Rants & Raves


  1. It is a well known fact around town that Tom McEnery is a very genial and well mannered person.  He is just that way.  But let us pretend that Tom had plot and plan to be this polite and well mannered.  Why would he do so?  Well, because as the principal creator of SJI, McEnery would know that he is a public figure and would be subject to this or that.  But, as we know SJR does not have this sense of courage. SJR attacks McEnery for government activities, but how do we know that San Jose Revealed is not a developer or lobbyist?  He will not put his name to anything, because he knows as a registered lobbyist and developer, SJR cannot risk anything.  McEnery, again, is a well respected figure, for putting his money and name, to his words.  SJR=bushwhacker

  2. The South Bay Labor Council, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Cindy Chavez and Nora Campos should be held responsible for SJR. Whether or not they were directly responsible, they were accomplices who failed to condemn it or publicly disassociate themselves from it. Publishing the home addresses of district attorneys with children, or the Match.com profiles of politicians is a disgraceful invasion of privacy. Never before in San Jose political history has there been a gang with so low ethics and unconscionable behavior. Someone tell them the 2006 election is over, and they should move on. It was just retaliation by sore losers against the people who cost them their chance at unchallenged power. Dirty, Chicago-style politics have no place in San Jose.

  3. That is interesting, because SJR also has a strong anti-Latino bias.  Check it out.  Also, SJR has begun a vicious attack on Santa Clara leaders trying to divide the community and working to spread some sort of class warfare.  All from behind a rock, and we all know that it is from a registered lobbyist and lawyer.

  4. San Jose Mercury News, June 3, 2007
    … in her camp, were behind it. Chavez was offended that anyone would spread rumors that she, husband Mike Potter or her political associates would have anything to do with the site. “I don’t know who San Jose Revealed is,” said Chavez a few weeks ago. She added that it was “disheartening …

  5. Look who became fans of SJR’s Facebook page!

    Pat Waite

    Peter Allen

    Nancy DellaMattera

    Jack Christin

    Betsy Arroyo

    Jean Cohen

    Christy Branch

    City of San Jose Public Art Director Barbara Goldstein
    “Keep up the great work!”
    at 8:20pm on August 21st, 2008

    Jacquie Heffner wrote
    at 9:04am on August 20th, 2008
    “Can’t do without my daily SJR, great job on the blog.”

  6. If Phaedra is responsible for SJR, then why are candidates endorse by Labor attacked by SJR??  Sounds like people like Phaedra and Mary, or Steve Preminger need to explain that a Labor endorsement is losing its value if there in house blogger attacks endorsed candidates.  It is easy to run around Facebook pages of oeople, or home addresses of people, when they are known people, yes?  Who invades SJR privacy, no one, because he is a coward.  Also, I find it interesting that Labor officials told people Jamie McLeod is a great person, when she publicly attacked Labor, calling it “just a special interest group wanting our taxpayer funds.”  Then, why, Ms. McLeod did you seek their endorsement and why did your campaign treasurer seek money for Charities Housing from Working Partnerships?  Here you can respond, Ms. McLeod about why you seek money from groups you slam.

  7. Ya know… I really don’t know what all the fuss is about… SJR hasn’t really revealed anything earth shaking, other than a fondness for odd contests and a penchant for snarky juvenilia, most of it not really very funny or revealing.

    As for the publishing of peoples addresses… Well, that is just the way it is, if you can spell someones name you can find an address and a lot more, if you look… All who work in the public sphere fall into a category where at very least home addresses are public knowledge, and in politics, even as a donor, your address is public.

    And in any event the public reaction to the invasion of other peoples privacy is much like much like the reaction to taxes that other people pay or the location of a halfway house down someone else’s block, yawn…

    Mr. Revealed is certainly not a Mr. Inside, and what little he has revealed reveals little… As to the identity of the Author, I trust that in Silicon Valley, with all the digital talent available and the combined skills of the named accused, we would find that Labor could be a lot more entertaining, not to mention revealing, than has Mr. Revealed…

    The use of the nom de plume has a long and varied history, but the nature of the Web and of what we call blogging (eech, I hate that word…, it sounds intrinsically negative, instantly discrediting, lazy…) has carried literary anonymity to such an extreme that it difficult or impossible to tell who is carrying whose water and why…

    Though I have used a nickname for many years, I have found that my words carry greater weight if my readers know who wrote them. Or not, as the case may be… But in any case my record of opinions, positions, rants, raves and polemics is mine and can be judged as such. You can Google it… I would call upon Mr. Revealed (Or Mrs., or Ms… See what I mean…), when he/she(?, TDB) gets back online, to step forward and be counted, heck… it might be fun, or even revealing…

    But at least it would be on the record.

    RG Johnson
    aka Dallas112263

  8. Barbara Goldstein is the Public Art Director for the City of San José Office of Cultural Affairs. Prior to her work in San José, Goldstein was Public Art Director for the City of Seattle. Goldstein has worked as a cultural planner, architectural and art critic, editor and publisher. From 1989 to 1993, she was Director of Design Review and Cultural Planning for the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. From 1980-85 she edited and published Arts + Architecture magazine.

  9. Why do people assume that SJR has to be run by some giant conspiracy? (Just because SJI is … I can imagine SJR replying.)

    It’s perfectly possible for a single opinionated person to operate a blog. The rather limited amount of posting on SJR tends to suggest this.

    Anonymous political commentary has a long tradition in American politics, going back to the Federalist papers.

    We have an enfeebled daily paper that hardly acts as an independent voice, we have Metro that does a certain amount of local news and also operates SJI, and we have the weekly Resident, which occasionally comes up with a story not covered elsewhere. That’s not much scope for public discussion of the many issues that affect the community. I’d like to see more forums for discussion of local politics.

    That’s not to say that I necessarily agreed with everything on SJR. I found his or her obessions with Dan Pulcrano’s legal affairs and Metro taking ads from prostitutes to be rather tedious. (Might be a clue to identity, though.)

    10. SJI also “attacks people in Santa Clara and San Jose”. Specifically, in this thread alone, Cindy Chavez is attacked at 7 and your own post at 9 could be interpreted as an attack on Jamie McLeod.

  10. San Jose Revealed is slashing Labors biggest supporters in Santa Clara and putting out flat out lies.  Thanks for putting the truth forward. I do not agree with you guys about 50 % of the time but you will not put out the slime San Jose revealed this week!

    Happy New Year Carl

  11. Anytime I see Tom McEnery I go up and shake his hand.  I like Tom, but it is well known fact that Tom and I have dueled, and he has managed to use a great recoiless rifle against my pop gun several times, but he has been willing to take on people in the arena with no hidden shield.  I will say it again, and again, it is easy for SJR to claim ethics when he may be just as much a player as the people he writes about.

    Many of our friends have blogs, some of the most witty and intriguing ones are written by people I know who are totally removed from the public arena, and some of the bloggers here are right, using a nom de plume goes as far back as Poor Richard and even further.

    The Lantern is a South Philly street thug to Tom’s Mainline Philadelphia Blog, no question, but I will say this again, Tom and his colleagues on SJI are willing to be examined by SJR, but he is not and that shows us who has the courage and who does not.

    I find it interesting that someone defends the publishing of the home addresses of district attorneys.  Does that same person, if they were a witness to a drive by shooting, want their home addrsses listed?  Do you mean a DA who is trying to put a gang leader in jail should worry that a person who does not even want their hands on the post would be allowed to list where they and their children live?

    Yes, in Santa Clara, we do not allow city administators to use their titles on Facebook.  How do we know that Ms. Goldstein, having an agenda of her own did not use Facebook to attack our city council members and adminstrators in the Mission City.  San Jose Revealed has attempted to divide our city and that is not cool.  Indeed, using a South Florida fax number is very interesting, isn’t it?  So if a DA with a home addres was prosecuting a gang leader, all SJR has to do to avoid being brought into an investigation is claim residency in South Florida.  How do we know that SJR has not been involved in shady deals at city hall?  Good question.

  12. No Name drive bloggers
    Post slams on our Mission City leaders
    But every true Mission City booster
    Will stand with the fighters for Santa Clara

    Through the laptops in the Starbucks
    Coffee shops near Benton, Monroe, Homestead
    In the dark of early morn
    Came the drive by bloggers with no names
    Wrecking little homes with scorn.

    Heedless of our civic pride
    Mocking our good supporters of our Mayor
    Beating down our city symbols
    Listening to montebanks like McLeod and McLemore


    Not for them a judge or jury
    Ignorant of the Santa Clara
    Being Santa Clarans means they’re guilty
    So we’re guilty one and all

    Round the world the truth will echo
    CromweIl’s men write SJR
    No one who is progressive would help this
    Slim slammer
    In the eyes of honest men


    Proudly march behind our city flag
    Firmly stand behind our men
    We will have great council members
    Mahan, Matthews, Kennedy, Kornder and Moore
    Building a world class city for the valley

    On the people stand together
    Proudly firmly on your way
    Never fear, and never falter
    Till the boys are home to

  13. If you look at San Jose Revealed’s latest page in Google’s cache for December 31, 2008 there is the following entry:

    “Incidentally, we’ve been experiencing some server problems the past few days, as our traffic has exceeded our monthly allotment. A good problem to have, and one that is being addressed. Thanks for your patience.”

    #17 may not be too far off the mark as most internet providers have a number of paid tiers for traffic/data.

  14. The Mercury News must be so hard up for money they are using whatever envelope they can find for their home-subscription bill.  I just received the latest 3 month bill in an envelope marked in red, “This is not a bill”.

    I guess I could send a check saying “This is not a payment.”

  15. While I can’t speak for SJR, some of us have jobs that require us to be both polite and impartial during working hours. I gotta say sometimes that is painful. Some people are so far off base you just want to shout out from the back of the room “You don’t know s**t, a******e.”

    So EXCUSE ME if I don’t sign my name when I post here. I like both my job and the right of freedom of speech.

    And if knowing who is writing the piece is so important, why isn’t everyone all over “single gal.” (Congrats BTW)

  16. Subject: Fwd: New Obama Legislative proposal: “The Americans With No Abilities Act”

    Progress you can believe in.

    “The Americans With No Abilities Act”

    Washington, DC – President-Elect Barack Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress is considering sweeping legislation that will provide new benefits for many Americans. The “Americans With No Abilities Act”. AWNAA
    is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

    ‘Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for hemselves in society,’ said California Senator Barbara Boxer. ‘We can no longer stand by and allow
    People of Inability to be ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation,employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they have some idea of what they are doing.’

    In a Capitol Hill press conference, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pointed to the success of the U. S. Postal Service, which has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees
    lack any job skills, making this agency the single largest U.S. employer of Persons of Inability.

    Private-sector industries with good records of non-discrimination against the Inept include retail sales (72%), the airline industry (68%),  and home improvement ‘warehouse’ stores (65%). At the state government level, the Department of Motor Vehicles also has an excellent record of hiring Persons of Inability (63%).

    Under The Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million ‘middle man’ positions will be created, with important-sounding titles but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusionary sense of purpose and performance.

    Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given so as to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees.

    The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations that promote a significant number of Persons of Inability into middle-management positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium-sized businesses that agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.

    Finally, the AWNAA contains tough new measures to make it more difficult to discriminate against the non-abled, banning, for example, discriminatory interview questions such as, ‘Do you have any skills or experience that relate to this job?’

    ‘As a Non-abled person, I can’t be expected to keep up with people who have something going for them,’ said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan, due to her inability to remember ‘rightey tightey, lefty loosey.’ ‘This new law should be real
    good for people like me,’ Gertz added. With the passage of this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens will finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Said Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL): ‘As a Senator with no abilities, I believe the same privileges that elected officials enjoy ought to be extended to every American with no abilities. It is our duty as lawmakers
    to provide each and every American citizen, regardless of his or her inadequacy, with some sort of space to take up in this great nation and a good salary for doing so.’

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