By the Numbers: The Cost of Gun Violence in Santa Clara County

New statistics show a troubling uptick in gun-involved crimes in San Jose. But the physical toll is matched by an economic one.

San Jose police responded to 1,147 calls involving guns last year—a 23 percent increase from 2016. That means officers in the city of a million people responded to more than three firearm-related calls a day, according to new statistics released by the San Jose Police Department.

The number of guns that SJPD has confiscated to date in 2018. In the past few years, the county has taken upward of 2,000 firearms off the streets by hosting gun buybacks, which allow people to turn in their weapons—no questions asked—in exchange for gift cards.

The average annual number of gun-related deaths in Santa Clara County from 2009 to 2013, according to the latest available data from public health officials. The county is working on gathering new stats from 2014 to now.

The annual economic cost of gun deaths in Santa Clara County, which includes work loss and medical bills in 2013.

The annual economic toll for gun-related hospitalizations and emergency room visits countywide in 2013. Statewide, the direct cost of hospital use for firearm injuries came to an estimated $87 million in 2010, with two-thirds of the cost borne by taxpayers.

Researchers from the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence conservatively estimate that gun violence costs the American economy as a whole at least $229 billion each year, including $8.6 billion in direct emergency and medical expenses.

Sources: SJPD, County Public Health, Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence


  1. can we break down the numbers to offer a little more insight? How many gun offences – %-wise were committed by persons here illegally? These are numbers never given to the public by the media. Pro sanctuary city persons argue that our local minority communities won’t call police for fear of being ID’d as being illegal themselves. But doesn’t it stand to reason that these same communities should be more fearful of bad people, doing bad things with guns?

    • Also, while we’re at it, how many offenders were also NRA members?

      My guess would be a fat “0” but that’s just me.

  2. > can we break down the numbers to offer a little more insight?

    Not necessary, and completely pointless.

    The numbers are bogus and fictitious. Completely made up.

    > Researchers from the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence conservatively estimate that gun violence costs the American economy as a whole at least $229 billion each year, including $8.6 billion in direct emergency and medical expenses.

    They think we’re stupid. And in many cases, they’re right.

    • the point in having numbers broken down on crimes perpetrated by non-citizens is so that the public would have a better idea of the impact and costs of such crimes thereby being better able to decide on issues such as border security vs open borders. the same could be said about all costs associated w/ persons in the country illegally, i.e., what is the cost of housing, feeding, schooling, etc – – having real numbers should concern every citizen. Taxes are going up all the time to cover a myriad of gov’t expenses. Would you leave your wallet laying around in the park for anyone to help themselves? Wouldn’t you want to know where your money was going?
      If we are going to fight crime (going up steadily) it would be helpful to know the demographics of the criminals.

      • > Would you leave your wallet laying around in the park for anyone to help themselves? Wouldn’t you want to know where your money was going?

        Well, if I left my wallet in a park where the Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders campaigns were having an ice cream social, I wouldn’t be THAT worried.

        I’m sure that they would use any money they steal from my wallet for a good purpose, like the Clinton Foundation or Burlington College or something like that.

  3. This is a sanctuary city, in a sanctuary county, in a sanctuary state. What could possibly deter any criminals with an attitude like that. I know why don’t you all hang a sign on your back that says I,m unarmed and stupid leave me alone. Put a sign on your lawn . “No Guns in this house!”

    I know lets pass a law that says no registered Democrats should be allowed to buy a gun, as they are all to nutty to be trusted with one.

  4. If your a victim of. Gun violoncece.most of the time it’s gang related if your a victim/witness to help solve the case police publish your name publicbly with no regaurd .when the case is going on. The gang can file to see the paper work and after your perptator goes to jail your left miserable . the police can’t help protect your family they protect the community as a hole. They need to change the system where they can take out crime without publishing the victims names . Take guns if the street . Nevada passed a new gun law say to to background checks private sales and the the county stopped it so the flood of guns and still hit the street and mostly likely go into the wrong hands it’s like the want us to die

  5. We should have more gun safety classes so people can protect themselves.
    The police only respond; they do not prevent shootings.

  6. How /who came up with 112,263,000.00 as the annual economic cost (of wage loss and medical bills) of 74 gun deaths in Santa Clara?
    Even if you figure 74 people lost 200,000.00 annual income (which I doubt if you consider the persons more commonly involved in shootings, unless they are random would not be making 200,000.00/per year) that comes to roughly 15,000,000. Are you trying to tell me the medical bills for 74 people THAT DIED is 98,000,000.00??

    • Oh that was easy. The actual economic cost of $11,226,300 seemed tiny so they just added another zero.

  7. CDC reports that suicide accounted for about 2/3rd of all firearms deaths in the SJ, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara Metro Statistical Area. This is generally true for the entire US. Of the gun homicides, DOJ data indicates 2/3rds are criminals shot by other criminals. The average criminal shooter has 11 previous arrests and 71% of gunshot victims has at least 1 prior arrest. 93% of crime guns were illegally obtained.

    The claimed $112.2M economic loss is wildly distorted. People find other means to kill themselves when guns aren’t available. Criminals would be imprisoned upon conviction. Not contributing to society.

  8. Can we look at the cost of DUI drivers? Property damage, insurance rates, hospital costs, EMS costs probably much higher.

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