UC Voting on Painful Cuts

Regents of the UC system are meeting in San Francisco to decide on how to implement the necessary budget cuts for the coming year. The meeting comes in the wake of an $800 million cut in state funding to ten-school system’s budget, compounded by an additional $335 million deficit expected over the next two years because of increasing costs.

They will be voting on a plan unveiled by UC President Mark Yudof to impose furloughs and salaries on 100,000 staff members, which will reduce their pay by 4 to 10 percent. The biggest cuts would be borne by the highest-paid staff members, with Yudof himself taking a 10 percent pay cut. This was unsatisfactory to protestors gathered outside his house this week, who pointed out that Yudof is already earning $800,000, while they are barely earning enough to provide for their families.

Based on Yudof’s proposal, those earning $46,000 would take a 4 percent cut in pay. The protestors had hoped to see far more significant cuts at the top. Yudof responded saying that “Everyone is going to be called on to be part of the solution.”

Other desperate measures under discussion are increased class sizes, faculty layoffs, and a reduction in the number of teaching assistants. More desperate measures include cutting off the hot water in the bathrooms.

Meanwhile, professors at UC Santa Cruz have rejected an alternative proposal by a group of professors at UC San Diego that the UC system consider closing smaller campuses, so that larger schools could avoid pay cuts. One of the schools they pointed to was UC Santa Cruz.

UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal called the suggestion “ill-considered,” and pointed to some of the budgetary cuts already undertaken by the school: the freshman class was cut by 750 students, and 55 faculty and administrative positions have been slashed. He also said that research is threatened, citing Lick Observatory as a potential victim of the proposed budget cuts.

The paycuts were approved by the regents yesterday, with full board approval expected for today.

One Comment

  1. With the UC Student Asosciation and the California State Student Association out to lunch!

    The cuts affect all three higher education systems because a massive cut in one system, due to a lot of student desire to transfer or use all three systems eventually, marks a mark on all three systems.

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