Bob Wilkins, RIP

One of the shows that defined my childhood was the late-night masterpiece, Creature Features, on KTVU, Channel 2 in the ‘70s. On Saturday nights at 11pm, there would be a table. With a skull on it. With a candle emerging from the skull. Bob Wilkins  would sit there in a faded rocking chair, cigar in hand or mouth, wearing the most hideous checkerboard sports coat, the ugliest plaid slacks, and he would show the most insipid, utterly worst horror movies imaginable. He didn’t need to wear scary masks, devil horns, a cape or anything like that. Instead, he looked like a ‘70s used car salesman. And the deadpan humor was second to none: He would come on the air and immediately tell you what was on all the other channels. He would tell everyone to just go to sleep instead. But we never did.

“Watch Horror Movies. Keep America Strong.” That was the theme. It was my first introduction to camp humor.

Tonight I will light a cigar in Bob’s honor. Long live Bob Wilkins.


  1. I was a faithful viewer of Creature Features, and the winner of Bob’s “Last Man on Earth” contest. Funny thing—I got 6 movie passes for submitting my entry, and only 2 passes for winning! Thanks for the memories, Bob…RIP.

  2. Great topic Gary! I just loved Bob Wilkins. It was fun to sit with my niece, my friends, and my significant other, eating popcorn and making fun of the B movies he showed. God those were some GREAT times. Good clean family fun and a great way to spend a weekend night!

    Gary, what ever happened to Bob, do you know?

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