Rants and Raves

This is SJI’s open forum, where opinions on any matter—local, national or global—are welcome. What’s on your mind?


  1. From today’s Mercury News:

    VTA faces $98 million deficit — far worse than projected


    quote “Burns said using more Measure A funds to run buses and light rail would not slow down work on the BART extension, but delays for other transit upgrades are likely.”

    So the county’s transit system collapses but BART, the zombie project, goes on. Perhaps it’s time to scale this monstrosity back and keep the rest of the system alive.

    • HJ,
      BART averages over 350k passengers per day!  VTA light-rail and buses….crickets chirping anyone?  I’ll support “zombie” transit projects any day that actually MOVE people than systems that run on empty (literally).

    • Everyone has been hit by the downturn, and VTA did nothing about it.  It wasn’t till June when (nearly a year later) that there was this revelation that the economy worsened.  Now, VTA releases another report that the their projections are 4 times worse, even with the planned service reductions for January 2010.  In the future they should plan to react quickly instead of waiting and guessing.  Now the public will suffer as service is eliminated on lightly used routes or reduced.

      • By the way, one of the dumbest arguments I’ve heard against the proposed Santa Clara Niners Stadium is that our light-rail and bus system could be “overwhelmed” on game days.  HUHH?!  I’m sorry, but the VTA is currently bleeding red.  Fans taking transit to Niners games, and A’s games in downtown San Jose, is what we should want, not try to avoid.

        • They don’t give specifics, but they are indirectly refering to the single track along Vasona and Mountain View segments.  Single tracking prevents VTA from operating the segments at frequencies less than 15 minutes, if they did then the trains would eventually collide.  Given the location of the proposed stadium, and that transportation is nonexistent in the area, most will continue to drive – or a private shuttle company would bring sports fams to and from the stadium.

  2. The Santa Clara City Council approved, by 5-2, a recommendation from its Charter Review Committee, to proceed with the plan of action specified in SB 43, to have a vote of the citizens of Santa Clara concerning the development of a professional football stadium in Santa Clara, with the provision that design/build evaluations can be used for the construction supporting by funds of the JPA associated with the stadium.

    Though this was a reasonable proceess, the Council was beset with naysayers. 

    One, Bailey, attempted to revise history by claiming that the Charter Review Committee HAD TO RECOMMEND a charter change and ignore SB 43.  The minutes proved him wrong.  Wonder if Bailey worked on the translations of blueprints for oil tankers?  No, just medical insurance plans.  No kidding.  Now we know the reasons.

    Two, Hazelnut said that the Council members would be swallowed up by devastating earthquakes and be sent to Hell, at the ninth level, according to the Bible.  Actually most of the commentary about Hell is found in DANTE’S work, Steverino.  Dante was Italian, but quite tall.

    We are working to the development of a great project, and we hope San Jose’s Council continues their efforts for a fine stadium as well.


  3. Okay, this is going to sound completely off topic based on the items usually discussed here… I don’t think I’m about to initiate a heated political discussion =).

    The largest draw to downtown San Jose for many years now has been Christmas in the Park. In has continued to grow year after year and brings in visitors from all over the bay. Even residents in the city up north will bring their families down for this event (and it is usually the only time they come down).

    What would you think about a similar event for Halloween? Picture downtown lit up in orange and purple with elaborate Halloween displays assembled by talented local artists. Perhaps a lot of the infrastructure could even be shared with Christmas in the Park (e.g. retail booths). Just some food for thought.

    • Christmas is a Christian holiday.  It attracts Christians and other people sympathetic to the Christian values of free will, personal responsibility, virtuous behavior, and TOLERANCE!

      Halloween, originally a minor Christian observance of the eve of All Saints Day (“All Hallows”), has been hijacked and secularized by anti-Christian nihilists.  The largely modern and synthetic culture of Halloween encourages people to “act out” like demons and evil spirits, in mockery of the virtuous and holy Christian saints honored on All Saints Day.

      The less San Jose buys into and validates this orgy of mindless, malicious, and increasingly violent anti-social behavior, the better.

      Let San Francisco be the gathering place for sick, malignant nihilists.  The streets of San Jose might just be a bit safer, and the culture will be far healthier.

      • Wow, I don’t know what kind of Halloween you’re celebrating. Pretty dire.  Here’s what’s happening in the real world: Last night I was out with the kids trick or treating, took them to a Halloween parade at a local school, and then opened the door for neighborhood kids and teens so that they could get treats.  The bowl of candy that I left out while we were out was not ransacked, and our pumpkins remain on the porch unscathed by any neighborhood nihilists.  Pretty wholesome stuff.

        As a parent I love Christmas in the Park, the rink, and the rides downtown at the holidays and I would love an opportunity to bring the kids downtown for a similar spectacle at Halloween.

        • > The bowl of candy that I left out while we were out was not ransacked, and our pumpkins remain on the porch unscathed by any neighborhood nihilists.  Pretty wholesome stuff.

          You need to get out of your suburban bubble.  If you don’t realize that the nihilist counterculture regards Halloween as a mockery and deconstruction of Christmas, you haven’t been paying attention.

          To them, Hallowen is the “anti-Christmas”:  it’s not about the spirit of hope, redemption and giving; it’s a macabre festival of death celebrated by threats and taking (“trick or treat”).

          “Oh, isn’t it cute.  The little suburban white kids are acting out the fantasies of the nihilist death cult”.

          Very sick.

        • So how do you interpret a child dressing as Spongebob for Halloween? Is an undersea pineapple the antithesis of Bethlehem? Do pagan rituals go down at the Krusty Krab? Is Plankton the aquatic manifestation of Lucifer?

        • “…suburban white kids..” Gee, what should I tell the black and brown kids who came to my door besides to stay away from your house? Don’t know where you live but it is a very different existence from anyone I know—regardless of their color.

      • Perhaps you are “respected” only in your own mind and the other world you live in. “Ridiculous” lives in a world much closer to the reality that most of us live in. You might lighten up and try reality for a change—it is still quite a concept.

      • “secularized by anti-Christian nihilists.”

        I’m guessing you don’t realize that “secular” is neutral and nihilists don’t have an agenda at all. Learn words before using them.

        • secularized = to transfer from ecclisiastical or religious to civil or lay use or ownership

          nihilist = a person who denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths.

          Usage sounds appropriate to me.

        • Secular people would not be anti- anything. Secularism is apart from religion, not against it.

          Nihilists reject value or purpose in life, so actively seeking to destroy Christmas is not characteristic of such aimless individuals.

          The usage really sounds appropriate to you? It sounds like sensationalism to me.

    • I think it would be cool to have a giant downtown Halloween party that is kids/family focused. (The nightclubs have their own, er, adult oriented party.) It would be even better if somehow it could bring in some revenue.

      RE: Some of the other posted comments, actually Halloween to our Wiccan friends is the holiday of Samhain; celebrating life and remembering the dead.


  4. Duringg the 2008 runoff election for the District 8 city council seat, Pat Waite distributed a door knocker posing the question “While she’s looking out for their interests, who will watch out for yours?” Included on the flyer was a list of real estate developers and industry associates who had contributed to Rose Herrera’s campaign. She and some of her contributors were outraged. They accused Waite of slinging mud in what had been a relatively well mannered campaign.

    Meantime, the city of San Jose has been looking for a site for the south branch of the Evergreen Library for years. Then in April, 2008 the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church offered to sell the city an acre of the church property on San Felipe Road for the library. Over the ensuing year or so, the city performed most of the necessary studies to determine the viability of the project. An appraisal was conducted this past summer.

    Also this summer, seemingly out of the blue, Shapell Homes offered to sell the city a suitably sized slice of property at the Evergreen Village Square. The sale makes sense. Locating the library at the square will most likely increase traffic, bringing more potential customers to the foundering retail center. It gives the square a good anchor that may attract new retailers. Matt Wahlin (Herrera’s husband) pointed this out in emails to the Involved Evergreen group that Herrera founded in 2007. In one he indicated that “if the Library is built there, Shapell will build out the rest of the retail spaces that are supposed to be on that pad!” He later sent a “small correction,” noting that he was overly exuberant and that “building the library will greatly increase the chance that Shapell will complete the rest of the commercial development in that space.”

    It turns out that Waite may have been prophetic. At the same time that Shapell offered to sell the land, it filed for a zoning change for 2.8 acres of land at Evergreen Village Square. Right now, the acreage is zoned as a parking lot to support a 36,000 square foot retail center. Shapell is requesting permission to build a 35 attached home development instead. That would be a sweet deal for Shapell, converting a valueless parking lot into saleable housing, potentially adding millions to their bottom line.

    So is the timing of the request a coincidence, or a quid pro quo? And whose interests is Herrera looking out for?

  5. Would some nice Democrat please explain to me why Democrat voters sent John Garamendi to Congress?

    Is this the model of competence and integrity that Democrats believe should be leading and legislating for the the American people?

    1. Lifelong politician who has not held a job in the private sector in twenty-five years;

    2. Wants to repeal Proposition 13

    3. Doesn’t live in the district

    4. Wants businesses investigated by the FBI for running an ad campaign:

    “State Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi accused automobile insurers of “coercion, extortion and blackmail” for launching a $2.4 million campaign attacking his proposed regulations that would cut the cost of some drivers’ coverage in crowded urban areas. He asked the FBI, the U.S. Attorney and state Attorney General Bill Lockyer to investigate his allegations.”

    Is John Garamendi REALLY the best candidate the Democrats could have put up?  Are we to assume that every other potential Democrat candidate was worse?

    Rosie O’Donnell?

    PeeWee Hermann?

    John Daly?

    David Letterman?

    Tom Cable?

    • Garamendi has consistently fought for the well-being of Californians throughout his career.  And not just Californians.  He is an unselfish and dedicated public servant, dating back to his days in the Peace Corps.

      On the other hand, Republican candidates fight AGAINST the interests of average folks, trying to block progress, etc. 

      While it would have been nice to have someone who lived in the district his whole life, items #2 and #4 are exactly why us nice Democrats support Garamendi.  California is incredibly lucky to have a leader like Garamendi representing us in Congress.

      • > While it would have been nice to have someone who lived in the district his whole life, items #2 and #4 are exactly why us nice Democrats support Garamendi. 

        Well, if nice Democrats really want the FBI to investigate businesses for running ads, expect a revolution with a lot of Democrats hanging from lamp posts.

        • The more I read your comments on this blog, the more I wish you would crawl back under whatever rock from which you came. 

          Typical right wing response- advocating violence and revolution when you are not in power, but calling people unpatriotic when they simply question the decisions of a Republican President.

  6. Community Vigil

    TONIGHT: Thursday, Nov. 5th, 2009

    6:00 PM

    Corner of Story and King Roads (Plaza de San Jose)


    6:00 PM-Gather at Story and King Roads (Plaza de San Jose)

    6:30 PM-Procession to Sunset Plaza (Site of incident)

    7:17 PM- Walk to MACSA Youth Center

    8:30 PM- Program Concludes

  7. Actually, I did not crawl out from under a rock.  I emerged fully formed from the brow of Zeus, like the goddess Athena.

    Typical left wing response: howl like an enraged mob for the leftists in power to suppress their opponents by having the FBI investigate businesses for running ads, having the FCC shut down talk radio for talking, and having Congress fund and encourage criminal mobs like ACORN to commit vote fraud and steal elections.

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