Don Gage: Headed Back to Gilroy

Citing “low morale” and “childish” political infighting on Gilroy’s city council, Santa Clara County Supervisor Don Gage announced that he will run for mayor of that city. Current mayor Al Pinheiro is currently facing a possible recall vote sponsored by the police union, which resents his support of a $1 million budget cut for the department. Gage served on Gilroy’s City Council from 1981 to 1997, when he ran for a seat on the county’s Board of Supervisors.
Read More at The Gilroy Dispatch.


  1. Hopefully Mr. Gage can spearhead the building of a Pacheco Pass Freeway in Gilroy/South County.  Travel between 101 and 156, via a two-lane farm road which acts as our main connector to I-5/SoCal/Central Valley, is hair raising and just plain sucks.

  2. Speaking of Gilroy, I have a question. If you read the letters to the editor section of the Da Patch, you’re familiar with serial writer Joe Thompson. Okay two questions. Since he writes more copy than some of the paper’s reporters, does the Dispatch pay him for his many letters? Second, why is that when his letters appear in the D patch, after his name it says “Gilroy” but when his letters appear in the Hollister Freelance, (same ownership) it says he is from Tres Pinos. Just wondering. Okay, third question, what does a “transportation” attorney do for caseloads in Gilroy?

  3. Supervisor Don Gage deserves special condemnation for his failure to respect the rights of all Americans to be free from hate crimes and hate incidents. 

    He made this very clear at a hate crimes forum co-sponsored by former Santa Clara county executive Richard Wittenberg and ADL on 2/5/98 in the Supervisor Chambers by vociferously and meanly defending the exclusion of all Christian, all American Indian, all Islamic, and all diverse European American groups in Santa Clara County from testifying at this public forum on public property.

    He suffers from the mental warp we see so often in pod people like Gage that makes them oppose a slur-free and hate crime-free society for everyone.

    He believes that some slurs and some hate crimes are just fine, but others are to be lamented.  Some day he may learn that you cannot have a society where only some are protected from hate crimes and hate incidents, and others are rendered silent.

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