
The writer John Reed once said, rather infamously, “I have seen the future and it works.”  Fortunately, he was not correct about his prediction.  In San Jose, though, I think we are able to say that the future now has a very good chance to work. I saw it last night.  The victory of Chuck Reed was a remarkable achievement against the forces of the Democratic establishment who had Bill Clinton in the van, a two to one edge in money, and everyone from the dog catcher to Kofi Annan in Chavez’s corner. Reed absorbed all the hits and kept going. 

There were also hundreds of labor “volunteers” paid to walk and call for his opponent.  Reed was indefatigable and, after finishing first in the primary and with the endorsements of David Pandori and Michael Mulcahy, never really lost his momentum. Even the flap about the reimbursements and the strange Mercury News poll a month ago showing a dead heat could not stem the mighty tide coursing for a change. Reed stood for strength and honor and our citizens understood that.

Combine the Reed win with the trouncing that Sam Liccardo gave the lobbyist/developer shill, Manny Diaz, and the poor finish of the labor candidate in District 6, and it was a total repudiation of the status quo; the only thing that the labor/Coyote Valley/City Hall crowd could have done to make it a bigger wipeout would be the dispatching of the San Jose Police force to Iraq.

There are many good people at City Hall and they will be sorely needed to repair the damage of the last eight years. Although Cindy Chavez was a solid candidate and accomplished in many district endeavors, she was unable to shed the cloak, or more accurately, shroud, of the Gonzales regime.  She will be heard from again and that is a positive for the city for she has much to offer—and to learn.

The lesson is simple and we need go no further than that frequent standard bearer of the Democratic Party, William Jennings Bryan, to get the real reason for Chuck Reed’s success: “A single man when cloaked in the mantle of a righteous cause is stronger than all the hosts of error.”  The power of the labor bosses fueled by the money of developers and land speculators has received a near fatal blow. The curtain has been pulled back and behind it was not Bill Clinton or Gavin Newsom or even Norm Mineta; it was a selfish clique of billionaires, Republicans, labor bosses and various special interests intent on the ravaging of good planning and sound budgeting in our city.  It was not to be; and with the hard work and the attention of our citizens, it will never occur again.

Tomorrow looks very, very good.


  1. I think this was also a singular victory for the citizens of San Jose.  They saw through the phony
    democratic, labor, developer campaign for money and not for san jose.  This was a victory for the electorate seeing through the fog of Clinton, Hammer, Hayes, mineta and all the democrats that wanted only a democratic labor victoy and not what’s best for san jose.  Shame on the Hammers and Hayes and Mineta they weren’t supporting what was best for the city and they got it shoved in their face by the citizens.  I think this along with Liccardo election in downtown shows promise for the city.  Now if the other council members see what happened to their endorsements of Chavez they might be able to now say “NO’ to the lobbyist that have controlled san jose for the last 8 years.
    I also think this was a victory for Tom McEnery and David Pandorr, don’t know why Cortese sat it out.

  2. The problem in San Jose is that the county democratic party is not based on sound democratic principles; it is instead an extended arm of the Souh Bay Labor Council. When the chair of the county party, Steve Preminger, gets his paycheck from the SBLC how can you expect him not to carry their torch only?

    While not much has been said in the press about his unholy union, the voters have wised up and are fighting back. One only has to look at the crushing defeats dealt labor – starting with the unprecidented primary landslide that Pete Constant handed the SBLC when he beat Jay James with 65% of the vote. Now we have Chuck Reed pounding Cindy Chavez with 60% of the vote, Sam Liccardo defeating Manny Diaz with 61% of the vote, Pierluigi Oliverio outpacing Clak Williams with a 10 point lead, and Jose Esteves beating Henry Manayan for Mayor in the city of Milpitas with 58% of the vote.

    These numbers are clear and convincing evidence that the SBLC is out of touch with the general population of the couty.

    What is even more reassuring is that voters in San Jose have made it clear that you can’t buy an election in San Jose! Cindy and her Idependent Expenditures out spend Chuck well over 2 to 1, as did Jay outspend Pete significantly.

    I am beginning to believe, once again, in the democaric process!

    The question is now, Who will Chuck select to be his Vice mayor? None of the sitting council members endorsed or helped him in any way.

  3. I have my resume ready if anyone on SJI is interested. I am a coalition builder who has long fought for the working people of San Jose. I am a self starter, as long as there are others to create my agenda.

    References available on request, although I have no recent significant accomplishments to speak of.

    Phaedra Ellis Lampkins

    PS Hire me and you get a free bonus: Darren Seaton. He’s great at completing a campaign plan – as long as you don’t expect results from him either.

  4. Congratulations to all who supported Chuck Reed.

    While the people are not always right in their verdict, their decision is always final. 

    I am hoping Chuck Reed will be the great Mayor you all think he can be and we who opposed him look forward to moving San Jose forward in the right direction.

    After the last eight years, all of us must pull together to make this City great.

    Congrats, Chuck, Sam, Dolores, Tom, and a special tip of the hat to the folks at the Mercury News.

  5. To get anything done, we need to count to six. Can we do it?

    1. Chuck Reed
    2. Pete Constant
    3. Sam Liccardo
    4. Pier Luigui/ Tedesco
    5. Dave Cortese
    6. ????????????????

    Who will split from labor?
    Judy Chirco perhaps.
    Madison Nugyen, maybe.
    Nancy Pyle, never.
    Nora Campos, never.
    Forrest Williams, never.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – the only way to get things done.

  6. #1,

    My name is not Tom, but I would like to offer an opinion.

    When Cindy was appointed Vice Mayor, her ego started to swell like a bad pimple. She started to forget the little people and began to think of herself as royalty. Her actions were those of a queen, not a councilmember. Forunately for San Jose, the little people didn’t appriciate; nor were they willing to accept this type of behavier from their next mayor.

  7. Well, it turns out the voters of San Jose are smarter than Cindy, Rich, labor, etc. gave them credit for. People actually do not want labor to control City Hall and they don’t want outsiders telling them who to vote for. They also want a mayor whose record backs up what they say—perhaps Cindy’s biggest flaw was that her voting record undermined her message.
    Now the clean-up of the Gonzales wreckage can begin. The city council, most of whom have operated only as the stooges of labor and developers, will now have to learn about practicing open and good government. This will be a new experience for most of them—actually doing the public’s business in public. It is up to all of us to help them along since most of them are clueless on this concept.

  8. The reason for the victory was the sound campaign and decency of Chuck Reed – the citizens got it. The Chamber was a help; labor was clueless.  Now we will see if the crowd at City Hall gets it.  TMcE

  9. Tom:

    You just can’t contain your digust of Ron Gonzales.  Seek help.

    And, Chuck Reed is a decent man, but you’ve made him out to be the second coming.  If his tenure is anything like yours, San Jose will be the big loser from last night.

  10. My hearty congratulations to Chuck Reed on his win in the mayoral election.  Chuck will serve us well, and transparent government will allow us all more insight and participation in the workings of City Hall.

  11. Rich, talk about an underhanded compliment to Chuck. You can’t even be nice to him when you try!

    #8 You forgot that Chuck’s Council Seat needs replacement. That could be your 6th vote against labor

    #13 Apparently, the citizens of SJ can’t disguise their disgust of Gonzales either as you can see in the election of Chuck Reed. Sounds like you are sore loser. Talk to Rich Robinson.

  12. 13 – Presumably you have something more to offer than hollow insults? How can one not be disgusted with Gonzales and the damage he has wrought on City Hall and San Jose? Compared to Gonzales, Reed is the second coming, but the bar is pretty low.
    Your shot at McEnery is cute, but of course, unsubstantiated. Care to provide details? Even those who don’t care for McEnery would be hard pressed to lay the title of loser on Tom.

  13. Don’t forgot the pivotal moment in the post-primary campaign when George Kennedy brought criminal charges against the mayor, and then scheduled the trial for after the end of the mayor’s term.

    It was the indictment that crystallized the campaigns, and we need to remember that.

    I thought the mayor should have been processed under civil procedures during the last half of 2005, but the DA’s choice to process him under criminal procedures beginning in mid-2006 dictated almost all aspects of the unfolding campaigns.

    In some ways, it wouldn’t be unfair to characterize George Kennedy as the sole elector in this mayor’s race.

  14. KTVU’s South Bay Bureau Chief Lloyd La Cuesta hit the nail on the head last night.  Chavez had the money, she had the endorsements, she had a popular ex-president in her back pocket…what happened?  Two words…Ron Gonzales.

    Here’s a more stunning question to ask ourselves.  In the 10th largest city in the US we could only muster 165,000 people to the voting booth?

  15. The job isn’t over.  Williams, Pyle, Chirco and Campos have to go, as well.  Don’t know enough about Nguyen—she’s been under the radar since elected. 

    That odd sound you hear in Sacramento is the snoring @ the Jim Beall victory celebration.

  16. #18,

    There was also another interview last night with Mike Honda at the Chavez campaign party where the reporter (maybe Lloyd again) asked what happened to Chavez with all the support she had.

    Honda appeared quite bitter and mumbled a few words about the Mercury News printing a poll on the front page implying the Mercury News had somehow tricked San Jose voters.

    The reporter then asked Honda about the Democrats attacking Reed another Democrat and how they will work together.  Honda started his answer “If Reed truly is a Democrat….”

    Looks like our local Democrats down at the central office are completely out of touch with San Jose voters.

  17. Art #13 The problem is not Tom containing his disqust for Ron Conzo but people like you that are enablers by having no disgust for people like him who think they are above the people.

  18. 22 – Good idea. It is far past time to return the local Democratic party to the people and not just as a plaything for labor.

  19. #8 – Madison seems to be more of a Independent then the others on the council who were supported by Labor. On a couple of issues she has stood her ground against the Council majority and managed to swing enough support to get the vote. The G. I. Forum vote for one. She also stayed out of the photo op’s that Chavez had, the same can’t be said for Williams, Campos and some of the othe council members. #15 is correct, I’m sure Chuck can get someone elected in his district that will support him on the Council. Major defeat for Labor and the Democratic party in San Jose. Maybe it’s time to also look at some of the candidates that supported Chavez. I can thing of one off the top of my head, Honda.

  20. Tom, your analysis is correct—the voters did vote for Chuck because they were voting against Ron.  It was the same tide that retook the House and Senate for the Democrats.

    But it is unfair and inaccurate to say that the volunteers Cindy’s campaign had were paid.  This is fundamentally not true, and it diminshes your argument by instilling a bit of petty rancor. 

    Cindy had thousands of volunteers because people genuinely like her.  To suggest otherwise is deceitful, juvenile and unnecessary. 

    Chuck won big yesterday.  Don’t diminish it by making unfounded, conspiracy theorist claims.

  21. CONGRATULATIONS to our new Mayor elect.

    My concerns have been answered—people did recognize the person with moral fiber who would be the correct person to lead the city going forward. 

    I’d like to say Cindy ran a hard and ethical campaign—but I can’t.  Now I think her cronies on the Council are going to feel lost without their leader telling them what to do.  I hope the people in the districts of these cronies, remember the unethical actions taken on behalf of Gonzales and Chavez and remove these cronies from office when they come up for election.

    Concerned Citizen

  22. Great piece of writing in the Merc today by Nixon wannabe, Ron Gonzales. Gonzo continues his futile search for reality in an OpEd article. In a desperate attempt to create a legacy other than the trail of slime he leaves in his wake, Gonzo shares his thoughts in a piece better suited to Fridays on SJI than in the Merc.
    He reminds us (like we needed reminding) why it will be so good to see him gone. In his mind he is probably wondering what the greatful underlings of San Jose will name in his honor. I am sure there are quite a few suggestions but none are what he has in mind.
    We can rejoice that we won’t have to see or hear from Gonzo before too long. The sooner the better.

  23. Whoa, 26,

    Cindy’s thousands of volunteers were not volunteers, they were bought and paid for workers. Bought and paid for by labor! I wonder how much Clinton was paid, he sure wouldn’t work for free…

    Another cinic

  24. 26 – You don’t think there were paid labor “volunteers?” If there weren’t, it would be the first election in many, many years that labor didn’t supply paid “volunteers.” It’s no conspiracy, it’s a fact.

  25. #21 & 25, that interview with Honda had a very hollow ring to it in my opinion.  He also came off as kind of smug and arrogant.  Maybe he needs to be humbled by having a viable democrat opponent in the primary next time around. 

    Great news all around last night and continuing into today.  I haven’t been this pleased since 1992.

  26. All I can feel today is JOY…we have a new principled mayor elect, and a new Council will be underway. Process that involves the community is pledged and a professional City Manager will be appointed.

    I think it is wrong to label the whole Democratic Party for the mess of this election…after all, many of us that voted for Chuck are Dems too, as is he.  A new democratic agenda that is moderate and thoughtful may be possible now.

    In the meantime, JOY for all.

  27. Congratulations to our Mayor-elect Chuck Reed, and to the voters who elected him.

    Reed not only survived one of the dirtiest campaigns in recent memory, voters delivered a 20% rebuttal those who brought the politics of personal destruction to the campaign. 

    Cindy’s ties to Gonzales were not the only factor that cost her the election She allowed her campaign to go into the gutter. San Jose took note and voted accordingly. Fake tax return claims, leaked personnel files…they all backfired. The dirtier the Chavez campaign became the farther behind she slipped in the polls.

    Rich (#6) I completely agree with you “The people are not always right in their verdict.” This time, however, the people were not only right they took the appropriate action.

    Again, congratulations to Mr. Reed and San Jose voters.

  28. If there is one thing worse than a sore loser, it’s a bitter winner.

    Hey, folks—you won.  Relax, lighten-up you have four years to vent that spleen. 

    Don’t use it up all in one day.

    While I’m am very disappointed Cindy lost, it is not the end of the world or end of San Jose or end of Cindy.  She is young, bright, has her health, her family and continues to be committed to public service.  She will do well in the future. 

    So while I’m disappinted, I’m not overly distraught.

    In fact, taking the House and the Senate made it a very good night overall.  Losing Rummy is icing on the cake.

    Now if we can only get you “winners”  or is it “Whinners” to see the bright side.

  29. I am greatly comforted that Rich Robinson feels Chuck Reed’s election is not the “end of San Jose.” Given that he resides just beyond the “end of San Jose,” Mr. Robinson’s opinion is for once delivered with some credibility.

    Regarding his assertion that the election did not signal the end of the world, I’ll try using that to convince my Fox News addict neighbor into backing his head out of the oven.

    As for Mr. Robinson’s particular knowledge of the end of Miss Chavez, I am much too much of a gentleman to comment on that.

  30. Rich, well stated in #36.

    If there were ever a bunch of sore winners, they were the Rethuglican supporters in 2000 and 2004.  Fellow SJI bloggers and Reed supporters, let’s not sink to their level as we enjoy this sweet local victory.

  31. #28:  we could name those paid public toilets downtown after Manny Diaz.  Haven’t got a suggestion for Gonzo yet.
    After reading Mal #34, perhaps a few should be dedicated to Cindy and a couple to Preminger.
    Anybody heard where Guerra is sending his resume?

    RR#36—Puhleeze.  You supported one of the most morally bereft campaigns in SJ history (or two of the most if you were a Manny Diaz backer).  Put a sock in it for a while.

  32. With that kind of $ and endorsements that is a stunning loss. Tom, who ran the chavez campaign? In your opinion, what was the primary reason for the margin of defeat? Disorganized labor? Chamber attacks? Gonzales? Reed?

  33. Rich, Mark T, et al,

    I don’t think that anyone here is being a sore winner. Just credit given where credit is due – Chuck won the election against all odds and deserves some respect and congratulations for doing so. Trying to say that people have spoken but aren’t always right is not fair to Chuck or the citizens in San Jose.

    It is hard to resist at least a little jab back at Cindy’s supporters for their attacks on Chuck, at least on this blog.

    Cindy will undoubtedly pop up again. I just don’t think that I will be voting for her based on how she ran her campaign here. Either she showed her true colors or let consultants push her around into running a mean campaign.

  34. Congratulations to Mayor-Elect Reed and Sam! Last night was the best election Iv’e ever seen both locally and nationally.

    Cindy had too many special interests going for her and that is what would have run San Jose. I was for her until shortly after the primary and I have told you why many times on this blog. When her dirty campaign tactics started up, I knew I’d made the right choice. It looks like we all made the right choice yesterday. The people have spoken!

    A big congratulations and thank you to Tom McE who has agreed to be part of Chuck’s transition team!! I am so proud to be a blogger on SJI. I hope to meet you some day at City Hall.

    It’s a new dawn for our city and our country and I am excited.

  35. For those of you who are “Real” San Joseans first, we the people have spoken.  For the next few days some of us will celebrate and some will lick their wounds.  After all that is over, all of us on both sides of the table, those that really care about San Jose ( not those who care only about the Chambers or Labors aganda) need to work hard and work together in our neighborhoods and at City Hall to make this City the great City it should be.  The one thing that I hope we have all learned from the past eight years is that we can never let a little bully take this City from its great citizens again!

  36. Chuck Reed will now have a bigger problem then Ron G. You see that no one at City Hall supported him not even his fellow members of the council supported him. Now were faced with a council that will form little groups to go against the new mayor and things will get worse at City Hall then better. The Mayor of Santa Clara was caught taking down flyers from her rival and she won hands down. Why did only 155,000 vote in San Jose? The rest don’t care! Why don’t they care? Most people think politicians are in it for the money, they might just have it right. This whole process shows how mucked up the City really is, and my money says it will stay that way. The new Mayor will bore most people to death during his meetings, the fun will come watching all the others give him nothing he wants. The 49ers are moving to Santa Clara maybe we all should move to Santa Clara where their Mayor at least steals things in front of everyone, admits it and still gets voted back in.

  37. # 46 M as H in SJ,

    Chuck Reed wants San Jose to move forward in a way that will engage the council and the people. The real preasure will be on the council members that are supported by labor, to actually do their job; not just sit back and rubber stamp all the items brought before them by the current mayor and vice mayor.

    They will have to decide if they want to be dead weight on the council, and continue to listen to labor so as to have labor support for the next phase of their political careers, or work with Mayor Reed in a non-partisan atmosphere to solve pressing issues.

    Even labor understands that they will have to work harder for their agenda. This should make for some very interesting council hearings.

  38. I almost hope you’re right about the council not supporting Chuck, since that will make it far easier to oust them as they come up for re-election.

    SBLC is down, but not out.  We need to keep the pressure on them.

    It’s hard to think of a larger group of incompetent, worthless losers running a large city than Pyle, Chirco, Campos, and Williams.  If they want to keep their jobs, they’ll change their tunes as fast as Dubya did on Rumsfeld.

  39. To “mad as hell”, Tom McEnery was elected mayor with only one council member endorsing him. And he had a very successful tenure, most will remember him as a great mayor.

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