SJI’s New Sections

Attentive followers of SJI will notice a subtle change in the front page design: we’ve begun reorganizing San Jose Inside by topics rather than by writer. This change is reflected in the navigation menu at the top of the page. A drop-down menu appears with the names of regular contributors when a mouse pointer is moved over the “Columnists” tab, enabling readers to find a specific writer’s archived contributions. This is currently redundant with the menu in the left column, which we plan to remove as soon as the SJI community gets used to the new menu.

This design change also points towards a new stage in San Jose Inside’s evolution. As we’ve sorted through the archive to categorize entries according to subject, “Politics” has overwhelmingly dominated the mix. While that will no doubt remain a primary focus, SJI will develop new sections in 2009.  The navigation bar at the top tells the story: More business news, more features on local people, better coverage of the cultural scene, and a focus on the changing media landscape. Still San Jose Inside, but more so. As always, we encourage you to share your thoughts about what you would like to see on the site.


  1. What’s missing at SanJoseInside?

    A “search” feature!!

    To find comments from specific bloggers, targeted subjects or keywords such as “hostel”.


  2. #2 Your suggestion might work for you, but I’m using Firefox and get too many useless hits.

    This site should have a box where you enter a search criteria for this site only.

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