Google’s chat bot equivocated on pedophilia, conservatives say, and ChatGPT gave husbands a pass on doing the dishes. Is AI ready to serve as our moral compass?
Read More 3San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
SJI’s favorite news-blogger, Watch Dog Silicon Valley, broke yet another story on Tesla Motors yesterday (and followed up this morning). It seems that the young electric car company, until recently considered San Jose’s Great Green Hope, has in fact secured $350 million from the federal government, BUT is in “late-stage negotiations” to build a plant in New Mexico.
Read More 21Cell Phones and YouTube Usher in a New Era of Accountability
Through the eye of a cell phone camera, an outraged and shocked public witnessed the shooting death of 22-year-old Oscar Grant at a BART station in Oakland in the early morning hours of the first day of 2009. And now, as a result, a tragically common American story—young black male killed by a police officer—may be headed toward an uncommon ending: justice being served.