Single Gal and Is this Blowing Over?

Is it me or does anyone else feel that this mess with Ron Gonzales is starting to blow over?  Maybe it’s because we get our news on a 24-hour cycle and are so completely inundated with stories like Britney’s dysfunction as a mother and violence around the world, that local news of this caliber can get swept under the carpet and forgotten.  I am not saying people aren’t talking about it anymore, but I feel a sense that people are not as angry as I thought they would be, and that scares me.

Maybe it’s because it’s summer and people are taking vacations and time off with their families to enjoy the weather and the last thing they want to think about is the corporate and government greed that has been exposed by this indictment.  During the first couple of weeks after Gonzales’s arrest, I got tons of phone calls and emails shocked by the turn of events.  It was definitely the “water cooler” talk all around town.  But now, I hear nothing; the anger is getting faint.  Is it possible that we are already moving on and forgetting?

I hope that this indictment goes to trial so that it can be followed like the O.J. case, with cameras, paparazzi and makeovers for the D.A. and his staff.  OK, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but I really think that all people in San Jose, including corporations, politicians and voters, need to see and hear the ugly facts and ultimately the truth about what happened so that it doesn’t happen again.  But will we forget to even tune in when it happens?





  1. The tone is somewhat subdued but I think it’s because of summer vacations.  I’d love to see a group picketing the council to walk out of the meeting—Pete Campbell posted this as an option last week.  Anybody else up for such a move?

  2. SG, don’t worry….more excitement on the way.

    Once the grand jury transcripts are released it will be back to front page news.  This time the stories will focus on Cindy’s involvement and her support for the kind of ethical lapses at City Hall that the typical resident of San Jose abhors.

    At this point, let’s all enjoy the summer break.

  3. Not a chance that it will blow over. In a rare moment of clarity, the mayor has decided to shut up which has helped to calm things down for the moment. It will rise up again shortly when the Grand Jury transcripts are released and folks will be angered all over again.
    Plus, there are still other shoes to drop. Cindy has still not addressed her involvement except to say “I know nothing.” The Sgt. Shulze defense just doesn’t cut it.
    We also don’t know the full involvement of the other labor lovelies on the council. We still don’t know a lot.
    And, while things may have quited a bit here, people all over the country talk about it. I hear from friends and family all over asking about our crooked mayor and what kind of a city do we have here. The embarrassment factor is way up there.
    We will continue to talk about on SJI because it is important topic—anytime the public trust is breached it needs to be discussed.
    I’m still mad as hell.

  4. What did you expect? Americans these days have 2-second attention spans. Nobody remembers 9/11 or the fact that Islamic extremists want to kill us and force the survivors to revert to the Dark Ages. If people can ignore that, don’t expect them to focus on Ron Chavez or Cindy Gonzales.

  5. Hi Single Gal:

    The reason for the change in temperature surrounding the charges is a growing realization that there are really two legal dramas going on.

    First we have the fall of Ron, the damage to Cincy, and the grandiosity of Julius Finkelstein and Allen Ruby. That’s a huge drama and has succeeded in driving out any discussion about the second drama which is now coming to light.

    The second drama is that being played out behind the curtain (an Oz reference) by George Kennedy, Chuck Reed, and Victor Ajlouny. This drama is harder to examine because of the focus by the Mercury News which declines to investigate these five issues:

    1. Why did George support Chuck in his final TV ads and written campaign material in such an overwhelming way? Remember that George was Chuck’s only “big” endorsement.

    2) Why did George ignore the fact that a judicial hearing on ousting the mayor could have been had resulting in the mayor’s departure in December 2005?

    3) What is Victor’s role between George and Chuck. Victor was George’s consultant & his brother works for George. Victor was and is Chuck’s consultant.

    4) When George brought criminal charges against Ron two weeks after the June primary election, he knew that Ron could not step down under fire. It would be the same as an admission of guilt. Thus, the timing of the indictment was a way of hanging Ron around Cindy’s neck for the next five months.

    5) Finally, ask yourself why was this strategy chosen by George against Ron out of so many possible strategies of timing and charges? Only one person in all of San Jose benefits from George’s strategy. People are starting to wonder about this second drama.

  6. Why talk about it every single day?  What’s more to be said until we get more details.  That will come when Alan Ruby’s motion is heard @ months end.

    I did see Gonzo actually break a sweat the other day @ SJ Athletic Club.  Whew! Joe G III is still there most days.

    Life goes on.

    There’s a lot of apathy out there…but who cares?

  7. Relax SG, there will be much more said about DealMaster Ronnie G and his Norcal Rap.

    The Council is on it’s July hiatus. When it comes back in August it will finish some of the hand-slapping that started at the special meeting in June. At that time we will, no doubt, see more of Gonzo’s Saddam-like “I am The Mayor of San Jose” petulance. 

    The Grand Jury transcripts will be released soon. That ought to be good for a few days of discussion. Heck, I’ll bet RR is oiling up the spin machine right now in anticipation.

    Then there’s the Mayoral campaign which will begin heating up soon. You can be sure that even though Ron-Soon-To-Be-Gonzales is not a candidate his name will come up more frequently than the names of Chuck Reed or Cindy Chavez.

    I suspect that right now San Jose is just taking a break from Garbagegate. Think of it as an intermission in the multi-part Gonzapaloza soap opera…and enjoy the down time.

  8. #8—JMO’C—On Sundays, you can usually find the Moral Mayor attending the 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedal; left side,4th row from the front. He even calculates where he sits, just close enough to the front to be noticed.

  9. Today’s Merc has an article about Green Team workers threatening to strike over guarantees on health care costs[1]. 

    Should the city of San Jose be fair and give Green Team a little gift like Norcal got to help out its workers?  We heard that Gonzales had to do what he did for Norcal because of the threat of a garbage strike.  If you support the Norcal gift, please explain why the city should not do the same for Green Team (Rich?


  10. Get over it and get a life, Single Gal!  It’s God’s way of handling this false accusation of the mayor.  He’s innocent until proven guilty.  He’s a very good individual with good intentions.  His only crime is that he must not have thoroughly drill the details of the garbage contract to heads of several council members-mainly Reed and Cortesy.  It’s just misscommunications and missunderstandings.  So, let the news distractions and detours continue.  Hopefully,  it will just be a brief news summary on the back of the paper.

  11. 13—Friday is supposed to be satire day—not today. That’s the only explanation for your RR type of spin.
    There is no question about Gonzales’s guilt—the only question is if his misdeeds rise to the level of criminality. Other than that, he is finished and getting what he deserves—no respect.

  12. Dear Single Gal:

    Thanks to wonder woman (#2) for bringing up my suggestion that the councilmembers walk out at the begining of the next meeting.  I truly believe that this would be an effective way to turn up the heat on Mayor Corruptus.  But, the only way this would happen is if the Mercury News editorial board endorsed it, and people called their council reps to make it happen.  (both are unlikely).

    Most of the people of San Jose do not take their responsibility as citizens seriously enough.  If they did, Gonzo would have been kicked out long ago!

    And…did you see the merc’s piece on all of the shut down city swimming pools?  Why take the kids to a public pool on a hot Summer day, when they can enjoy the sparkle of our glorious rotunda? After all,  having a rotunda is far more important than providing kids access to Summer recreation.  (Isn’t it?)

    Pete Campbell

  13. Pete, you’ve got to recognize how insecure some folks are about living in the shadow of San Fran.  It’s that sort of insecurity that drives them to build monuments like the Taj MaHall.  A cool half billion down the drain, all to bolster a Downtown that disappeared long ago.

  14. 4: Since when has Cindy not addressed her involvement in the Norcal deal?  Her response was that she voted to pay a fair wage for a cost effective service—a service that has been pretty great, if you ask me.

  15. The point everybody is missing is that the $11 million did not go to line an individual’s pocket, it went to pay garbage workers a wage of about $15 an hour—as opposed to $12 an hour.

    For people at that wage level, $3 an hour is a considerable sum—even after taxes.

  16. # 8 John
    You say “why talk about Gonzo every day?”  I am with you!  Care to take a shot at some S.J. trivia?  See Leonard’s Dirt Part3 post #5.
    Jerry R. you also should know a liitle about the old canneries.  I would like to see a few trivia question posted from the rest of you.  It will help pass the time until Gonzo goes goes on trail .

  17. #18

    Given a choice, do you think that the public would rather have their $11,250,000 go to feeding starving children or recycle workers and union bosses. I guess we will never know, since we were never given a choice in the matter.  You fail to get the point.  This is all about honesty, public process and accountabilty.

  18. 17/18—You both miss the point. The city paid out over $11 million in funds it was not obligated to pay. Nobody is debating whether or not garbage workers should or should not be paid more. The issue is that the city paid out public funds it was not obligated to pay—if the city is going to be in the business of paying higher wages then they better open up the check book because they are not treating all workers the same. Why should the city pay only certain garbage workders a higher wage? Why don’t they pay ALL of them the higher wage? How about the yard waste workers? The list is endless.
    As for Cindy, she has never addressed the above questions. Why did she only give away public money to one group of workers? Why not every worker subject to this policy? Why should the city pay workers what their own employer won’t? This thing still stinks and some folks still don’t get it. It has nothing to do with fairness, good service, or anything else. It has to do with the city paying out money it was not obligated to pay—not a good way to do business, especially when it is with your money and mine.

  19. #17, #18,

    If you support the $11 million Norcal payment, should the city of San Jose give an additional payment to Green Team to help with their labor problems?  See #11.

  20. SG, you’re absolutely right! San Jose voters will look at the evidence and decide that 11 million was spent for a good cause. They’ll forget about all the waste (no pun intended) the current administration has laid on them. They’ll learn to like Cindy because she gave us the Grand Prix (Woo Hoo!!!). That too will be seen as a good investment for the city. She’ll regain her position as the front runner because Reed won’t convince enough fence sitters to vote for him. Cindy’s charm and ability to show interest in everyone’s issue will carry her to a surprising victory in November.

    I don’t like it, but those are the vibes I’m getting. November is a long ways off. A lot of voters will be a more concerned with the new episodes of “Lost” and the rest of the Fall line up, than to care who becomes our next mayor. Honestly, I hear a lot of grumbling form individuals only to find out they didn’t take the time to vote!

  21. #20

    I understand that and I’m glad that the Mayor was censured.  I hope that we will get to the bottom of what really happened.

    But I think that dragging down everyone in the Council with him is a little much.

  22. 24—The mayor couldn’t have done what he did without the votes of at least 5 other councilmembers. Those who voted with him on his questionable projects deserve to brought down with him. They are accomplices.

  23. # 23- Dear Just Wondering II,

    Another election scenario:

    1. The grand jury transcripts clearly point to Cindy’s involvement.

    2. Gonzo hangs on to the last minute causing Cindy heart burn.

    3. The feds get involved with the Norcal deal as a result of potential violations of the National Labor Relations Board laws.

    4. Contributors to Cindy’s campaign disappear or move to the Reed camp.

    5. Chuck continues to hammer Cindy as Gonzo II.

    6. Most of the 74% of the voters that went to Cindy’s opponents in the primary seriously consider Chuck as San Jose’s next Mayor.

    7. Gonzo cuts a deal with the DA just before election time, reminding voters of the smell of his administration and Cindy’s role in the garbage mess.

    8. Chuck gets elected Mayor.

  24. It’s a process, not an event.  I don’t think people are less interested, they simply aren’t wasting energy on maintaining a high level of agitation while waiting for the process to go forward.  It would be like gunning your engine at a stoplight; makes a lot of noise but doesn’t get the light to change any faster.

    In the meantime, the business of the city continues to go forward.  People are at their desks, work is getting done in the field and the bazillion other issues that can be dealt with here and now are getting attention while people aren’t sidetracked on one single issue.

    I, personally, am glad to see that one person cannot bring the entire city down and would hate to see people being slapped in the face by a walk out of the council.  It’s a council, not a kingdom.

    We need to get more work done, not less during this lull in the storm.  Calling a halt to city council meetings after the recess is only hurting the people who have been working to get items on the agenda.  Find another way to make your statements without bogging down other people.

  25. Dear single gal:  no, it’s not because it’s summer, it’s the world cup! – way more exciting – head-butting, racial overtones, other team member insulted Zidane or his mother, or maybe his sister.  This is hot stuff! 

    But as for Ron, I’m sure his ex could give you an earful that’s just as hot – check out their settlement progress on the Santa Clara County Superior Court website:  Click party and case number.  Click “ron” for first name, and click “gonzales” for second name, and then select “ron r gonzales” (respondent) vs alvina p gonzales to view case 1-00-FL-094427
    Register of Actions/Docket

    This case started in 8/14/2000 and looks like it is still going strong.  It takes practice to deceive.  Looks like she wants her share of his benefits.  What about his retirement if he is removed from office?  Just wondering…

  26. Single Gal,

    I think that the reason people are not as angry as you exepected them to be is because they feel the charges are out of proportion to the “crime” committed.  Virtually everyone agrees that this was a shady deal and not the way that business should be conducted in the city, but people differ about what the appropriate punishment is.  The bribery charge in particular seems out of whack, and has won the mayor some sympathy from the voters who think bribery needs to entail the person actually taking money.  It seems like the public wants Mayor Gonzales’ political career to be finished, but don’t necessarily want him in jail.  If the charges were significantly lighter, then the public would likely still be angry about a politician getting off easy.  But, as it stands they are just waiting to see what happens.

  27. Single Gal, you can get a life by waking up and smell the cup of latte’.  1)Downtown is flourishing 2)there are alot of scandles that are way bigger than Gonzo’s.  There you have it!

  28. Too bad Gonzalez can’t be put on administrative suspension.  This is what would happen to any other public employee under indictment for work related crimes.  Two Grand Juries, 2004/2005 and 2005/2006, made up of totally different citizens of the County have voted that Ronnie broke the law and commited crimes.  That means two panels made up of thirty-eight citizens of the county have agreed that he did what he has been accused of doing.  Now another jury or judge will decide again.  I’m betting it will go to trial by Jury.  This means an additional twelve citizens of the County will have an opportunity to pass judgement.
    All of Ronnie’s blatant disregard for the law and his “I am the king of San Jose” attitude will only hurt Cindy Chavez future holding public office.  Whether true or not, people tie her too closely to Ronnie.

  29. #35:

    “Team San Jose” was supposed to be a partnership between the unions and maket rate providers of services at the Convention Center.  The intent was to “protect jobs and wages” while providing market-like services. 

    There was a lot of political chest pounding that this was the answer to keeping union jobs safe by continuing to pay above market wages and benefits with “market-based resuts”. 

    In the end, since the economics of the project were bogus and it was simply a snow job to get the union members covered with the taxpayers paying the bill, the “Team San Jose”pipe dream ended the year nearly $1 million short.

    No worry, all along San Jose’s taxpayers were cued up to pay the bill at the end of the year.

    That’s where our nearly $1 million went!!

  30. #35—Regarding city money to Santana Row after the fire, could it have something to do with the builders being a support group for Gonzo, let’s respell that Gonezo? 
    Does anyone remember the conclusion to the investigation of that fire? I always found it rather suspect that it was on such a perfect day for a fire to take off.

  31. So then Team San Jose is not doing what they were supposed to do then? 

    The Whole damn thing is a mess…. Why is the City of San Jose getting involved with running private businesses?  If I remeber right a municipal government is not there to make a profit… Or to help out private business with TAX dollars. 

    What the hell is happening?  I think that a federal grand jury needs to look into the cities deals and dealings with all of these private groups, and they need to take a good look the city i.e. All of the city upper management for using city means for personal gain.  I think they call it “fraud” and unethical.  My tax dollars should not be going to keep a private business a float …. Oh yeah what’s with that stupid “CIRCUS TENT” behind the Convention Center?  Is that Ronny’s way of getting around the voters decision of not expanding the Convention Center?  I heard that thing cost me $7 Million and it’s empty…. WTF is going on??? 

    I think the Fire Chief was blamed for his lack of response to the Santana Row Fire situation, but the guy didn’t have any extra firefighters to call in for this fiasco.  I think the result was the Chief was getting to close to the truth and was asked to step down.  Why else would the Chief retire without notice?  I think you are all correct GONEZO has more in his closet than the Norcal Scandal…. 

    Check todays Mercury News, The Current Fire Chief is stepping down from his post after 2 yrs. Why would another Gonzo appointee distance himself from the top “Dog”?  I don’t think he wants gonzo poop on him and also he will still have a job when Ronny is gone.  The Chief gives some other BS about he is doing it so his son can come aboard as a Firefighter,  but read between the lines… He is giving up what he always wanted, to be the Chief of his Dept. and then lose over $50k in pay.  Something fishy about that.

  32. Ron Gonzales,  Plain and Simple….. The guy is a scumbag.  Why do you think that everyone that has a business connection with him from the past are now distancing themselves from him or stepping down from position that they were appointed to during his tim as the “KING” of San Jose.  Every dog has it’s day and this dog is over due.  What I really want to know is, Why did Ron dedicate city monies to Santana Row when it burned down and why does the city continue to fund the the group Team San Jose … Who is Team San Jose anyway??? are they connected with Ron?  Another scandle for the city.  Team San Jose now manages the San Jose Convention Center , what that all about?  I think that the city needs to get out of the business of helping out “friends and family” and get back to business of running our city correctly.  I find these items very interesting indeed when all of the problems started when Ronny went nuts.

  33. I agree with #28 that the business of the City needs to keep moving forward.  Otherwise, it’s we the people who pay the price.  I wish that more people would focus on the important decisions at hand.  We don’t need to encourage Council to stop doing the jobs that we elected them to do. 

    Our city has important business on the table and is at a crossroads.  Some key land use and policy decisions need to be made. We are trying to get ventures such as Nanosolar to look our way, and putting all of the focus on scandal and garbage doesn’t help.

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