Saint James Post Office Clear of Anthrax

One might have wondered if law enforcement was targeting the homeless Tuesday morning, as people were cleared from Saint James Park. One would have been wrong in that assumption.

According to reports, emergency personnel were responding to a package covered in white powder at Saint James Park Post Office on North First Street. The area was cleared for safety and post office eventually reopened after authorities learned the substance was not anthrax or another chemical weapon but an herbal remedy from Taiwan, ordered by a man for his child.

The post office reopened by 11am but not before two employees were “decontaminated” after reporting sore throats and headaches. Luckily, the symptoms were merely psychosomatic.

Josh Koehn is a former managing editor for San Jose Inside and Metro Silicon Valley.


  1. Really,

    Not worth a post, but please report the truth!

    Saint James Post Office Clear of Anthrax!  You trying to spread fear?

    My god must be a slow day, this was not a big deal.  Better you post the open president mike and how deals are cut!

  2. > My god must be a slow day, this was not a big deal.

    What? No news?

    No new graft or corruption to report?

    No outbreaks of racism?

    Any progress in overcoming the “achievement gap” in public schools?

    No achievements of any kind by anyone in the public schools?

    No new news of Democrats behaving badly?

    Did Dianne Feinstein return any of her insider trading profits?

    Did Nadia Lockyer’s boyfriend relase any nude photographs?

    Did Ross Mirkarimi beat up any more women?

    Is global warming any worse?

    Has the cost of the High Speed Rail gone up another fifty billion, or have we stopped counting?

    There has GOT to be some news out there.

    Just do what Dan Rather and CBS news do: make something up.

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