In an interview before returning to the U.S. Capitol, San Jose Rep. Zoe Lofgren discusses the year ahead.
Read More 13San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein spoke Thursday night at the Naglee Park home of Karen and Richard Ajluni, an event attended by more than 30 persons, amongst which the local Palestinian American community was well represented. She was introduced by longtime nonprofit executive Ajluni, who cited the ongoing deaths of children in the current Middle East war and said that the two-party system would not change unless voters had the courage to walk away. Stein, sporting a black-and-white kaffiyeh draped around her neck, launched a blistering attack on the Democratic Party, accusing its leaders of selling out to large corporations and oil companies by failing to adequately address the climate crisis, suppressing progressive voices and complicity in what she repetitively described as a genocide.
Read More 5San Jose, a million-person city in which a fifth of its residents choose the mayor, has a history of close elections. Only three of the past seven open elections could be called lopsided victories. The last time an open seat was decided in one round was 40 years ago, in 1982—the year 39-year-old Matt Mahan was born.
Read More 1The venerable Café Stritch will be reinvented as a new venue in the coming months as the keys are turned over to the jazz bar’s former general manager, Andrew Saman. The establishment will be known as Mama Kin, Saman says, and will continue to book jazz shows while expanding with other types of music.
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