Moms to Tots: ‘You’re Fired!’

Families all over Santa Clara County are reportedly laying off their children in an effort to trim household expenses. An estimated 220 local kids have been laid off from their families just within the last three months, according to county reports, and more layoffs are likely on the way.

“Five years ago, when we had Charles, things were going great,” said Mountain View mom Samantha Hodge. “Now, market forces have changed the future outlook for our family, and we’re only able to retain his older sister, Carrie.”

In better economic times, Americans spent millions each year on their kids. Today, more and more families are making the difficult decision to pare down their dependents in preparation for difficult times to come.

“At some point, you just have to accept that these things are out of your control,” said Smith family spokesman Dan Smith. “We’ll keep our former kids’ names on file. They’ll have first call-backs when we’re financially capable of caring for them again.”

Some experts have blamed market forces for driving up the cost of raising kids to untenable levels.

“I mean, Bugaboo strollers, organic baby food, Burberry Kids—it was getting ridiculous. The cost of caring for kids was simply inflated and unsustainable,” said analyst Michael Stevens.

He also placed some blame on the children’s bargaining units. “My grandfather walked to school with no shoes on. These days, not only do children expect to have shoes, they want iPods, they want cell phones, they want health care,” he said. “The children got drunk. They got drunk, and now they have a hangover.”

Though the emotional toll can sometimes be great, families that downsize a child save up to $20,000 annually. Funds that were previously diverted for college savings are also free to help cover more immediate costs. “The return to the family is almost immediate,” said former mother Mary Chalmes. “It’s also much quieter in here.”

Most children were offered severance packages of juice boxes and Lunchables, though analysts say that children’s bargaining units were inexperienced in procuring health care or monetary compensation. Recently pink-slipped child Tommy Beckerman told reporters he can count to 5 and then collapsed into a tearful tantrum. “I want my mommy,” he said and refused to take questions.

While the outlook for the large group of children is already bleak—many are lacking in job skills and have only a grade-school education—some see this as a opportunity.

Local entrepreneur Craig McFarlen has already applied for the permits for his venture start-up Sweet Shop Garment Factory, which he said will be staffed entirely by children.

“I’m thinking outside the box. These are good jobs. These are American jobs,” he said. “If Obama is taking his economic cues from John Maynard Keynes, I’d say my inspiration is based on the work of the theories in the 1834 Poor Law. Or Charles Dickens. Other countries, like India and Bangladesh, are using this business model with tremendous success.”

The creation of meaningful employment has been applauded by some, especially those troubled by the recent appearance of an encampment being called “Fort City” along the Guadalupe River. Many children, in the wake of the abrupt change in living arrangements, have pushed two chairs together and draped a blanket over the top to create a sleeping enclosure. Cryptic “tags” reading “No Grils Alowd” suggest the children may already have become involved in gang activity.

Some parents have been harshly criticized for using the monies freed from the layoffs on big-ticket items for themselves. Some families were actually caught trading in their minivans for stylish convertibles. But others say this is just a sign that the parenting bubble has finally burst, something analysts like Tom Ferell saw coming years ago.

“Look, these people were made false promises, by their doctors, by society, by their own parents,” Ferell said. “They thought parenthood would be fun and rewarding. No one told them what it was going to cost. No one even asked if they were qualified to become parents. They were deliberately misled.”

Former dad Trip Hunt agreed. He said he was pressured into having the “nuclear family” and found himself spending thousands more each month than he’d planned for. “When my wife and I started planning to get pregnant, no one asked me if I was ready to give up my masculinity, no one asked if I could handle the responsibility,” he said. “Now, we’re living at our means, and I can stop banging the baby sitter to make myself feel better.


  1. I take grave exception to putting these kids to work.  Look at Chuck Reed, for example.  Forced, by his own admission, by his grandparents to hunt rats (Putin tells the same story——no wonder they look alike) as a child, Reed has turned to being the guy who, as we heard from various people, rattles little steel balls in his hands to overcome the continuing tremors of melancholia.

  2. The sad part of this spoof of an article is that it is exactly what people are doing to their pets. And in some rare cases, even their children.

  3. #4- said, ” If you can’t afford them without a doubt, don’t have em.” I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, I have been seeing more and more pregnant women than ever before. Either that, or I see women strutting around with 2-5 kids they gave birth to.

    It is really mind boggling to me. I see most of them in the grocery store paying with food stamps. I feel sorry for these kids. What kind of future will they have on Welfare and food stamps, with a Mother who can’t support them, and an absentee Dad?

  4. Many have already accepted that the old way of “buy what you can afford, not put on credit/loans” is back in play.  This is great!

    Now we can start applying that money system to having kids!  If you can’t afford them without a doubt, don’t have em.

    I have mom issues.  Can you tell? wink

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