San Jose Teams Up with SimpliGov to Speed Up Online Applications, Paperwork

When it comes to business-government automated processing, many cities remain stuck in the dark ages of pen, paper and hard copies.

Not San Jose. The largest city in the Bay Area recently selected the SimpliGov platform for workflow automation and online forms, which has already made a tangible difference during the COVID-19 crisis.

For example, it has helped process FEMA form required to secure pandemic-related relief reimbursement from the federal government, along with requests for things like personal protective equipment to respond to emergencies.

“All of this requires additional efforts, and what the SimpliGov platform has done is automated that FEMA form so you get electronic approval, capture the data and make the whole process more efficient,” San Jose Assistant CIO/CTO Jerry Driessen explained. “When you have an automated process, there is a much faster turnaround on getting the city the emergency equipment needed.”

SimpliGov is a cloud-based government automated platform company with offices in San Francisco, Sacramento and Sausalito. The city’s SimpliGov connection is an example of a government-business partnership that leverages innovative technology to make it easier for a city to get COVID-19 emergency funding.

The city had to go through a lengthy process so it could use the SimpliGov platform, and by doing so proved it was looking at cloud-based tools to digitize city services.


  1. So reassuring to know that a City’s ability to efficiently raid the federal treasury is based on whether it figures out to use this innovative, cloudbased, leveraging partnership thingy.

  2. It may be faster to apply, but you won’t get a result any sooner. The hang up is not the person applying.

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