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Best, Worst of Monday Night Live

The 21st annual comedy show Monday Night Live! starred some of Silicon Valley’s biggest political players eschewing personal dignity for the sake of raising money for the San Jose Stage Company. For that we thank them.

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Mercury News: Dave Cortese Mailer ‘Lying with the Facts’

“Cortese ‘not afraid to say no'” to special interests, thundered a polished mailer from the Dave Cortese San Jose mayoral campaign. That might seem like typical candidate-speak, but the mailer actually quotes the Mercury News. But the Merc is accusing Cortese of deliberately "lying with the facts."


Casino M8trix in the Crosshairs

Casino M8trix owners are accused of operating a $119 million shell game to hide profits. While the key players have clammed up, there is an election at hand and political points to be won and lost.

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Mayor’s Race Affecting Closed Session Attendance

Councilmembers in San Jose can be a notoriously tardy bunch. But it appears the mayor’s race has been especially time consuming for a couple of elected officials, who have been showing up late to meetings. And their colleagues are more than a little annoyed.


Why Won’t Mike Honda Debate?

Ken Scudder, Congressman Mike Honda's communications director, reassured Fly this week that his boss is committed to keeping constituents informed about what he does in Congress. But for all the partisan sparring going on D.C., Honda seems awfully nervous to take off the gloves and discuss the issues here at home.