A Modest Suggestion

I have a modest suggestion for our city manager.  (No, not that one. That one should come from his bosses on the San Jose City Council.)  This one is genuinely intended to help rectify some of the immediate problems at City Hall. It is comprised of four words: concentrate on your job.

Now, I am all in favor of community volunteering.  But I think it is best reserved for those times when you have your own job well in hand. Del Borgsdorf is reported to be taking over the board of the United Way of Silicon Valley.  With all due respect – usually the preliminary phase to a dig – I think that Mr.  Borgsdorf has a long way to travel before he even gets to a mildly passing grade in his current job. So please concentrate on “it.”

Hint to those who do not follow such prosaic matters as municipal affairs – when the Mercury News announces you as the new Chairman of United Way and includes in the headlines the word “beleaguered” before your name, this is not a signal of a “job well done.” Nor is the opening a preamble to a ringing endorsement of civic mindedness. With some seemingly implicit relish, the article further states that “… he is expected to hold the annually elected post until December 2006.”  Most would wonder if that might be the only post that he will hold at that time.

The CEO of United Way is quoted as saying that he was “unconcerned about recent scandals at City Hall in which Borgdorf or his staff allegedly withheld information about contracts from City Council members.” He also added that the board satisfied itself about Borgdorf’s role by talking to him or reading public records which he said exonerated Borgsdorf. All of that is news to the grand jury, I am sure, and a few Council members too.  This is clearly the type of statement that can qualify for an immediate appointment to the San Jose City Council.  It is obvious that “exoneration”  is a word that leaps quickly to the mind and lips of most in the City Hall family. As was once said by a populist philosopher, “…wouldn’t it be lovely if it were so.”


  1. Tom,

    Just like Hollywood types, the folks at City Hall are living in a bubble.  The City Manager position, as practiced by Borgsdorg and his numerous deputies, has reverted to carrying the Mayor’s books.  The staff is no longer expected to think, but to do.  This attitude has filtered down to all of the other 7,000 plus employees, who wait for the phone to ring with instructions from above.  Any private company that is unable to harness the energy of their employees ultimately gets overwhelmed by the competition. 
    In the case of City Hall, the malaise of the organization will continue for the balance of the Mayor’s term.  So for Borgsdorf, the United Way gig is another way to experience some cerebral stimulation.

  2. Did I fall asleep and miss the investigation/hearing/whatever that exonerated Del Borgsdorf?

    The United Way CEO must do quite poorly with the NY Times crossword puzzle.

    I seem to recall the national chairman of United Way was in the soup a few years back regarding questionable use of large amounts of donated money.  Has that attitude filtered down to the local level of United Way?

    But I can see, Tom, why Del might want to spend more time with United Way.  He certainly has no decisions to make in his paying job.  He must get pretty bored sititing up there in The Taj Gonzal waiting for his marching orders from Gonzo & Guerra to filter down to him.

  3. Here’s how you remove the City Manager, per the City Charter:

    CITY CHARTER SECTION 1604. Removal of City Manager.

    The electors of the City do hereby reserve the power to remove from his or her office the person holding the position of City Manager. The provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California governing the recall of holders of elective offices of cities, as they now exist or may hereafter be amended, shall be applicable, insofar as the same are not in conflict with this Charter, to the removal from his or her office of the person holding the position of City Manager, the same as if the position of City Manager were an elective office; provided, however, that:
    (a) To initiate proceedings for the exercise of said power, the petition shall be signed by duly qualified electors of the City equal in number to at least the same percentage of the number of persons eligible to vote according to the last report of registration filed by the County Registrar of Voters with the Secretary of State, which is in effect at the time the notice of intent to circulate the petition is published, as is required for recall petitions under the provisions of sub-section (c) of Section 1603 of this Charter.
    (b) If a vacancy occurs in the office of City Manager after a removal petition has been filed, no election need be held;
    (c) There shall be no nomination of candidates to succeed the incumbent in the event the incumbent is removed from office. If the incumbent is removed from his or her office pursuant to the provisions of this Section, a successor shall be appointed by the Council.
    No person who has been removed from the office of City Manager pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be reappointed thereto within a period of four (4) years from and after date of such removal.
    Amended at election June 7, 1994

  4. You’ve got to wonder what the Board of United Way was thinking when it made this decision.

    The local United Way has a history of mismanagement,  and has worked hard in recent years to restore public confidence.
    To install someone as controversial as Borgsdorf as it’s new Chairman seems like a good way to undo those efforts. The Chairman of United Way should be someone who is respected throughout the community, not a lighting rod for controversy.

    A question for United Way: If this appointment backfires and results in decreased contributions, how will you explain it to agencies that depend on your organization for support?

  5. If the news coming in is true, this weblog may be off the mark in criticizing Del Borgsdorf for his “if you sit on your first hat put on a second one” strategy. It appears that this is the new thing in career crisis management. From my very questionable news sources, it is my understanding that:

    Felipe Alou has been hired as program manager at KNBR
    Oakland Police Chief Wayne Tucker is flying down to New Orleans to help reign in the looters
    Cruz Bustamante has agreed to assume the duties of King of Mexico
    Former judge William Danser has been pegged as the new host of the Home & Garden channel show, ‘Fix It Up’
    Joe Guerra will take-over as personal advisor to Terrell Owens
    The Alum Rock school board has been drafted to conduct an audit of the Mexican Heritage Plaza, and
    Mercury News Editor Susan Goldberg is set to supervise the design team at CliffNotes.

    Anyone want to guess what Gonzo might be considering?

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