Woman Accused of Hate Crime in Attack on Mountain View Pedestrian

A 43-year-old woman faces hate crime charges for allegedly attacking a young woman wearing a hijab and calling her a "terrorist" in Mountain View last month, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office announced Tuesday.

Attosa Biglari, whom the district attorney described as a transient, faces more than a year in prison if found guilty for hate crime and battery charges. Biglari also has charges against her for a June 24 incident in which she allegedly threatened a woman with a pair of scissors.

Mountain View police said they responded to reports of an unprovoked attack in downtown Mountain View July 1.

In a statement, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office said an 18-year-old woman was walking by herself on Castro Street when a woman began screaming at her, calling her a "”terrorist” and said she was “hacking” her. The woman allegedly approached the young woman, grabbed her headscarf and began pulling it.

Two witnesses state in court filings that the woman pushed the victim against a wall and grabbed her neck. The two witnesses proceeded to help the victim as Biglari fled on a bicycle and was later arrested by police, prosecutors said.

Biglari was to arraigned today at 1:30pm in Palo Alto.

“We have no tolerance for those whose intolerance crosses the line into criminality and violence,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement. “Hate has no home in Santa Clara County. We also commend the courage of the two women who quickly stepped forward to assist the victim. They are wonderful examples of the national campaign slogan against hate -- 'If you see something, say something.’ “



  1. “Attosa Biglari, whom the district attorney described as a transient…” So, when they are arrested for a crime they’re called transients, but all other times they’re referred to as the poor “homeless.” Changing labels to fit the agenda. These are the types of people allowed to camp right next to our homes, schools, and businesses, destroying our cities with their waste and blight, and committing crimes. At least there’s one less of them on the street. She’s not homeless anymore!

  2. My guess was right (didn’t need to read the article) but what do you expect when our “elected officials” let unaccountable mentally ill and/or drug addled transients roam and illegally camp where ever they want.

    It was an easy guess since well over 80% of the so-called homeless are mentally ill and drug addled.

    This would never see print or post on the San Jose Spotlight. SJS would never be caught writing something negative about the these crazies ruining our parks, communities, cities and state.

  3. Whatever happened to “hatred” that Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of? Whatever happened to “hateful” as an adjective? Now our leaders say “hate crime” and “hate has no home”. Our rhetoric represents the de-evolution of our thinking — somewhere between C- and D.

  4. This sounds like a typical interaction with a homeless person in San Jose – where they yell and scream at you during an episode of psychosis. While this is a terrible situation, it does NOT sound like a hate crime, but a disturbed, mentally ill person who is probably another person who fell through the cracks. Especially since there were two incidents when this person threatened someone. This is just confusing honestly.

  5. well, this is one way to solve homelessness

    charge them all with hate crimes and get the FBI to up funding for extra punishments of hate crime perps

    who said Biden is incompetent?

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