Rants & Raves


  1. The notion of participating in public demonstrations goes against my grain. To me, if you want something you put your head down and you work for it. The idea that people should expect anything in return for walking back and forth, waving placards, and chanting slogans, is something that I’ve never understood.
    Having said that, it’s time to make an exception. There is a “Tea Party” planned for downtown San Jose on April 15th. Those of us who are horrified by the tyranny that is being inflicted on the taxpayers by the pandering crooks in Sacramento and Washington have a chance to gather and publicly voice our concerns.
    Tea Party, JMOC. Tea Party!

  2. The Mercury News talks about the issues dealing with police presence in downtown San Jose.

    I agree with strict enforcement of standards.  Use the paddy wagons!

    Hehehe, paddy, funny terms.  giggle,giggle, paddy,  very funny term.

  3. Pete,

    For a year now people are posting complaints about something you said about the term Paddy. What is the 411? I’m tired of reading your posts only to see someone bash you about it, and not understanding what it is that you supposedly did to earn all this criticism and notoriety. I’d like to see this issue put to rest once and for all because it is detouring us from the topics in your columns.

  4. So basically what John Galt is saying is protesting is wrong and a stupid thing to do unless it’s something that benefits rich people like him.  Then it’s perfectly ok.

  5. 6 – You were raising a valid point until you got to the part about “rich people like him.” How do you know what his (or anyone else for that matter) financial status is?
    I know wealthy people who have fought for social justice for many years. I have know less wealthy people who haven’t done anything. Broad, unsubstantiated generalizations do not bolster your argument.

  6. No TAXATION WITHOUT REPRE…. oh wait, we all voted overwhelmingly for a Democratic President, Democratic Congress, State Legislature, and there is roughly 50% support for tax increases for those who make over $100K (http://www.rasmussenreports.com).


  7. Surely John Galt can’t be the only one who remembers back to the dread days of the 1990s when the streetcorners were full of millionaires dressed in patched and tattered three-piece suits, selling pencils and apples, pitiful victims of a merciless 39.6% marginal tax rate on that portion of their income above $250,000.

    The funny thing about these “tea parties” is that the people who organize them have no idea what the original Boston Tea Party was about—a protest against a tax cut for large corporations.


  8. Now that Sam Liccardo has conceded that he didn’t know that councilmembers are strictly forbidden by local ordinance to accept sports tickets,(don’t newly-elected councilmembers get a class on city rules & regs.?) and now that we know that Sam has been unable to figure out how much the tickets cost, can we all agree that he has fulfilled a major qualification to join the Obama administration?  I bet sub-cabinet employees can accept tickets.

  9. “I think reporting your neighbors will have to be necessary from now on.”  Richard Santos of the Water Board.

    What a refreshing environment for Silicon Valley as Wilson and Santos bring in 1984.

    Here come the thoppers to get you!

    In the opening, we see Winston Smith huddled in his room drinking a glass of water as Santos bursts in!

  10. #15 JMO. Did Sam Licardo forget to file his income taxes?  If he did he is a shoo-in for director of cabinet of Free Tickets in OBAMA’S ADMIN.

  11. Speaking as a middle class working stiff who might actually stand to get a tax CUT, I will not be bought off so easily and neither should any of the rest of you. Sure, you and I may get a tax cut but Obama’s irresponsible budget and the trillions of dollars that will be printed to pay for it will provoke a wave of inflation that will hurt the middle class far worse than the wealthy are hurt by any marginal tax rate increases.
    As Americans we have been blessed with extraordinary freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and comfort. To so casually throw away the values and principles that have heretofore been at the heart of the system that has brought us to this privileged station, is reckless, is inspired by less than noble motives, is ungrateful, and is monstrously disrespectful of our heritage. Not only that, it displays a shockingly naive belief that America is indestructible.

    Just Wondering #7,
    Good job tutoring #6 to hide his true feelings. He’ll be a better propagandist thanks to you. Good luck with the tens of millions of your other comrades who aren’t politically savvy enough to disguise the greed and petty jealousy that is their sole motivation for supporting the government’s stepped-up policy of taking money away from those who work for it and giving it to those who don’t.

    10 MHz Days #9,
    So your diligent research has turned up a logical inconsistency that you are suggesting discredits all the participants in the so-called “tea party” protests. Good work Herzie! But do you really think your own Dear Leader would score high marks on a pop quiz on the American Revolution? Especially if he was deprived of his teleprompter? Would HE be completely discredited in your eyes if he flunked? Hmmm?

    Kenny #8,
    Yes Kenny. Unquestioning obedience to elected leaders. Got it. (Even if he’s a Jew-hating white guy with a funny mustache?)

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