Dave Cortese

Dave Cortese

Posts by Dave Cortese

The Past, Present and Future of Downtown

By Guest Blogger Dave Cortese

Many times on this site I have read excellent historical narratives on the history of downtown. I have my own perspective, of course, but it is not just a look back. It includes a look forward at some of the promise but also some new threats to the viability of the city’s center.


Evergreen no more…

By Guest Blogger Dave Cortese

Close your eyes and imagine one of the greatest public/private partnerships in San Jose’s history. A $3 billion package of housing, retail and jobs, parks, trails, open space, money for new schools and a new library spanning over 600 acres of true infill lands.


The Process For Replacing Terry Gregory

Now that Terry Gregory’s resignation is a fait accompli, San Joseans may breath a collective sigh of relief representing one long, drawn out victory for good government. Former Mayor Tom McEnery first made the call for a censure investigation publicly last Fall. I followed his lead by making a formal request of the council to open a censure investigation—it died for a lack of support. Now, several months later, with the investigation finally completed, it has ended in a resignation. But resignation is just the “end of the beginning” of the Gregory saga. The council must now put into play the process for selecting his replacement. So don’t relax just yet. In fact the code word for good government advocates should be BEWARE. Let me explain.