John McEnery IV

John McEnery IV

Posts by John McEnery IV

Bush Proposes Amber Alerts in Afghanistan

Says Galvanizing Searches Might Help Find Bin Laden

In a speech on Thursday in Beijing condemning China’s human rights record and it’s restrictions on internet access during the Olympic games (scooped on last week), President Bush took an opportunity to address the “War on Terror” by proposing an Amber Alert system in the Middle East to help catch Osama Bin Laden.

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Metro Newspapers Angered Over Olympic Censorship Among Those Blocked By Chinese Gov’t

Angered over the Chinese Government’s decision to limit access to the internet, Metro Newspapers and its affiliates Metroactive, Metro Silicon Valley, SV411, and have decided to vehemently protest the affront to free speech by staging what they are calling “venue-hugging” at certain sites used for Olympic events in and around Beijing.

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Sharks Hire Reggie Dunlap as Assistant Coach

Seen as a Move to Make Team “WNBA-Tough”

In a bold first move by new San Jose Sharks head coach Todd McLellan, the former player-coach of the Charlestown Chiefs, Reggie Dunlap, was hired as an assistant for what many in the NHL see as a fortitude-toughening measure to steel the men in teal for a run at the Stanley Cup and hockey legitimacy.

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Supervisor Pete McHugh Turns Out to Be a Hoax

High School Science Students Copycat Latest British Columbian Body-Part Crime

In a copycat crime, several high school science students were arrested late Wednesday when they were accused of using a ripe ape carcass they stole from their biology lab, dressing it in a suit, adding grey hair, and passing it off as Pete McHugh during several county board meetings.

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California Tomatoes Showing Up on EBay, Black Market

Consumers Inconvenienced, Restaurants in Pain

As the illness toll from salmonella tainted tomatoes grows, and the popular red fruit becomes scarcer, unheralded and ripe California tomatoes are finally getting the recognition that’s been long overdue. They are showing up in illegal underground produce markets and on popular auction sites such as EBay and Craig’s List at exponentially inflated prices.

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Santana Row Installs Safety Nets Around Perimeter

Management Company Tries to Stop Errant Losers From Entering

Following the City of San Jose’s example of protecting the public from rogue golf balls, Santana Row has decided to protect their “people” by installing security nets around their village in the hopes of keeping out any errant losers that happen to wander upon their property.

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City Hall Peregrines Accidently Served in Cafeteria

Complaints of “Gamey” Chicken Marsala

San Jose’s favorite romance, between City Hall peregrine falcons Carlos and Clara, came to an ignominious end yesterday after three employees discovered that they ingested most of the birds after complaining that their weekly Thursday lunch special of chicken marsala tasted “gamey.”


County Supervisors Quarantined After Invasive Mussels Attack

Officials Act Swiftly To Prevent Spread Into Brains

Just hours after water officials banned boats in county reservoirs to protect the water supply from an invasive shellfish, Kim Roberts, the Executive Director of the Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System, ordered the supervisors quarantined after an aggressive mollusk was found attached to several of their heads.

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Shirakawa Destroyed After Breaking Ankles

Fatal Injury During Precinct Walk Overshadows Supervisor Race

George Shirakawa, Jr., the presumptive favorite in the race for supervisor in District 2, was tragically euthanized on Sunday as he lay on a lonely sidewalk of a cul-de-sac with two broken ankles during a weekend precinct walk.


Forrest Williams Condemns Former Pastor’s Remarks

Says He Has Looked To Rev. Jeremiah Wright For Political Advice, Not Statistical Guidance

San Jose City Councilman Forrest Williams on Wednesday denounced inflammatory remarks from his former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has railed against San Jose for being unsafe and not-large, and accused its leaders of supporting sprawl.

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Montgomery Hotel to Be Moved to Los Angeles

Lender Literally Takes Back Property in Bankruptcy Proceedings

In another sign of a weakening economy, Divco West, the owner of downtown’s controversial boutique-style Montgomery Hotel, has turned the property over to its mortgage holder, Gramercy Capital. The lender plans to roll the historic building down to Los Angeles and relocate it near the company’s California headquarters.

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Water District Board Member Found Living in Philippine Jungle

Without Public Scrutiny or Accountability, Lavish Spending Insured

In 1944, Sig Sanchez was appointed to the Santa Clara Valley Water Board. Months later he was dismissed, but only after he had disappeared into the jungles of the Philippines, perhaps forgotten by all except Assemblyman Ira Ruskin. For almost 25 years, Mr. Sanchez, believing himself to be a member in good standing, has been voting remotely and regularly, casting his rogue votes without public scrutiny or accountability.

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