Your Mom’s Advice

When it comes to advice, almost always listen to your mom. Sometimes you might not believe her, but give it a bit of time. For instance: “When you see a crowd, go the other way.” Just think how many problems you would avoid with that simple act.  “A stitch in time saves nine”—now that’s actually an old wives’ tale, but mom said it too. Get on things early, fix them, and save a lot of pain. There is no shortage to the things your dear mom could save you from if only you would listen

The one that got me the most confused was: “Pay attention, do well in school, or you’ll become a garbage man.” Now that was a real scare tactic. Just think, ride around in a grimy truck, hotter than hell, pick up other people’s trash, and endure the stench day in and day out. It was a fate worse than, well, political life. But wait a minute. I knew our old time garbage man and he was a great guy—salt of the sludge, ah, earth.  Far from a worthless occupation, every garbage man I know is very, very successful. Outside of venture capitalists and startup guys, they seemed to have minted money with the regularity of an overflowing trash bin.  What’s not to like about this life, as you cruise in your flex jet down to Cabo.  They seemed, with little exception, to be enjoying the life of a mini-Trump without the embarrassment of a goofy reality TV show.

Then it hit me.

For every flight to Rio, there was a grand jury investigation. Each perk carried a price of a near indictment. At the end of their contracts, there was often a DA waiting and the imminent look of a guy who just figured out that, like in the closing scene of an episode of “Cops,” crime, drunk driving and stupidity do not pay.  All those apparent benefits seem to carry the potential of a spot on the front page of the Mercury and a punch line in a continuing bad joke about garbage and the mayor. What will the neighbors say?  Mom was right: it is a Faustian bargain—and she never even heard of NORCAL.


  1. I went to a private school in San Francisco.  One of the nuns used to comment about a student many years before who used to act up in class. 

    She said something similar to “Pay attention, do well in school, or you’ll become a garbage man.”

    She laughed because many years later the guy founded Sunset Scavenger Company.  At the time the biggest trash company in SF.

    Bar Owner

  2. If elected, I promise…

    Trust me, we will work out the details later

    I’m – ( your elected official ) from the government and I’m here to help you

    This isn’t partisan politics; it’s for the good of the public

    I didn’t mean any harm ( when I passed that legislation )

    I’m being totally unbiased in passing this legislation

    I running for office, to serve the people ( myself, friends and political contributors )

    It’s nothing personal, it’s just politics

    This legislation ( tax / initiative ) will only affect rich people not regular people

    I’m not trying to tell you what to do with your property, but…

    This will create a public benefit at no cost to most working people ( only the people affected )

  3. I would never say a bad word against the garbage people.  Think of how they beautify our community.  Two of the most beautiful homes in Los Gatos were built by people in the garbage business. Wouldn’t it be nice to own your own dump. Just think of how convenient it would be to get rid of things you didn’t want others to find.  Have you ever noticed that they only accept cash, and don’t give a receipt unless requested.  A swimming pool contractor once told me,they were great to work for, they always pay in cash. They are so thoughtful.  I learned in school that you never say a bad word against the garbage people, that is unless you like to swim with the fish.  I am a graduate of the school of hard knocks. That is why I am saying, we all should believe the testimony of garbage people, afterall they have the fine reputation equal to that of a labor boss.

  4. What happened to the dads?  Those moms always seemed to have the answers.  If we all just followed their advice we’d have been way better off.

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