, anyone who does is just being ignorant. Nora is a joke.

    May the best candidate win that can convince the people.

  4. Perhaps D5er best explained why Avila is having his kickoff campaign in far away Los Gatos – for a State Assembly seat for the East San Jose area. 

    As an old colleague of mine would have said, Avila is clearly going for the green fuel here.  Not the kind that benefits the environment – the kind that runs political campaigns.  Remember that Los Gatos is the home of some of the Valley’s rich and powerful – including a certain President and CEO popular for leading sales tax ballot measures, particularly for transportation.

    Were I an East San Jose resident, Avila’s campaign kickoff outside District 23 would make me suspicious of his true reasons for wanting Coto’s seat.  It would have me seek whoever his opponents are – particularly independent and third-party candidates – and what they have to offer.

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