Woman Who Coughed on Baby in SJ Yogurtland Wanted for Assault

San Jose police are asking for the public’s help identifying a woman who went out of her way to cough on a baby at a local fro-yo joint.

The incident took place at about 5:25pm June 12 at the Yogurtland on Cottle Road. Surveillance footage shows the suspect inside the business standing in line in front of a woman with a 1-year-old in a black stroller.

According to SJPD, the suspect was upset that the mom of the year-old baby wasn’t keeping enough of a distance. So, the woman lowered her face mask, leaned close to the child’s face and coughed two or three times. She left the shop before anyone intervened.

Police describe the suspect as a white woman in her 60s, medium build. On the day in question, she wore what appeared to be a gray bandana, glasses, long-sleeved shirt with gray vertical lines, white dress pants and patterned tennis shoes.

SJPD urges anyone with information to call Det. Dan Bowman of the Assaults Unit at 408.277.4161. Those who wish to remain anonymous may either call the Crime Stoppers Tip Line, 408.947.7867, or submit one line through the link below.

Tipsters who submit info that leads to the arrest and conviction of a suspect may qualify for a cash reward from the Silicon Valley Crime Stoppers.

Jennifer Wadsworth is the former news editor for San Jose Inside and Metro Silicon Valley. Follow her on Twitter at @jennwadsworth.


  1. > San Jose police are asking for the public’s help identifying a woman who went out of her way to cough on a baby at a local fro-yo joint.

    San Jose police?

    I thought we defunded the San Jose police.

    • You are mistaken. She did pull her mask off to cough on the baby. Watch it again. She also never puts the mask on again and walks out the door with her mask in her left hand. This is absolutely assault.

    • Educate yourself in what defund police means first before you comment irrelevant information. This is a defenseless baby we are talking about. Have a heart! What is wrong with people?
      I haven’t prayed in a while…I’ve been praying daily to not encounter heartless ignorant people like you and her.

      • I don’t think thats in the spirit of praying or loving your neighbor.

        I will pray for you, and would love to meet you and all people, what else we got right?

        And dont be fooled, Mr Bubbles has some insight even if it gets you mad, he is a gift to the community and has been doing it for a long time. Cant just go around in your bubble ya know.

        • This is totally the mind set of the Trump monkeys, SJ Kulak. That woman is lucky was not nearby. I would given her a big piece of me. Attacks to children and the elderly are acts of cowards! I appreciate Bubbles opinions never his stupidity!

          • How about we have no idea what is really going on here? Hating on this women because it feels good isn’t the way. The person who needs the prayers is this women, because if it was intentional she needs reconciliation, if it wasn’t she needs comfort. Mob hate is never the answer.

    • That’s right, the police are being abolished so instead of a law enforcement response and prosecution, we need to better the mental health needs of the cougher and provide trauma counseling to the baby. Through a restorative justice program, the cougher and the traumatized baby will come to understand each other better within the loving (figurative) embrace of the community, and the cougher will never cough again except into her elbow.

  2. > According to SJPD, the suspect was upset that the mom of the year-old baby wasn’t keeping enough of a distance. So, the woman lowered her face mask, leaned close to the child’s face and coughed two or three times. She left the shop before anyone intervened.

    It also appears that the “year-old baby” wasn’t wearing a face mask.

    SJPD should ALSO be asking for the public’s help in identifying the baby mama and the baby.

    • Children under the age of two are not required to wear masks for several reasons including difficulty getting them to fit, reduced risk of being infectious, and the risk to them of infecting themselves by fidgeting with the mask and touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.

      • > Children under the age of two are not required to wear masks for several reasons including difficulty getting them to fit, reduced risk of being infectious, and the risk to them of infecting themselves by fidgeting with the mask and touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.

        But children under the age of two presumably CAN transmit coronavirus.

        Which shows the maddening, insane arbitrariness and illogic of the pandemic “health emergency” rules.

        So, what do informed, responsible, self-respecting adults do when confronted with the arrogance and hubris of government bureaucrats and the mindlessness of mobs?

        Maybe the coughing lady should have written a letter to the editor of the San Jose Mercury News.

        Commenter MD (below) is probably on the mark: the authorities DON’T want to find the coughing lady and have to do battle in court against her and her GOFUNDME account.

        “The authorities” would have to explain the stupidity of their rules. What scientist is going to say that two-year old’s DON’T transmit coronavirus?

    • Umm. I one year will not keep a mask on. Come on, you don’t have to be a parent to figure that out.

    • OBEY THE RULES!!! Demands the person who immediately goes on to demonstrate they have no idea what the rules even are.

      So righteous without bothering to be right. Fascinating.

      • > Fascinating.

        My job is to be fascinating.

        The Koch brothers and the big oil companies pay me lots and lots of money to be fascinating.

        They pay me so much money, in fact, that I don’t have to do my own blogging anymore. I hire someone to make my posts. If you find any of my posts to be unsatisfactory, please contact customer service.

  3. > Woman Who Coughed on Baby in SJ Yogurtland Wanted for Assault

    Very curious, also, that the video has obscured the face of the baby mama.

    The best frame image SUGGESTS that SHE may not have been wearing a mask.

    Baby mama and baby without masks in a Yogurt store?

    Looks like the coughing lady could have just been dealing out some vigilante social justice.

    • Is Child Protective Services offering a cash reward for the identity of the maskless woman with a maskless child?
      I once witnessed a retired stock broker eating peanuts in the vicinity of an unsuspecting hunchback. Reported it to the Victor Hugo Society and got a tidy payout.

    • Sj outside the bubble is most likely racist since the retard finds nothing wrong with some old lady coughing on a child of course this coward will only say this online and not in person to anyone’s face.

    • The baby mama is the one who made the report. She didn’t want to be on tv/video. Finally did 3 days later. Don’t blame the victim. Children under 2 or 3 are advised againswearing masks (CDC). you don’t need to be an a-hole, this lady covered that one for today.

  4. > Tipsters who submit info that leads to the arrest and conviction of a suspect may qualify for a cash reward from the Silicon Valley Crime Stoppers.

    Security guards monitoring video cameras are going to go crazy.

    How many times a day do they snap video of someone coughing in the general direction of another person? ZILLIONS!

    And if each cough pic is a cash reward? ! ! !

    OMYGOD! What has Sara Cody done?

  5. SJOUTSIDETHEBUBBLE sounds like a bot or someone getting paid to leave these fake comments with false information and enabling hate crimes.

    • You’re wrong. Bubble is real and there are many like him. That is the concerning part. I prefer those who show who they are than those who hide under the mask of compassionate community leaders . The face of that woman is familiar. This woman deserves to be expose for who she is!

      • > Bubble is real and there are many like him.

        Now I’m stumped.

        I have already said that FEXXY is not a clear thinker and cannot be believed.

        But can I disagree with her when she says I’m real?

        What if she’s wrong when she says I’m real?

      • If you prefer those “who show who they are” why don’t you post under your real name?

    • Yeah, right, kys. As soon as people read the bubble mans’s comments they rush right out to commit hate crimes. Are you allowed to be out alone? Little wonder this County is in such a mess.

  6. What is up with all of you attacking the victim? This woman deliberately pulled her mask off and coughed into the face of a BABY in the middle of a pandemic.
    The mother has been identified and interviewed several times on the news. She was wearing a mask as was her grandmother, who was with her in line. CDC guidelines advise against putting masks on children under the age of 2 so the mother did nothing wrong by not having a mask on that baby.

    • > The mother has been identified and interviewed several times on the news. She was wearing a mask as was her grandmother, who was with her in line.

      Prove it! Prove that the mother was wearing a mask.

      The video has been purposefully obscured so that the face of baby mama is NOT visible.

      One frame where her head is visible has been intentionally distorted so her face cannot be seen.

      Why was her face distorted?

      Why? To protect her identity, of course.

      But wait!

      PERRY MASON here; If she was wearing a mask, her identity was already protected.

      CONCLUSION: Baby mama was NOT wearing a mask. Baby was NOT wearing a mask.

      Baby and baby mama were in a SELF SERVICE food store — WITHOUT MASKS — and the store manager did NOTHING. Sara Cody did nothing. The Santa Clara County health department did nothing. The SJPD did nothing. Dave Cortese did nothing. Gavin Newsom did nothing.

      The lady in the white mask lost it and decided “am I the only fool here who has to obey the rules?”

      “No one else here cares about the rules. Why should I?”

      Vigilante justice.

      And there will be more until the mindless big government incited mobs back off and respect people’s individual responsibility and accountability.

      Stop hiding behind children.

      • Bubble if she was wearing a mask or Not it is not the point. That woman’s assault on a baby is. This is the comments those trying to defend George Floyd’s killer were making. They were focusing on Floyd’s criminal history to distract from the unjustifiable killing. The video showed no aggression from George’s part at the time of the arrest and killing. This video also shows a woman walking several steps to attack the baby.

        • > Bubble if she was wearing a mask or Not it is not the point.

          Yes it is. It’s my point.

          You can’t tell me what my point is.

          You can only choose to agree with it or disagree.

          You are exemplifying my case magnificently. “Progressives” are used to “controlling the narrative”. When they are challenged to address a DIFFERENT narrative, their heads explode.

          San Jose Inside is a highly selective and highly controlled narrative. SJI picks the topics and asserts its narrative. Occasionally, subversive elements introduce tine crumbs of alternative reality. The consequences are a spectacle to behold.


          MAKE IT GO AWAY!”

  7. Can’t they just get the information from the credit card that the woman used to pay for her yogurt?

    • They could if they actually wanted to find this lady. But I’m sure the authorities rather this just blow over so to speak.

      • > They could if they actually wanted to find this lady. But I’m sure the authorities rather this just blow over so to speak.

        You could very well be right.

        If they found the coughing lady, and there were a trial, the undoctored video would have to be evidence.

        That video would show: 1.) Baby mama and baby were NOT wearing masks, 2.) the store proprietor did NOTHING to enforce Sara Cody’s and Gavin Newsoms “emergency orders”.

        Case dismissed, with prejudice.

        The “authorities” got their day or two of mob outrage. Time to stoke the next outrage.

  8. El Bubbly strikes again. This time he is defending the person which is the offender and not taking up the side of the innocent unsuspecting and defenseless baby. Bubbles, I finally realize that your sole purpose here is to sew discord and render off the wall view points merely for your own amusement. So we take you for what you are a one man or woman or perhaps just a BOT that supports Trump and may have a similar mentality or mental defect. Which gets back to what I have been saying for awhile. We do really need to fund mental illness programs and housing for the mentally ill. This woman who remains unidentified at the moment is clearly doing something to a young baby that could only be considered as being done by someone truly mentally ill.

    • > So we take you for what you are a one man or woman or perhaps just a BOT that supports Trump and may have a similar mentality or mental defect.


      Everyone agrees with you, correct?

      It must be true, then.

  9. Mr Sullivan, Ms FEXXY, and all the other amateur Stanford prison guards,

    I voted for Obama twice and I did not vote for Trump.

    What is going on here is mob hatred and it is un-American. Releasing this video is prejudicial at best and possibly an intentional stunt to distract the mob. They should have released the picture and said the women was wanted for assault on an infant, someone would have turned her in just on that. There should not have realsed this video, it serves no additional purpose in identification.

    You are rushing to judgement, trying her with no facts from a place of hate. You don’t even know her mental state. If she is guilty, she will plea out and serve time or be tried and then all facts as best we can manage will come to light and serve more time.

    Thats how we handle these things, the alternate is not civilization or Christian.

    • Actually civilization requires law and order, and Christianity has nothing to do with enforcing the law. I am sure there is a protocol for what they can and cannot release and why they chose to release the video along with still shots in their press release. If you think it is unconstitutional then it is a matter to take up with the city.

      • I didn’t say it was unconstitutional, I said prejudicial and it likely was a stunt to get the mob on a different hunk of red meat. By the SJI and SJS meter, it has.

        All hate, even mob hate, is un-Christian, you must already know this.

    • bla, bla, and Black equals bla! I did not vote for Obama; I voted for Hillary, McCain…Obama was DEPORTATION IN CHIEF! He gave a blind eye to the Bacha Bazi, rape of boys in Afghanistan. This is how I remember him. I voted for Biden; who else? Communist Bernie or Sexually perverted Trump? Biden wins by default!

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