Dr. Manny Diaz, J.D., M.B.A., Quits Job as Rocket Scientist

Wants to Focus on Current Political Election

Council 3 Candidate and Human Being, Manny Diaz, has decided to quit his job with NASA Ames Research in order to concentrate on his council race against opponent Sam Liccardo.

Ballots for the November runoff election will likely have to be reprinted to include the word “former” in front of his career description of “rocket scientist.”

But, according to the non-partisan political research group, No Bullshit on Ballots, the fact that he has no formal training as a rocket scientist and really doesn’t work at NASA had more to do with his sudden “career” change than his need to concentrate on the election.

When confronted about the discrepancy, Mr. Diaz just shrugged and said, “That’s what made it so hard to quit.” 

Since the shocking revelation, several other watchdog groups, along with Mr. Diaz’s opponent in the upcoming election, have questioned the rest of his ballot designations.

Author James Frey, Diaz’s campaign spokesman, added, “I think it’s pretty petty.  Dr. Manny Diaz’s M.D., J.D. and M.B.A. professional designations are legitimate; he has read Gray’s Anatomy, he once dabbled in business, he has been a lawmaker in Sacramento and, before that, I know he was a human being.”

The Liccardo for Council camp has since filed an official grievance asking for all Mr. Diaz’s career claims be removed from his personal ballot description.  “It’s just not fair,” said Mr. Liccardo.  “I wanted to put down that I was a father, but election officials pointed out that I didn’t have any children.”


  1. Didn’t he have some administrative job at PG&E?  Not that that qualifies as “a real job.”

    Restoring power in the middle of a slashing rain storm in January at 3 o’clock in the morning—that’s “a real job.”

  2. This brings up a more serious situation, the elections rules need to be changed so that a person who has held a city council seat in one district of the city, may not move to another district and file to run for that council seat.  In this case, it’s not Manny who not playing fair, he’s not breaking any guidelines, the guidelines need fixing.
    Also, Liccardo has a gorgeous girlfriend, I’ve seen her, absolutely beautiful!

  3. Well when Manny was a state assembly member, he was the boss of Nora Campos (or was it really the other way around?).  Should Manny win a seat on the council in November, I can see how those two can team up again and improve the city like you would not imagine, surely.  I only wonder if Nora’s husband Neil S. is working in any serious way to help get Manny elected.

  4. I wish she were, but she isn’t. Nora was Manny’s council aide and she wasn’t any brighter then than she is now. Can you imagine what those two could accomplish if they harnessed their combined brain power? I know, not much, but still the possibility is scary.
    Welcome to Mayberry.

  5. Dear San Jose:

    Let’s just put it this way…It’s not so much an election as it is an intelligence test for the citizens of District 3.

    ~~~The other day I passed by my old neighborhood (District 1) and was absolutely shocked at the poor condition of the local park.  At first glance, I thought that the basketball courts needed an air blower to blow off some dead weeds.  In fact, the weeds were growing out of the cracks in the pavement.  Clearly, the weeds had been allowed to take root and grow for many weeks.  I estimate that it would take less than two hours to take care of the situation.  Second, the condition of the grass was deplorable and there were many dead and barren patches from the sidewalk to the court area.  My sense is that all the city does is mow the lawn (and weeds) once a month, and open and close the restrooms every day.  I just can’t believe how much the quality of our city’s parks have eroded over the past few years.  Santa Clara’s and Cupertino’s parks are maintained properly, why aren’t ours?

    Pete Campbell

  6. Pete:  I read on another post that there are multiple assistant/deputy directors @ Parks & Rec.  They probably all get paid $100k+ each.  Thus, we have no money left to actually maintain our parks, and the few people who are assigned to do so just don’t give a sh*t.

  7. Who is the average District 3 voter and do they look like Manny or Sam? Will they vote in Nov?

    Are there enought new downtown voters to change past district voting?  – if not – Hello Council member Manny, Goodby DA Sam

  8. Mr. J McEnery II, Perhaps I’m missing something but: since when does it take a rocket scientist to vote on a garbage contract or a subsidy for any of the numerous applications? Don’t get me wrong, I like Sam because he will be a fresh voice on a council that has grown stale.

    Manny has always been a champion of those constituents with the greatest need. Unfortunately for Manny, in his excitement of the moment when he had the oppertunity to shine, he failed to represent those who elected him by neglecting his duties as an assemblyman in his bid for the state senate.

    Had he finished the job he was elected to do as an Assemblyman, the city council seat #3 would not even be a question. Such is life…Maybe the next crop of councilmembers will see the light and do their job as councilmembers before eyeing other elected positions.

  9. See very discriptive blogs of the works of Many Diaz and supporters.
    Yahoo “San Jose Inside Many share the blame”

  10. Add up all the IQs listed in #11 and it wouldn’t equal room temperature on a cold day with the window open.

    Is it any wonder a guy like Gonzales can dominate the City Council? Is it any wonder Gonzo’s Council opposes Reed, Pete Constant, Liccardo or anyone who might be able to read a staff report?

  11. D.O.A,

    Thats interesting that you lumped Chavez into any statement regarding the LPOA seeing how they have already endorsed her opponent Chuck Reed as their desired candidate.

  12. If Manny Gets all the sleepers from voting in district 3. The GI Forum will be hosting the World’s Most Expensive Jazz Festival next year. Right after the other Hispanic Holidays they have political privy too. And it ALL will be in cash. The San Jose Latino Peace Officers Association won’t have to look for another headquarter office presently in the GI Forum HeadQuarters.
      With Diaz, Chavez, Campos, Forest, GI Forum in control, they will make Gonzo and Guerra look like choior boys. Sweet Thoughts?
      Reed, you better be wearing your Superman suit under all that patriotic wear you got.

  13. #18 Jason
    I went to the Mayor Watch blog you suggested.  I found it to be Chavez’s version of the Fox Channel.  It was all one sided.  As for the bit about lunch with Reed and Chavez, it was a good shot at Reed,  but it only trys to paint Cindy as the attentive mother and victom of the Merc.  It would have been more fair, had they have had Cindy ordering twenty meals for herself (to create more jobs) eating off everybody else’s plate while she waited for her’s, (no missed meals there, she wants to contrast herself from the skinny Reed). She then leaves a 200% tip, all charged to the citizens of San Jose.
      I like to get both sides of the story, so I think I will spend my time reading San Jose Inside.

  14. #22
    I frequently bounce back and forth between the many blogs about San Jose politics and I found the same biased redundancy on every site. San Jose Inside and SV411 are nothing but Reed propaganda, even the Mercury News does nothing but criticize Chavez. So if perhaps Mayor Watch is a little bit one sided, it is nothing compared to the unethical and frankly untrue “journalism” present at every other media outlet. Mayor Watch is the closest thing to the truth that the public has at their fingers. And to be perfectly honest, the reason that Mayor Watch speaks so highly of Chavez is probably because she is the best candidate for the job. Mayor Watch is the only alternative to the Fox Channel that has consumed the blogosphere. For those of you with an open mind, you should check it out: http://www.mayorwatch.blogspot.com

  15. I have found that the more often you have to tell people that you are the only one who is telling the truth ie:Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Rielly, Fox News, the less likely you are to be telling the truth.

  16. 23 – Perhaps you could shed light on what you are talking about. You reference “unethical and frankly untrue journalism.” Since you give no examples I can only imagine that anytime the media reports Chavez’ voting record your think that is unethical. When you and others presented a distored view of Chavez’ voting record you consider that “fair and balanced.” If you think Chavez garners more criticism than others, then maybe you should look at her record and blame her, not the media.
    #24 understands very well about those who blame the media for their troubles. Nice try 23, but we’re not buying it.

  17. #23
    Funny, you say the same things about mayorwatch as some of my right wing friends say about Fox. As for me, I have an open mind.  At this point I am not crazy about Chuck, and even less about Cindy.  My opinion is based on their voting records. If anyone can shed some new light on why they voted the way they did, I would gladly listen. I once met with Gonzo,  all he did was sit there and blame the Merc. for his problems.  If it was not for the Merc. he would still be the little bully of city hall.  Cindy now blames the Merc for her problems.

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