Perez Retires from SJECC

Rosa Pérez, Chancellor of the San Jose/Evergreen Community College District, announced that she will be retiring because of poor health. Pérez has battled respiratory problems in the past. Her retirement will go into effect on June 30, when her current contract expires.

Pérez was something of a trailblazer at SJECC. She is the first Latina to serve as Chancellor on a permanent basis, and she is also one of the nation’s very few openly gay chancellors. But her tenure at the head of SJECC has not been without its controversies. She has come into conflict with the California School Employees Association for downsizing staff because of the economic crisis.

There have also been investigations into financial impropriety under her watch, which figured in a Grand Jury Report for schools and colleges in Santa Clara County entitled “Santa Clara County Schools, Inventory Practices - $300M+ Taxpayer Investment - But Who’s Counting?” 

One of the Report’s findings stated that the “Chancellor’s purchases (both credit card and purchase orders) are approved by subordinates, mainly direct reports. While the vast majority of these direct reports expressed their chancellors are very conservative with regard to spending, there is potential for abuse.”

Board President Randy Okamura rejected any allegations of impropriety, citing a recent clean audit as proof. He spoke highly of Pérez, and stated that the sole reason for her decision to retire was her health.
Read More at the Mercury News.


  1. What audit is he talking about?  The Board is not scheduled to receive any audit for the last fiscal year until its meeting on 12/8/08.  They also misspent almost $4 million of bond $$$ by starting to build a ballpark that was designed to be dangerous to the safety of people driving on Leigh Avenue without the appropriate approval.  They were forced to de-construct it after their own Consultants showed it wasn’t safe. There needs to be a critical evaluation of what’s going on there by either the DA or the Attorney General.  In this time of educational need, can we wast so much money on these administrators and the Board not doing its job?

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