Council to Look at Camp, Speed Limits

On Tuesday, the city council agenda will receive an update on labor negotiations from City Manager Debra Figone. The city and unions had until Oct. 31 to come to agreement in labor negotiations and/or ballot measure language, but that has since expired. This week the city received several letters from unions stating the meet and confer process was complete due to the city’s declaration of an impasse.

The council will also begin interviews with five candidates for the Civil Service Commission. The order applicants are Roy Truitt, Holden Green, Melinda George, Joan Smith and Randy Martinez.

Additionally, a 15-mph school zone pilot program will be considered at three school zones to evaluate the program’s effectiveness of enhancing school access safety. The pilot program would use existing funds allocated for school area safety.

The fate of Family Camp will also be determined, as the council will be look at removing the city from further obligations to operate the camp.

And among other items under consideration, the council is expected to approve a gift Figone received from the city of Dublin.

During her trip to Dublin for the 25th Anniversary Sister City Trip, the city of Dublin paid for Figone’s hotel accommodations as “a gesture of appreciation and friendship.” Initially, the council approved Figone’s travel to Dublin when she indicated she would personally cover the cost of her flight and hotel.

“The City Attorney’s office has confirmed Dublin’s estimated $990 contribution is an acceptable gift of travel under the Fair Political Practices Commission Regulations,” according to a memo, “as the payment was reasonably related to a legislative or governmental purpose; and provided by a foreign government.”

Click Here to Read the City Council Agenda for November 15, 2011.


  1. Brown Act aside rest assured the votes are a formality… nice fore- shadowing on Figone’s gift.

    15 mph speed limit around schools? Who does the brain trust that is the City Council propose enforce the speed limit? Their incredible shrinking police department?

  2. The 15 MPH proposal is a waste of time. It is folly to believe those who currently ignore the 25 MPH will magically obey a 15 MPH.
    Since it is unlikely that the 15 MPH limit would be enforced any more than the 25 MPH limit, it’s foolish to discuss it.
    Those of us who already drive safely around schools don’t need a new law and those who already ignore the current law will continue to do so.

    • “The 15 MPH proposal is a waste of time. It is folly to believe those who currently ignore the 25 MPH will magically obey a 15 MPH.”

      Kind of reminds me of the whole gun control argument.  Take away law abiding citizens guns and the criminals will give up theirs too….right…..

  3. Councilmember Oliverio championed the 15 mph speed limit at “Rules Committee”. Good Job CMO!

    The Police were also on point that most of the traffic problems around schools are caused by parents who are not paying attention to basic safety issues while operating a motor vehicle. Good job Police!

    Family Camp should be preserved…but…citizens will have to voice their support and have creative ways to fund the rebuild and operational requirements.

    What citizens, who are in or near the flight path of the airport, should be concerned with; all the foreign travel miles that the Council and the City Manager have been racking up this year and whether there is a “quiet plan” in progress to do away with the curfew. There is another $300-plus million dollar bond offering for the airport this week. That means “more debt” someone is going to have to pay off.

    As to the Irish, they are kissing San Jose tail…but…San Jose Council Members are kissing Irish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean airline butts at such a rate, in hopes of flights to and from San Jose, one might wonder how their lips don’t just fall off from all the wear and tear. It’s my belief that Council has built up “calluses” on their lips from kissing the Commissioner of Baseball’s and the owner of the A’s bare, naked hinnies with reference to the fraudulent land give-away Option Agreement.

    David S. Wall

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