Two recent reports on sexual harassment complaints filed against Cal State employees conclude inconsistent data collection makes it difficult to determine a reliable number.
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Congress outlawed tax deductions on “wash sales” in 1921, but Goldman Sachs and others have helped billionaires like Silicon Valley's Mark Zuckerberg, Brian Acton and Dustin Moskovitz see huge tax savings by selling stocks for a loss and then replacing them with nearly identical investments.
Read More 3America’s first experiment with high-speed rail has become a multi-billion-dollar nightmare. Political compromises, including one to shift the route through Pacheco Pass to San Jose through Gilroy, created a project so expensive that almost no one knows how it can be built as originally envisioned.
Read More 9Vast disparities in California's libraries mirror the state’s yawning equity gaps: The state's most underfunded libraries are found in counties with high poverty and those with the lowest percentage of people over age 25 with a bachelor's degree, according to census data. Libraries tend to be better funded in wealthier coastal and urban areas.
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