Wearing masks and trying to remain six feet apart, demonstrators armed with buckets of white paint took to Empire and 13th streets opposite San Jose’s Backesto Park the morning of Independence Day.
Kneeling and passing paint trays and rollers, the artist-activists, including many children, outlined and painted the words “Black Lives Matter” over the pavement of the quiet residential street. In the windows of many houses surrounding the park hung signs emblazoned with the same slogan—some skillfully drawn in permanent marker, others embellished with crayon drawings.

Organizers made sure attendees stuck to public health protocols, staying several feet apart and using hand sanitizer as much as possible. (Photo by Amani Hamed)
The protest was organized by BLACK Outreach (short for Black Liberation and Collective Knowledge Outreach), which formed after the murder of George Floyd.
Co-organizer LaToya Fernandez—founder of Youth Hype, a community based nonprofit that empowers young people in San Jose—said the event was also held in solidarity with the family of Anthony Nunez, who was killed by San Jose police on July 4, 2016.
“Black families in this community requested this mural be put here in response to the city saying that they’re not going to defund the police, they’re not going to allocate money to the Black community to bring us out of the oppression that we’ve been in for so long in this community,” Fernandez told KCBS in an interview at the event.
Officials from San Jose’s Department of Transportation did not authorize the mural, and it’s unclear at this point whether the city plans to keep it.

The event was geared toward kids and families. (Photo by Amani Hamed)
Two of the organizers with BLACK Outreach, who asked to remain anonymous, said that this protest differed greatly from the initial marches in downtown San Jose. “We’re definitely trying to do more stuff to get families and everybody involved, things that are kid friendly,” one organizer said.
In addition to the family-oriented activity of painting, the protest was also enlivened by free food, a poetry reading, and live music.
Organizers said BLACK Outreach is in the process of setting up a film screening, hoping to use Westwind Capitol Drive-In as a venue in order to encourage physical distancing. BLACK Outreach has organized nearly 30 protests to date, from marches in downtown at the height of the unrest following George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis cops, to art events, a youth night, a history night and an event highlighting Black trans lives.
“We’re all the same community, whether you’re one year old or a hundred years old. We have the same fight, the same oppression, same struggle,” a second BLACK Outreach organizer said. “So the only way we’re going to get things changed is to do it together.”

The slogan that inspired the mural was ubiquitous at the event, on T-shirts and posted up in windows of many houses in the neighborhood. (Photo by Amani Hamed)
The Fourth of July street-painting protest was also supported by HERO Tent (Human Empowerment for Radical Optimism), which supplies food, water, and first aid supplies. At the Backesto Park protest, a volunteer, who also asked to remain anonymous, offered hand sanitizer to protesters. The volunteer said this relaxed protest atmosphere and community spirit is something San Jose has been missing.

Score of children attended the morning protest. (Photo by Amani Hamed)
“I’m all about it. I really support it, I think this is exactly what the community needs,” she told San Jose Inside. “We need this kind of support in our community, it’s something I’m really passionate about.”
The HERO Tent volunteer called the family-oriented protest an “outlet of positivity.”
In addition to the protest in San Jose, which also partnered with a “unity march” which would join the Backesto Park group from City Hall, HERO Tent volunteers said they also planned to volunteer at partner protests in Oakland and Santa Cruz.
“This is a community effort, we are a team, we’re one, we just want to make art and get some progress made,” she said.
While drawing attention to the Black Lives Matter cause and their mission to defund the police, BLACK Outreach organizers highlighted the importance of bringing young and old together. “Even in the Bible it says that ‘they call us young because we’re strong, we call them old because they’re wise.’ If we can get the strong and the wise together, we can’t lose,” an organizer said.
BLACK Outreach plans to continue organizing protests throughout the continued shelter-in-place order, encouraging participants to wear masks and planning events in a way that allows for physical distancing.
> Activists Paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ on San Jose Street
Willful ignorance.
“Black Lives Matter” is NOT a pro-black group, it’s a Marxist group.
Try saying “All Black Lives Matter”. You’ll get a load of hate back in your face.
"Black Lives Matter LESS THAN Marxist LIves Matter"
SJOutsideThe Bubble- I have noticed your name on many threads. Inevitably you link movements you do not agree with and which you do not know much about as Marxists or Communist. This is an old record from the past, specifically from the 50s and 60s. Time to educate yourself about other people and their lives..
> Inevitably you link movements you do not agree with and which you do not know much about as Marxists or Communist.
Oh, goodie!
A Marxism expert.
Please explain what a Marxist is. Millennials probably don’t know.
They probably think it’s some agrarian reformer who likes parades with giant posters of heroic leaders and lots of tanks.
The Founders of BLM claimed it was a Marxist movement, not Bubbles.
Susan …I bet you would be totally suprised to find out that Outside the Bubble is an angry old white man who lives in Almaden , who is not allowed to post on Next-door and believes that politicians and elected officials read his comments…. true story!
You don’t agree with Bubble’s position so you attempt to belittle him? How very progressive of you. Is that what you teach your children to do when they don’t agree with someone?
> and believes that politicians and elected officials read his comments…. true story!
I have long ago recognized that politicians and elected officials DO NOT read my comments.
I’m pretty much of a tiny little inconsequential pissant.
I learned that before the French Revolution the peasantry actually had a lot of freedom of speech. That’s because the aristocracy didn’t care squat about what the peasantry thought or said about anything. They were just tiny little inconsequential pissants.
“The Duke de Foie Gras sur L’ Hors d’Oeuvre is a jackass and a pedophile!”.
“Driver, run over that scum.”
San Jose Inside is kind of like an internet era padded room. People who don’t matter can say things that “real people of consequence” feel empowered to ignore.
> A Marxism expert.
> Please explain what a Marxist is. Millennials probably don’t know.
Susan? Are you still there? You seem to have disappeared.
The millennials and GenX’ers are eagerly awaiting your explanation of what a “Marxist” is.
Millennials and GenX’ers missed the Twentieth Century which probably could be characterized as “The Century of Marxism”.
Stuff like:
— the Bolshevik Revolution
— the “Great Terror”
— the Ukrainian famine
— the Gulags
— the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop Pact
— Stalinism
— the Cold War
— Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
— the Venona Papers
— Mao-ism
— the Little Red Book
— the “Cultural Revolution”
— the Chinese famine
— the Korean War
— the Korean famine
— Dien Bien Phu
— the Vietnam War
— “the Killing Fields”
— AntiFA
— Black Lives Matter
So, what’s a “Marxist”?
Do “Marxists” ever engage in “peaceful protests” or “peaceful rioting” or “peaceful looting”?
How do you tell that “peaceful looters” and “peaceful rioters” are NOT Marxists?
How many people who are protesting, supporting the protesters, or are even so much as tweeting #BlackLivesMatter do you believe are firmly and explicitly advocating for Marxism?
The protests around the country are about as decentralized from any unifying organization or leadership as it gets, for better or worse. No doubt, there are people who advocate for the BLM movement who are critical of capitalism to some extent, but for whatever “BLM group” you claim to be Marxist, I strongly question the extent that you believe that they have actual unifying power over the specific themes and messages of nationwide protests.
Let people protest against police brutality and institutionalized racism, for chrissakes. Or at least let people paint a mural on the ground without decrying it as Marxist propaganda.
These people need to get a real job.
Amen. I mean, who has the time to start multiple “community based non-profits”?
> “community based non-profits”?
“non-profit” = failed business
People that don’t work for a living.
Only they have the time for this nonsense.
Dude. It’s a story of people painting a street. On the 4th of July. On a Saturday.
Did they start both of the non-profit organizations that Saturday as well?
I’m pretty sure there was a little more to the story than painting the street. But maybe I’m wrong.
How’s this related to them needing to find a job?
> Dude. It’s a story of people painting a street. On the 4th of July. On a Saturday.
Dude. Streets don’t need to be painted.
They need to have the potholes filled.
Why didn’t the “activists” just do something useful for the community and fill the potholes?
The most destructive element affecting black people in San Jose has been the political left, who’ve somehow convinced many of them to look back at the misfortune and tragedy of their ancestors instead of looking forward at the great opportunities surrounding them. During the last forty years, while they opted for clenched fists, unending complaints, and endless demands, they apparently failed to notice how one group of dirt poor, traumatized refugees focused on education and only-in-America opportunities and turned what could’ve been a great tragedy of displacement into a tremendous story of success.
Personal Effort Matters
I’m not sure if I understand. The recent focus on racial issues that liberals have been pushing hasn’t been on the centuries of slavery, decades of Jim Crow Laws and disenfranchisement, and legalized segregation of our country’s history, but the police killing unarmed civilians in 2020.
Political activism against unjust causes is not mutually exclusive with appreciation for the growth in equitable opportunities. I can’t understand how one’s protest against what’s unethical and unjust logically implies that they must also take what’s good and just in the world for granted. This reasoning sounds like “You’re complaining? Don’t you know that *good* things exist?”
If the movement is about “Police Brutality” then why did BLM pull down a statue of Fredrick Douglas over the weekend? Why have statues of Washington and Columbus and everyone in-between been pulled down? Why is the flag burned and walked on at the protests? Why is there kneeling at the national anthem?
BLM is a self proclaimed Marxist movement that funds the Democrat Party and they are organizing the protests while advocating Marxism. Don’t believe me, look for yourself, they are not hiding it. They are proud of it.
How is this really about Black Lives when blacks are getting slaughtered in Democrat Stronghold cities? The same Democrats that BLM send all there money too?
Maybe, just maybe, The Democrats (the party of the Confederacy, the party of the KKK, the party of Jim Crow, etc.) are using ignorant minorities (kids stuck in intercity schools by Democrats, kids denied vouchers by Democrats, Teachers Unions that solely back Democrats) to advance their own objectives (planed parenthood killing millions of black babies created and backed by Democrats, Welfare dependency created and constantly used by Democrats) to TRICK blacks and all minorities into believing that they are the party for minorities. It’s been going on for two hundred years and the plight of the black family has not gotten better has it?
What if, just what if, we voted out the Democrats? What does anyone have to loose or gain? Can it get worse if we do? Can it get better?
Didn’t say the movement was about police brutality – was referring to the relative political focus by liberals that Phu Tan Elli referred to. In all fairness, we’re both broadly generalizing there, so it’s kind of a moot point.
I don’t deny that there are some number of Marxist of the BLM movement, but the extent to which they represent any significant leadership or driving force is incredibly questionable, as I mentioned in another comment. The disconnectedness of the movement across cities around the country, with no clear leadership or rallies around a centralized organization makes any centralized ideology over any issues other than reducing systemic racial discrimination or police brutality incredibly difficult. How do Marxists control the politics of protesters, supporters of protesters, or activists who so much as tweet #BlackLivesMatter? All this aside, I’m not sure why the burden of finding evidence for your argument is my responsibility. It’s your argument.
Your vague mention of the general deaths of black people is completely irrelevant to this topic – it’s a red herring. Additionally, your reasoning boils down to “Your protest about X can’t really be about X, because Y exists.” By this reasoning, no one should ever be able to protest or complain about anything, ever, as long as… some bad thing exists in the world.
Your conspiracy theories about the Democratic party are as unsubstantiated by evidence as they are generalized. I’m not even sure how to respond.
Thanks for your lack of thought and effort, and for telling me what my points I am trying to make.
As I have been told for years, “Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”. Since what you posted is idiotic, I am going to heed that advice.
Your sarcastic thanks and personal insults are unwarranted. If you think I’ve misrepresented your arguments, you’re welcome to elaborate your point and correct my misinterpretation.
As it stands, my arguments remain that the claim that “BLM is a Marxist movement” is not one that’s supported by evidence or reasoning, and that references to “black people getting slaughtered” has no relevancy to the topic of the SJ mural. Personal insults are not a logical substitute for a rational counterargument.
Informative read, but long. You can skip to the summary in the last paragraph if you don’t have the time.
I guess my last post was censored out (because of the source perhaps?), but there are plenty more examples out there.
That you don’t understand was made obvious by your claim about what liberals have not been pushing.
Slavery has been pushed in schools and media to the point of producing deep emotional wounds in people who not only never experienced enslavement but have never known anyone who did. So deep has the message been drilled there is now a widespread belief, by brainwashed young Americans of all colors, that reparations are owed.
Disenfranchisement has been kept on the front burner through drumbeat campaigns against voter suppression, the definition of which has degenerated into hearing echoes of Jim Crow in calls for voter ID.
Segregation has had its historical meaning turned on its head, from the intended effect of systematized separation (under Jim Crow) to the consequences of individuals exercising free choice (which often means clustering according to race, wealth, language, religion). Liberals have exploited this natural human behavior to convince inner-city Blacks that their unsafe schools and filthy, crime-ridden neighborhoods are the result of something done to them by Whites.
If you believe there is nothing political in people collectively grieving, protesting, and rioting in response to the killing of an unarmed citizen then explain why, when the victim is white — which occurred twice as many times in 2019 — the reaction is an apolitical call for justice?
The basis of your reasoning seems to be that people shouldn’t feel sympathy or remorse for tragedy or unjust human experiences as long as they have neither personally experienced, nor known anyone who has experienced, the same thing. By this reasoning, we’d never be able to relate to anyone’s suffering who we don’t already know.
Comparisons to Jim Crow laws aside, voter ID laws *do* disproportionately impact racial minority groups in various states, as the assumption that people across all geographic regions have equitable and reliable access to acquiring a voter ID is not a solid assumption. Factors such as the closure of voting areas, and a lack of public transport can also compound this assumption. If given the choice to make voting more, less, or equally difficult, there is no reason to choose the option that results in a government that represents the people less. Especially when the general reason for advocating for voter ID laws – maintaining the security of elections from domestic voter fraud – is demonstrably a non-issue. No one who has complained about voter fraud has offered any substantial evidence or reasoning.
I’m curious why you mention schools, because those seem to be the strongest case of “hey, white people did this”. People are alive today who have received education from racially-segregated black-only schools; schools that have not received the same financial or social support as their white-only counterparts. You off-handedly mention liberals arguing for reparations, but a school starting out with significantly less funding than another school could ever hope to get on equal ground as its counterparts, if they both got the same amount of funding.
I’m confused by your last question. What is an “apolitical call for justice?” I don’t understand. You’re welcome to protest against any injustice that you want to.
The basis of my reasoning is that one shouldn’t walk with a limp because great-grandpa lost a leg in the war. As for people feeling sympathy and remorse, check again, I didn’t use those words or imply those sentiments. Is your reading comprehension impaired by your politics or just your desperation to win a point?
If you believe people in this country can’t get ID, or that voter fraud is a non-issue, then you’re too deeply submerged in the leftist muck to be reached by any means.
Unequal funding can produce unequal results, but financial disparity is nowhere near as certain to impair the learning process as is the combination of unmotivated students, disinterested parents, and uncivilized behavior. No amount of funding or compassionate intervention can cure what’s wrong with the nation’s worst schools for the same reason that nothing can cure children raised without structure, discipline, and expectations.
You ask, “What is an apolitical call for justice.” Rather than try to explain it, let me give you a for instance: what if everyone outraged by the Floyd death voiced a civilized demand for a thorough and unbiased investigation, along with an insistence the defendants be afforded the presumption of innocence and the right to due process. Is that so foreign a concept to you that it escapes your understanding?
I agree that people shouldn’t figuratively walk with a limp for things that they haven’t done wrong. I don’t understand your argument that people are “limping” or are “emotionally wounded” by slavery being “pushed in schools and by media”. How is this a significant problem?
I don’t understand your personal judgment call for specifically addressing your argument about voter ID’s. “If you think that, you’re entrenched in leftist muck” is neither a rational nor compelling argument. In the meantime, a Heritage report found 1,285 proven cases of voter fraud for elections dating back to 1980. (https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud) 100 million votes were counted in the last election, alone. I’m failing to understand why this issue is significant enough to warrant voter ID laws.
I think we can agree that improved motivation and behavior by students and parents absolutely have a strong effect on the outcome of childrens’ education. I support initiatives that identify the causes of low student/parent motivation and offer solutions. That’s not mutually exclusive with identifying schools created in segregated climates and adjusting funding accordingly.
Aren’t the people protesting demanding that of Floyd’s killer now? They’re demanding that he go through the justice system and be tried for a crime, just like anyone else. They also happen to be calling attention to numerous police encounters, where that presumption of “innocent until proven guilty” was not applied to Brianna Wu, Fernando Castile, and Eric Garner, whose lives were taken without due process. They’re calling attention to police policies and contributing factors that make these occurrences more likely to happen, in the same way that poor student motivation makes a poor education likely to happen.
Why do you keep telling other people what they are trying to say? You are framing your own argument to the extent others cannot converse with you. You’re having your own argument with yourself.
That question was for Pat.
That you reject the notion that young people can be seriously affected by story (accurate, exaggerated, falsified) flies in the face of history, common sense, and social science. Hate, fear, and resentment resonate within developing minds naturally (according to the demands of tribalism), and if you are blind to its presence in today’s quick-to-hysteria black communities then I suggest you investigate the historic roots of the Albanian-Serbian conflict, where skin color played no part.
That statistic you supplied regarding voter fraud was impressive indeed. Imagine, in a nation where voters are not required to provide credible identification some statistics indicate little fraud (while others support the reverse). Your argument reminds me of what happened to the welfare fraud deniers after Alameda County began fingerprinting recipients and experienced an immediate 10% reduction in claims.
As for school funding, what you propose is one of either two possible solutions: increase taxes to bring the bottom to the top, or subtract funds from the top to elevate the bottom. Neither is feasible, but what’s worse is the underlying assumption that equal results are possible. To believe that requires a mighty big gulp of the Kool-aid. People who neglect to civilize their children (a make ready for learning requirement), take no interest in education, and blame all their problems on others are really dumb people, and dumb people are almost certain to have really dumb children.
Lastly, police arrest and gather facts. District attorneys charge. The presumption of innocence is extended to persons charged with a crime. Cops making shoot/don’t shoot decisions act on their perception of peril (to themselves or the community). Sometimes they don’t get it right and people complain and sometimes they get it right and people complain. The reactions to the Floyd death that you describe as “they’re calling attention” have caused much heartache and incalculable destruction to our society. Your disingenuously choice of words makes me want to call attention to your poor character.
I don’t reject the idea that people can be effected by stories. Perhaps we can agree that people have been emotionally effected by America’s history with slavery and systemic discrimination, in a similar way that they’re effected by the recent death of George Floyd. My question remains unanswered: How is this a significant problem? People are mad about racism. That sounds like a thing that people should be mad about.
Do you agree that voter fraud is not an issue? You claim “others support the reverse”, but only one of us has submitted corroborating evidence to our claims.
Your assertion about taxes is a false binary. There are far more options than these two vague scenarios you describe. Existing budgets can be reallocated from certain programs to others. Government budgets can be made more efficiently. Taxes have been created countless times before that didn’t make the rich poor, or vice versa, and they can be made here without the socioeconomic upheaval you describe. And again, whatever your views are about the behavior of children and parents are irrelevant, since the improvement of parenting is not mutually exclusive with adjusting school budgets. Both of these can happen simultaneously. For this reason, pointing out hypothetical faults in parenting is not a counterargument to compensating school budgets for past inequality.
I don’t disagree with your assessment of how the police generally work. But you mention “heartache and incalculable destruction” that you claim protesters cause society, but you don’t clarify this at all. What exactly are they doing that’s so bad? Is this the same reasoning you’re applying to schools and media talking about slavery? Is focusing on difficult racial issues, past and present, the cause of the problem that you’re talking about? In which case, I’ll say again: racism is a thing that people should be mad about.
Sorry, Lefty, there is no way I can agree that those demonstrating and rioting have been affected by systemic discrimination. What’s affected them is the propaganda campaign pushing false narratives about systemic, explicit, and implicit discrimination, just as the propaganda campaign behind socialism has caused them to support economic proposals that defy mathematics. How this propaganda represents a serious problem (beyond the torching, looting, shooting, and terrorizing that doesn’t seem to bother you) is in how it has corrupted young minds and doomed them to lives of anger, resentment, and socioeconomic exile.
As for voter fraud, rather than engage in dueling statistics, I’ll give you a quote from the webpage you cited: “The United States has a long and unfortunate history of election fraud. The Heritage Foundation is providing a list of election fraud cases from across the country, broken down by state, where individuals were either convicted of vote fraud, or where a judge overturned the results of an election.“ Long and unfortunate: do you agree with their conclusions or only the stats you quoted (which, by the way, reflect the actual incidence of the voter fraud as poorly as tax evasion convictions reflect false reporting)?
“Reallocate existing budgets”… “to compensate for past inequality.” So that’s your real aim, to make right your perception of past wrongs. Are you really so obsessed with original sin that you require penitence from everyone outside the racial group you deem sacred?
As for your last paragraph, if you need me to point out the destruction being done, the falsities being spread, and the risk their strong-arm tactics pose to our society, then you are a lunatic and incapable of benefiting from a rational response.
“Sorry, Lefty, there is no way I can agree that those demonstrating and rioting have been affected by systemic discrimination.”
I don’t think there’s any evidence that one could offer that could convince you otherwise. Sorry to have wasted your time.
“They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”.
I love and respect my city parks and streets. I will never disrespect my
Neighbors or community by pushing my views and my beliefs that are personal to me and my family. City park is for all races; religion; personal beliefs to enjoy with out intimidation or judgement.
I hope someday we go back to those days
It’s time to defund welfare.
Unlike other commentators on this thread, I was actually at the Unity March on July 4 (http://unitymarchsanjose.eventcreate.com/) along with a couple hundred others. Participants were overwhelmingly young women and men, majority White but with the leadership of this particular action disproportionately Black and Latino. While apparently relatively new to mass politics and somewhat inexperienced, they are finding their voices, developing a critical understanding of the society of which they are a part and creating a language to express that understanding. Hopefully, they will grow and politically develop and mature alongside thousands of other youth in the San Jose area.
From the point of view of someone who has been politically engaged for a number of decades in various capacities, it was encouraging and exciting to see local young adults–particularly Black and Brown–engaging in direct political action, challenging and combating racism and gratuitous and reckless police violence in our community. Indeed, the past weeks and months of street and direct actions in Santa Clara County have brought thousands of young people into political life, mainly in the fight against racism. Hopefully, with more experience, many will become committed and seasoned leaders in their communities, in their work places and in progressive political movements addressing any number of issues.
> a couple hundred others. Participants were overwhelmingly young women and men, majority White
1. “young”, that is to say, with incompletely developed pre-frontal cortexes.
2. “white”. that is to say, white liberal trust-fund children who have been overloaded with racial guilt by their guilty white liberal parents and the radical nihilist wardens of higher education.
Please report graffiti to the city of San Jose: https://www.app-order.com/report/publicCreate?app=142&color=3c3c3c&bgColor=ffffffallowTransparency=true
Proud to have a strong BLM representation and support in San Jose. This is an excellent city and all Black communities deserve to feel safe and welcome here.
> This is an excellent city and all Black communities deserve to feel safe and welcome here.
You didn’t get the memo.
The Marxists have decreed that you CAN’T say “all Black lives matter”.
That would be saying that Clarence Thomas, or Candace Owens, or Kanye West’s lives matter.
Submit yourself to self-criticism and then get back on the reservation.
This is a wonderful show of solidarity and community. Hope the momentum continues and is used for reform. We certainly need it in the SJPD, among other govt funded institutions.
Not only is this a family friendly outdoor activity, then organizers and participants are practicing social distancing and planning for future socially distanced events. That takes resilience, ingenuity, and grit. Proud to hear there are folks like this in San Jose!
It’s great to see this inclusive outreach towards community members during this turbulent time of misinformation and dangerous partisan rhetoric. This is the type of work that helps engage and teach the young and old about the importance of BLM and community civil rights movements. I’m really proud of the organizers and their dedication and direction. And they wore masks! Well done.
+1 to the comments about being proud of our local show of BLM advocacy, solidarity, and inclusion! We should all find our own ways to contribute to local antiracist efforts, including self-educating on the history of oppression, donating to social justice orgs, and raising awareness via demonstrations like this one. San Jose and other bay area cities has a long way to go when it comes to dismantling white supremacist systems upheld perpetuated by the very people who have long benefited from those systems.
Anyone curious about what happen if a diverse group of residents were to paint a residential street with “Defend The Police” what the outcome would be? My guess is it wouldn’t include fawning reporting about “artist-activists” with children demonstrating and standing up for the community. I’m picturing standard antifa style political violence against participants, media accusations of racist white supremacists terrifying POC, doxxing and pressure campaigns for the “hate speech promoters” to lose their jobs, to have University acceptance and scholarship to be pulled etc etc.
The scenario of a police-friendly organization painting an unauthorized mural in the street doesn’t exactly make sense. The overall informal vibe of your scenario, though, sounds a lot like the National Night Out events, an annual nationwide event where police and communities get together for family-friendly celebrations. It’s been reported on by local news outlets before. Admittedly, it’s not the biggest news story, since “police department hosts community gathering that goes just fine” doesn’t make headlines.
To my understanding, among the different solutions and demands by protesters, a focus on community policing has been one of them. Efforts towards community policing, or the improving of existing community policing programs, while not a magic bullet that eliminates racism, seems to be a solution that at least different people can agree on.
How lovely it is to see the community come together to support each other. I have loved seeing all the murals around town, and am glad to see creative endeavors to fight racism are continuing!
Yaaass BLACK LIVES MATTER!! I love this SO MUCH! Thank you for reporting on something wonderful and positive during all of these crazy times.
I am so happy to see the community getting together to support such a wonderful cause way to go to San Jose!! Proud to live here!
Well done to these activists! It is great to see community coming together to make their voices heard. Black lives matter!!!
if you look at this – 83 black lives murdered in 9 days inc many children – – can’t find on google – must use yahoo search – – point it – why are there no protests about this, no riots – where is BLM on this – – sad thing is – – this is just 9 days in one large democrat controlled city – – but NO media – nada – – why is that ? don’t these black lives matter? what is going on?
> – 83 black lives murdered in 9 days inc many children –
Black Lives DON’T Matter in Chicago. At least outside of Obama’s neighborhood.
As they walk you up the steps and they clamp your heads into the head stock, keep shouting Black Lives Matter. As your head flops into the basket you will begin to realize only Marxist Lives Matter.
> Officials from San Jose’s Department of Transportation did not authorize the mural, and it’s unclear at this point whether the city plans to keep it.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
From Harmeet K. Dhillon, via Twitter:
“Patriots: Woke cities are allowing permits for “temporary art installations” to paint slogans on public property incl. supporting movements that want to destroy our government. I assume your permit for “art” supporting America, God, law enforcement will be granted too! Apply!”
– – – – – – – – – – – –
Comin’ attcha, San Jose !
Here’s a statue that might be needing a good home soon.
San Jose could put in Plaza de Cesar Chavez next to the Feathered Snake monument:
Here’s another piece of public art that visitors to San Jose might want to admire.
Oh, and while visiting San Jose, visitors might want to take in the Columbus statue:
And the Thomas Fallon statue:
Love this. #BlackLivesMatter
Bubbles keeps repeating that BLM is a marxist org, she’ll start believing that herself. Right, bubbles?
And how come Phu keeps getting all frustrated to the point where she starts making up names, like “Sorry, Lefty”. What if we called her “Phu Fascist”?
> Bubbles keeps repeating that BLM is a marxist org, she’ll start believing that herself. Right, bubbles?
BLM leaders seem to believe that they’re Marxists. Are you calling them liars?
Maybe BLM doesn’t know what a Marxist is. Would you like to explain it to them?
And this is why OUR world is the ways it is!
So much hatred, for the color of your skin.
It’s a sickness!