San Jose City Rebuffs Trump Threats, Doubles Down on Immigrant Protections

Mayor Matt Mahan and the San Jose City Council today faced down threats from the Trump Administration and doubled down on their support for renewed protections of undocumented immigrants in the city, citing rising anxiety and a climate of fear among immigrant families.

After hearing 90 minutes of comments by more than 100 city residents, business owners, teachers, clergy and social service workers about what one speaker called “ the terrifying reality that many in our city live through every day,” a unanimous council reaffirmed its more than 20-year commitment to constitutional rights of immigrants, and pledged an undetermined amount of new financial support for the Rapid Response Network.

The network, co-founded by the city in 2016 in response to anticipated immigration enforcement policies of the first Trump Administration, tracks actions by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, providing on-the-spot counseling and legal assistance to undocumented immigrants. The city has provided $50,000 annually to the network since its inception. The resolution voted on today didn’t have a dollar amount associated with it.

The network, which has received a $5 million contribution from Santa Clara County supervisors, is one of several in the Bay Area.

After Sheriff Bob Jonsen and San Jose Police Chief Paul Joseph last month joined other California law enforcement agencies and jails in stating they would comply with a new state law that strictly limited any cooperation with or assistance to ICE in local immigration raids or investigations, President Trump directed Department of Justice attorneys to prosecute any local officials and police across the country that didn’t cooperate with ICE.

Business owners told council members at today’s City Council meeting that their employees and customers were staying home, daycare services and health services reported declines in client visits and agencies that provide direct services to immigrants reported hundreds of calls from families fearful of ICE raids.

Mahan said there had been no reports so far of stepped up ICE enforcement in the city, but said the entire council agreed on acting now to ease fears and pledge renewed support for the rights of undocumented immigrants.

Mahan said he was mindful of the fact that 40% of the city’s residents are foreign-born, and that 75% of these have been in San Jose for more than a decade. He said half of the city’s 60,000 businesses are owned by immigrants.

It has been estimated that Santa Clara County is home to more than 134,000 undocumented immigrants.

“There is incredible fear out in the community,” Mahan said.

The council today agreed to:

  • “Reaffirm the longstanding San José Police Department’s policy that its officers will not arrest persons merely for their unlawful presence in the United States; that no undocumented immigrants should fear arrest or deportation for coming forward to report a crime as a victim or a witness; and that no undocumented immigrants should fear arrest or deportation by contacting any employee of the City of San José to express concerns or to ask questions.
  • “Affirm that no city employee will voluntarily support immigration enforcement actions that target San José residents solely based on their immigration status.
  • “Affirm its commitment to preserving the safety and integrity of all its residents, regardless of national origin or legal status.”

The council stopped short of using the term “sanctuary city.”

The City Council also pledged to provide new funds and other support for the Rapid Response Network “and possible actions to expand its reach into the most vulnerable communities in the city.”

In today’s resolution, the council said, “Proposals from the incoming presidential administration, including a promised mass deportation program, pose an existential threat to many residents of the city, waves of fear have already swept through immigrant communities across the country and within the City of San José and widespread fear of indiscriminate deportation decreases cooperation with law enforcement, withdrawal from public spaces such as schools, and worsening public health outcomes.”

The four City Council members who had initiated the plan for renewed protection for undocumented immigrant protections – Councilmembers Pamela Campos, Domingo Candelas, David Cohen and Peter Ortiz – had announced the plan at a rally last month.

Their colleagues today told the City Hall audience that only Brown Act limitations on the number of council members who can discuss actions outside of a scheduled meeting prevented an announcement at the time of unanimous council support.

None of the voices from the crowded City Hall audience voiced opposition to the plan.

Mahan said he and the police chief will host a town-hall-style meeting next Wednesday, Feb. 12, to answer questions about the city’s immigration stance.

The Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network and hotline is a collaborative project led by several organizations, including: Sacred Heart Community Service, Pangea Legal Services, PACT, SOMOS Mayfair, LUNA, SIREN, South Bay Labor Council, CARAS, Diocese of San José, Consulate of Mexico, Human Agenda, San Jose’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Santa Clara County’s Office of Immigrant Relations.

To reach the Rapid Response Hotline – if you see ICE agents – call 408-290-1144.


Three decades of journalism experience, as a writer and editor with Gannett, Knight-Ridder and Lee newspapers, as a business journal editor and publisher and as a weekly newspaper editor in Scotts Valley and Gilroy; with the Weeklys group since 2017. Recipient of several first-place writing and editing awards, California News Publishers Association.


  1. SJ Kulak

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    lock ’em up

  2. Don Gagliardi

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    Fort Sumter vibes here in the neo-Confederacy.

    Mayor Jefferson Davis Mahan.

  3. Don Gagliardi

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    Just so it’s clear, the FCC is reportedly investigating KCBS for divulging location of and endangering ICE agents in San José in real time. Our municipal tax dollars funded that, because the Rapid Response Network is where this info reportedly derived, and yet knowing all this our entire city council is doubling down. This goes beyond refusing to be commandeered and into active sedition. Using our money.

  4. John Ball

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    This is a democracy. People have spoken. PollS THAT DONT FOLLOW OUR VOTE, you know the ones who WORK FOR US! THEY GET TO GO TO JAIL.

  5. These people clearly broken the the laws by entering this country illegally and need to be deported period! They also commit a lot of crime and use phony documentations and fake social security number’s to work here illegally taking American jobs away to US citizens. Also neighborhoods are full of crimes due to illegal beliefs I can do anything and get away with it because I have fake documentation. So, who are these illegals really people living in America and our neighborhoods?? Ask yourself that question people? They’re all lazy immigrants and they’re taking advantage of all of our services here in san jose and America! Let Ice do their jobs and stop defying tge President order’s in deporting all illegals that have broken our laws entering this country illegally!

  6. Whatever

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    Punishing City employees for following Federal Law sounds illegal. If so I hope that those who voted for this are held accountable.
    The RRN also sounds like they are actively interfering with ICE, if so I hope they are also held accountable for their actions as well.
    I for one will not be voting for a single incumbent on the City Council (or the Sheriff) in the next election, or in any future political election or capacity either.
    The Lawlessness of CA needs to stop.

  7. Citizens against Anarchists

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    “pledged an undetermined amount of new financial support for the Rapid Response Network.” Wait seriously!?! You just gave communists a blank check to undermine our police while allowed them to deceive, abuse migrants into breaking the law as they continue to be complicit in illegal activity??? Why shouldn’t we legal citizens call upon the federal government to dissolve this county’s council and have them arrested for corruption? We’re absolutely serious – we will not allow being held hostage by foreign agents and corrupt officials in our own city and county. It is time the US government close this dark chapter of subversive communism and syndicalist anarchy – by any means necessary.

  8. Sean

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    Sounds like you’d be happier in Mississippi or Russia. Leave, maybe?

  9. DMW

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    The article used the word “fear” no fewer than eight times. If there is “a climate of fear among immigrant families,” perhaps the affected families who came illegally might consider going home, and reapplying to come legally.

    I’d like my share of the millions of dollars in taxes that went to supporting illegals returned to me.


    The Real Person!

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    I want to thank the Mayor and all Councilmember’s for been part of the resistance to the Federal Government, if they are pushing our community to be in the shadows, we need to support all City of San Jose Residents Regardless of their National Origin or Legal Status and push back.
    Remember that San Jose Celebrates Mexican Independence Day each year! No One is Illegal on Stolen Land!

  11. Nick Cochran

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    While our homeless ranks swell, garbage piles up, shelter-equivalent RV clusters are springing up on our city streets, police and fire remain understaffed, it’s reassuring to see our City Council devoting more taxpayer money to providing legal assistance to undocumented immigrants. Let’s be clear – many of these folks are here illegally. There are legal paths to citizenship – why aren’t we encouraging those here illegally to come in through the front door rather than spending taxpayer money to aid and abet their continued evasion of the law?

  12. Chuck Wehrle

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    Fear? Fear? Let’s ask Bambi Larson about fear ! Not sure, Google the name and story. To reiterate a previous post , I will not be voting for a single member of the city council , mayor , sheriff or other political position that supports sanctuary protections to “illegals”

  13. Gary

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    I never voted for open borders. I never voted for a sanctuary city or state.
    My parents migrated here legally. They had to wait 5 years for legal entrance. They had to have a job and sponsor in the states before entering. Their health had to be checked, and weren’t giving a welfare check in the states at all.
    Illegal immigration is a crime. Does anyone remember Kate Steinle? How about Laken Riley?
    Congress just passed the Laken Riley Act with bipartisan support. You might want to read it.
    Many don’t care of the families separated permanently by the acts committed by illegal immigrants until it happens directly to them.

  14. Whatever

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    Let’s be clear, this land was NOT “stolen”, it was CONQUERED.
    To the Victor go the spoils as they always have throughout all of history.
    Get over it and move on to a more constructive conversation.

  15. Les Copeland

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    Meanwhile in San Jose, the illegal aliens are barbecuing the wild Canadian geese on the banks of the coyote creek. I’ve seen it many times.
    We need a city council that supports our citizens, not foreigners.

  16. Joe Smith

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    It’s time for a statewide proposition banning sanctuary cities and requiring cities to comply with federal laws. After 4 years of this woke nonsense, I thought we were ready to move on.

  17. matsey brando

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    Carpet-bagging, right-of-center Mahan. What happened to being a “Good Samaritan” Evangelical transplants from other States? Blasphemers, the lot of you.

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