Ta-tas in Garlicville

News that Saratoga developer Ante Bilic is moving forward with plans to convert a Gilroy restaurant into a topless bar has set South County tongues wagging. Some locals are worrying aloud that the proposed Showgirls nightclub would be a crime magnet. Others seem to find some humor in the situation. The Gilroy Dispatch couldn’t resist headlining the story “Putting the strip in strip mall.” That drew a letter from reader James Fennell, who pointed out that “it doesn’t take rocket science to see that Gilroy’s Planning Commission will be presented the opportunity to ‘stimulate’ local economic growth.” Tongue in cheek, he continued: “Just think, not only new jobs for Gilroy, but the possibility for local girls to legally show off what they’ve got.”

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  1. All we get to do in Santa Clara is put in stadiums and host men’s and women’s soccer teams.

    Campbell gets a Hooters and Gilroy gets a topless bar.

    All the developers we know deal with boring ranch developments.  I am tired of being a henchman for people in Gilroy that just create jobs and growth.  Get this party started!!

  2. Back around 1974 after working swingshift at GTE Novar across from Moffett in Mtn. View, we often stopped at the “Brass Rail” Night Club for a bite to eat and beer to wash it down.  It was located somewhere near the end of Mathilda, east of 101. 

    There was a nice inexpensive buffet spread.  The topless girls seemed healthy enough.  Lot of ogling white-shirted guys, black ties with pens encased in plastic pocket protectors and bulging eyeballs.
    Can’t remember if there was live music, but it was the “grinding” type. 

    I enjoyed working at Data Disk and GTE Novar.  Data Disk was a great little company making head/track plated-disc drives way before PCs, while GTE Novar tried making computer terminals out of Selectrics with very fast 1200 baud modems. Every Sears store had at least one. Loved working swing shift with easy commutes to Santa Cruz early in the morning.  Blasted my Bug over 17 to cut down “exposure time” BCB, before center barriers.

    The big event I remember was the crash of the Galileo DC8 and a P3 Orion at the 13th hole of golf next to GTE Novar. 

    Then an earlier recession hit resulting with just a short drive to the unemployment office and BofA to cash in the voucher.

    What ever happened to the “Brass Rail” and the lovely girls??


  3. Now I am definitely not a prude, having served in two branches of the military, I will attest to having visited a few “gentlemen’s clubs” with friends…way back when.  However, I really, truly, 100% do believe that there has to be some other form of “entertainment” that could be brought to our South County brethren.  Is it really necessary to go down that path, guys?

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