Children’s Musical Theater Veterans for Truth Derail Mulcahy Campaign

Smear Tactics Try to Brand the Decline-to-State as “Unfit to Serve as Mayor”

A last minute smear campaign by a group of adolescents calling themselves the Children’s Musical Theater Veterans for Truth, has proven to be the deciding factor in Michael Mulcahy’s failed bid to become Mayor of San Jose.

Led by former child actor Gary Coleman, the rogue group says that Mulcahy, the director of the Children’s Musical Theater, was “selfish with the lead roles and usually took them himself.” He explained that “the kids were always stuck being vegetables or animals, and rarely had any speaking parts.  It was constantly like a solo American Idol.”

The Mulcahy campaign took pride in the fact that they received 10 percent of the vote for mayor, just 13 percentage points out of the runoff, and were able to finish a full 7 percentage points ahead of Bill Chew, a candidate for the District 3 council seat.

“Don’t kid yourself, Mr. Chew has incredible name recognition,” said Lisa Poelle, a Mulcahy spokesperson.  “He has run for office more than a dozen times and he just bought a new set of skates—tough to keep up with that.”

SJSU political scientist Terry Christensen concurs with Ms. Poelle and points to the fact that Mr. Chew did not have to “fight off a bunch of rabid and unethical kids” or spend any money on his campaign.  “That is unfair when you have a candidate like Michael who has to spend $60 per vote in order to be competitive,” he said.

Mulcahy says he is not bitter over the broadside by his former students, just hurt, because their accusations have no merit.  “I feel sorry for the little snots,” he admitted.  “The only reason I took all the lead parts was because they sucked.”


  1. Kinda harsh for an unsuccessful candidate.

    It’s tough to win a campaign when your best friends are being tried in the press and public for unethical behavior.

    How ironic that Chuck Reed’s best move was not getting the Chamber endorsement.

    As for Michael, he ran an honorable campaign and certainly has the ability to recover politically.  I’m not sure that is true of Ms. Dando.

    But we will see. . .

  2. Let the Mulcahy bashing season begin! I heard that even his family was saying that the mayor’s race wasn’t his true goal – it was the D6 seat – and that this was just to get his name on the map. Not sure how true this is, but if it is, I will be pissed! He did play spoiler in this race – for Cindy!

  3. Boy, if you can’t trust a Childrens’ Musical Theatre Guy, who can ya trust?

    Anyone read Mr. Roadshow today re why Measure A failed?  Almost every writer cited lack of trust in politicians in general and the Board of Supes in particular.

    Think they’ll get the message?  NAH!

    Still haven’t heard from Carl “The Sound Bite” Guardino on the failure of his pet project.

    Time for another Boston Tea Party?

  4. 2 – What I heard was that Mulcahy was not interested in the council seat. He wanted to start at the top and wanted all or nothing.

    You are correct about him being the spoiler. Ultimately he will be remembered for allowing Cindy to get into the run-off. Thanks alot.

  5. JMO, I sense you have a strong desire for tea party since you’ve mentioned it a few times.  I agree that the supes can’t be trusted and said so on yesterday’s post.  This has got to be the major reason why Measure A failed.  Carl has a very low estimation of the county electorate’s intellingence, that’s for sure.

    I’d love to see Mulcahy run for the D6 seat even though I’m a fellow D9er myself.  Did you notice the results for D9?  The guy who didn’t even have a statement or do any campaigning got more votes than the guy with the hispanic surname (whom I voted for).  Kind of like D3 in reverse and it kind of turned my stomach that voters in D9 would vote for a total unknown who didn’t even expend any time or energy over a guy who truly wanted to do more than Chirco has, apparently based on surname.  Just reinforces my view that D9 is the redneck capital of SJ.  But hey, over 4K of D9 voted against Judy and that’s a significant number.  At least she’ll be termed out now and we’ll get somebody new next time.

    If Mulcahy gets the D6 seat he’d be well positioned in 2010 to take on whomever wins this November, and I’d vote for him.  I’m not thrilled about having to vote for Chuck, but in 4 years we could get a real leader in there if Mulcahy gets his bearings representing D6.

    J McE, why not some of this same treatment you’re giving Mulcahy for Cindy too?  It’s a delightful thought that she could be booted completely out of local politics if she loses in November since she’s given up her D3 seat.  Throw a little sarcasm her way!

  6. John – You are missing the obvious. The only reason Mulcahy wanted to be Mayor was because the meetings are on TV.  “Forget the budget…Let’s Sing!!!”

    Rich – Didn’t Cindy also seek, and not get, the Chamber’s endorsement?

    Mark T – What I find interesting about D9 is that with only token opposition Chirco could not even get 70% of the vote. Image if she had faced a serious opponent. She could have been dust.

  7. Mark T #7—yeah, I voted ABC in D9, too—anybody but Chirco.  It is the only contest in which I voted for someone/something I knew nothing about (normally I just leave those blank); and since the other guy didn’t campaign, I believed he had no chance, whereas Cueva had some chance of polling decent numbers. 

    Just goes to show ya how provincial we still are here in San Ohaze—people will come out and vote if they got some little neighborhood thingy solved for them—lots of Don Gagliardis out there who vote for and campaign for the person who returns their call.


    SAN JOSE, California (AP) – Mayor Ron Gonzales joined three other former San Jose mayors Wednesday morning to announce an effort to build Gonzales’ mayoral library, a ceremony that also brought together celebrities from both Washington and Hollywood.

    The library and mayoral center will offer Mayor Ron Gonzales an opportunity to further define his legacy as the city’s 24th mayor.

    “This library will tell a story about San Jose in the first part of the 21st century,” said an emotional Gonzales. He described a city exiting the era of strong mayor control of local government and entering a world of uncertainty and confusion.

    Gonzales also desribed his various accomplishments to a large gathering at St. James Park. “That whole story will be here.”

    Mayor Ron Gonzales, former mayors Tom McEnery, Susan Hammer and Janet Grey Hayes, attended the ceremony, as did Vice-Mayor Cindy Chavez – a candidate for mayor in the coming November election.

    All three former mayors walked side-by-side to an outdoor stage at St. James Park, welcomed by a cheering crowd of park visitors, city staff and other members of the public.

    Vice-Mayor Chavez spoke about the rare mayoral gathering. “At the end of a very difficult political period—more difficult for some of us than others—it is valuable for the community to see all of the key political leaders of San Jose assembled together honoring a great person that has being permitted to serve San Jose,” Chavez said.

    “Ron Gonzales brought insight wisdom and determination to bear on the issues that he addressed. He was a leader who could inspire other people to go beyond what they thought were their own limits, to join him in accomplishing great goals,” Chavez said.

    “If elected Mayor,” Chavez continued, “I plan to pursue the policies and leadership style of this great American.”

    The library will offer a “warts and all” look at Gonzales’ two terms as mayor. Exhibits will include Gonzales’s programs as mayor, including his censure by the City Council and a brief mention of his acknowledged relationship with a former intern. That exhibit—which is titled “The Fight for Power”—also criticizes Mercury News columnist Scott Herrold, who reported extensively on Gonzales many challenges as mayor of America’s tenth largest and safest city.

    Celebrities from Hollywood were in the audience. Joe Guerra, Gonzales’ close friend and key City Hall confidant, greeted Oscar winners Kevin Spacey and Robin Williams who joined audience members Barbra Streisand and her husband, actor James Brolin.

    Overall, the library’s collection boasts nearly 2 million emails, 76 million pages of paper documents and 75,000 telephone logs and museum artifacts, such as a collection of golf clubs, Swedish memorabilia and other items given to Gonzales during his time as mayor.

    The entire facility—library, museum, foundation headquarters and school – will be constructed at a cost of $165 million and financed by anticipated taxes, charges and fees to be raised by the City of San Jose over the next 30 years.

    If members of the public are interested, individual donations can be made by accessing the City of San Jose web site.

  9. Interesting reading about the backgrounds of Carl and most of Silicon Valley Leadership Group staff – mostly former state political staffers – explains their lack of common sense.


  10. Mark T-

    For the last four weeks I concentrated my column on each of the mayoral candidates.  I couldn’t fit in Michael before the election.  Obviously my writing hasn’t left an impression on you…

  11. Hey John:
    My first time on “” — how about taking your virtual talk show to a live venue?  I found your piece great satire!  Hey, I’ve got a barn and I will just bet several alumni moms of “CMT Veterans For Truth” will sew the costumes, pay for the costumes, build the sets, pay for the sets, paint the sets, pay for the paint, pay for the wigs and make-up, pay for the cast party, pay for the rent on the barn, work for free, pay for at least ten tickets to each show, pay for the Executive Director’s salary; etc., etc., etc…just make sure you give their kids 15 minutes of stage time.
    “Break a leg”,
    Mickey Rooney
    Former Exploited Child Actor

  12. Hey # 7, try this reverse—Cindy loses, carpetbags herself to D5 and runs for Diaz’s old seat.

    And, no, no, get Sam in D3, then 8 years to the mayor’s post.

  13. George and Chuck share the same consultant.  You guessed it, the legendary sleaze of sleaze, Victor A.

    Well, the grand jury indictments and report has been sealed until after the primary election.

    George and Chuck know that naming Cindy as a part of plot will make Chuck the only candidate for Mayor.

    Thanks, Victor, you have created another moment where Kennedy and Reed have only you to thank and only you to guide them.

  14. #16. Are you seriously suggesting:

    A) The DA would risk the disastrous personal consequences of issuing a trumped up indictment

    B) To help a candidate for an office in which he has nothing to gain

    C) All because the DA once had the same political consultant as the current mayoral candidate????

    Even if you don’t like George Kennedy or Chuck Reed that’s waaay out in left field.

  15. George Kennedy supports Reed, and also handles the grand jury process.  Victor A, the Mayor of Chuck Reed, makes press releases for Kennedy.

    George is about to name Cindy in the report for Chuck’s benefit.

  16. Contrary to your post Tom, the CMT Veterans opposed Michael Mulcahy for Mayor because they need him for their upcoming production of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.”  The further campaigning and possible victory for Michael would have left him too busy to put on his dancing shoes for the role of Caractacus Potts. 
    While this seems like a drastic action for the CMT veterans to take, Mulcahy’s performance is just that exquisite.  My grandson has the fortune of being in the production and when I sat in on one rehearsal, let me just say, I have never seen so many Middle School girls moved to tears than when Michael sang the reprisal of “Hushabye Mountain.”  Even I had to step outside for a few minutes to gather my thoughts. 
    I am not a religious man but when Michael sang the words “Wave good-bye to cares of the day.
    And watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain
    Sail far away from lullaby bay” I truly saw a heavenly angel on that stage.

  17. #19. So what you’re saying is that Mr. A not only has the ability to orchestrate a conspiracy involving the DA and a City Councilman/Mayoral candidate, he is ALSO able to influence the Grand Jury?

    Wow, this guy’s good!

    Will Mr. A also have Bill Chew deliver Cindy’s subpoena on roller skates?

  18. 24., I’m not surprised by the level of Cindy support in Willow Glen or anywhere else for that matter.

    Cindy is extremely likeable, and she is very neighborhood oriented.  Willow Glenner’s have traditionally had a “we’re special and we don’t particularly care about the rest of the City” attitude.  Mulcahy and Pandori’s message about looking city-wide may not have resonated with many Willow Glen residents.

    I am interested in whether the construction of the high-rise Tamien Towers in Willow Glen will hurt Chavez come the run-off.  The work has started there and it will be a very visible sign of a Chavez deal that the residents of this District strongly opposed.

  19. #20
    I had a great laugh over your post.  I even thought about asking if his performance had spunk.  We all could use a good laugh after all the hard work of this campaign.  Especially if you worked for Pandori, Cortese or Mulcahy.  Then I thought about how Michael, his family and all of his supporters must feel right about now.  Let’s give them a break.  Don’t get me wrong, political satire is great but Chuck and Cindy are the fair game now.

  20. In defense of Gary Coleman

    Gary Coleman’s run for governor resulted in 14,235 votes,
    even after he essentially withdrew from the race after
    Arnold Schwarzenegger entered.

    On the other hand, Michael Mulcahy’s run for mayor of
    San Jose resulted in 12,730 votes at a cost per vote
    much higher than Coleman’s governor run.

    After loosing big in the election, Coleman leveraged that experience to rebound from
    a run of bad luck to become a well known pitchman for short term loans.

    Hope to see the same reversal of fortune
    for Malcahy. It shouldn’t be hard, since both were born with charisma, something lacking in the remaining candidates for mayor.

  21. #24   What if ?   
    The Grand Jury finds that Cindy

    A-  Broke the law by taking part in the Norcal deal.  Would Cindy resign along with Gonzo?  Who then would fill in as mayor?
    B-  Did not break any law but took part in the Norcal scandal before it was made public, A la the Grand Prix.  Would Cindy resign, get recalled, censured, drop out of the election?
    If she drops out of the election would Pandori then take her place or would the election go to Chuck?  Seems like it might be a good idea for Pandori to wait to endorse an other candidate until the Grand Jury presents their findings.  Would someone shed some light on these questions.

  22. If there is going to be a Grand Jury decision on Ron Gonzales it will be issued by June 29th which is the final day of the present Grand Jury.  If there is a negative decision then you can expect Ron to resign so that Cindy will become the incumbent.  Then, she can campaign as Mayor.  It is surprising to me who many of my Willow Glen neighbors are Cindy supporters.  This is in the middle of Mulcahy Village.

  23. Good questions.  Gee, why would Chuck want his buddy, whom he asked to appear for him in advertisements, to time the grand jury report just rght.

    By the way, who did the formal accusation of Ron G.  My soureces tell me there were two accusations, and why are we looking just at Norcal.  Seems Ronny G had some fun with the staff budget, too.

  24. #26. Actually I read quite a lot but I have somehow missed the articles that suggest the DA, Chuck Reed, Victor A and The Grand Jury are all engaged in a vast conspiracy to discredit Cindy Chavez.

    However, if you will be so kind as to post links to credible articles or other information that prove or even vaguely support your claim I will be happy to read them.

    I’ll check back later and see what you’ve got. 

    Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, I go along with the more realistic political soap opera script that’s making the rounds… 

    Gonzales, not Chavez, is of course the target of the Norcal investigation. IF there is a finding of official misconduct the DA would likely offer the Terry Gregory Stay-Out-Of-Jail-Plan: resignation and community service. (Does anyone know what community service Terry performed, besides resigning?)

    That puts Vice Mayor Cindy in the Mayor’s office on an interim basis which is not a bad place for a Mayoral candidate to be, especially with a supportive Council. All Cindy would have to do is stay out of back rooms, fund a few neighborhood programs offer an insincere olive branch to the Chamber and she would probably squeak into office.

    This scenario has got to be Chuck Reed’s worst nightmare.

  25. Mal

    Since you need some crayons, I will put this together for you.

    a.  Reed and Kenedy share the same consultant.  This same consultant last year took grand jury documents and read them out at a press conference he organized.  Check Metro.

    b.  Now put down your fourth scotch, and take the red crayon, and draw a line between George and Chuck.

    c.  Last year as well, during the Northside investigation, Kennedy allowed the same consuttant and Chuck to have memos from his office.

    d.  Kennedy backs Reed for Mayor, and though I voted for the Chucketer with the dumb tie, twice because he never had any serious competition, Reed always works to get candidates to drop out.  Again, check the papers in this town and the one next San Jose.  His aides and supporters always work to ask candidates to withdraw. 

    e.  Now since you stopped burping your cocktail peanuts, you should ask yourself, why Kennedy would withold grand jury documents until after the primary, and given the fact that he has on three occasions, given department memos to his consultant to read out at public meetings, Metro Public Eye lists them, and that two of Chuck’s buddies work to get candidates to get out of the race, why wouldn’t the same be true here?

    By the way, this time, I voted for Pandori, because like Jerry Nadler, who got screwed by Kennedy years ago, Pandori is going to win up doing little cases for the next ten years.

    Bottoms up

  26. 27 – I understand why you don’t use your name. I wouldn’t want to be associated with the ignorant nonsense you write, either. Obviously, political science is not your strong suit. Opinions are fine but they are more credible if they are substantiated by a shred of fact. Keep trying.

  27. The stupid brainless people of this city are the most uneducated MORONS on this planet ,in four years this city will be nothing but a big gang infested traffic congested mess,and whoever gets elected mayor snake chavez or chuck greed you can bet the developers will be destroying every inch of dirt thats left untouched, so now you all deserve what you get ,have fun sitting in your cars as you wait for traffic L A STYLE ,HELL AINT A BAD PLACE TO BE ! and as for ronny g, he only looks stupid, but he is a lot smarter then you all think he is,this is his way of saying eat mud im still in drivers seat

  28. #16 Butler
    I don’t quite understand what you are saying.
    Are you saying the D.A. delayed the findings on Norcal to be released after 6-6-6 so Cindy would win or lose the election?
    Are you saying that the D.A. will not find that Cindy played a part in the Norcal scandal?
    or Are you saying that if the D.A. finds Cindy was a part of Norcal, it will be because of false evidence ?
    Are you saying the D.A. knew in advance that it would be a run off between Chuck and Cindy and the D.A. and Chuck are in a plot together?
    Are you making a case for or against Cindy the D.A. or Chuck?

  29. #30 The Butler
    I am not aware of George Kennedy’s role in “The Mayorial Election” as the D.A. I do think however he did an outstanding job in “Cool Hand Luke”.  His dramatic role as the prison guard was worthy of an Oscar.  His comedic timing in “The Naked Gun and Airplane” was esquisite. I have missed seeing him on the big screen and will be looking foreward to seeing him in his new role. I also have not seen him in any T.V. advertisements.
    I assume that when you say Chuck you are refering to his lifelong friend Chuck Heston?

  30. It is just a matter of record that Victor, who is encouraging Roseann and others, has a brother in the DA’s office and never has answered why he was so among the few chosen to have the Northside center documents to use at a press conference.

    The fact that Chuck still has never disclosed why he caused the BUSD to receive a major FPPC fine, and never explained why, is not an issue.

    Nor is it ever a concern for Roseann and others that Georgie porgie has been criticized by the San Jose Mercury News for launching politically motivated investigations before.

    Ask Karen

  31. John McEnery IV is just jealous over the fact that when he went to Bellarmine, Mulcahy stole all the lead roles from him in the school plays as an underclassman. How does it feel John? How does it feel to know that Michael Mulcahy was and always will be more talented, popular, and important than you?

  32. I dont know about John IV but I think Pandori could have given him a run for his money. His performance at the P.A.C.T. Forum was Oscar worthy. Getting into that Evangelist mode and practically falling to his knees as he expressed an enthusiastic “YES” to everyone of those covenants was a classic. It was a perfect portrayal of a desperate politician succumbing to the pressures of religious fanatics. His performance overshadowed a fine performance by Ms. Chavez as an over the hill college cheerleader. This was definitely one for the ages.

  33. Hey John, yes, on Fridays you’ll often find me somewhere besides on the computer so I do miss some of your stuff.  And sometimes I just don’t feel motivated to comment but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what you have to say.  Always nice to get your take on things.

  34. #32. I ask for credible articles and/or information and you offer vague references to Metro stories and unsubstantiated rumors. 
    You’re shooting blanks.

    #42. Sorry, I’m not on the DA’s staff. I wish I was. Those County benefits are great.

  35. #43 Jerry, Jerry, Jerry
    Get over it, I was there and they all looked like fools, you need to move on.  Please read #23, have a nice meal, a glass of wine, put a smile on your face the come back and talk about the issues, Cindy and Chuck.

  36. #48. I can read well enough to see that Chavez made the motion that was passed by the council 10-1. The entire Council held the executive session that the Merc is questioning.
    I was, however,  wrong on one point. You’re not shooting blanks. It’s a small cap pistol. 
    Goodbye little buckaroo.

  37. It is too bad, Maly Baly, that you just cannot accept the fact that Chucky lied and violated the law.  They all did it, is not an excuse for Chucky Wukcy.  He could have been a leader like Linda on Norcal, whom I voted for and proud to have done so, or Dave who voted no on this, but he didn’t.  As a matter of fact, Chucky and Cindy VOTE ALIKE 90% OF THE TIME.  But since you need Vic and Chuck to buy you a pint every night, you could care less.

  38. I’m gonna go ahead and admit that my last post was too harsh, I was simply trying to bring more people who didn’t really deserve to be publically slandered into this rediculous game as an example of how awful people sound when they make statements like the one I made. I’ve never met John McE, but I figured I had just as much a right to publically attack and make suppositions about him and his character as him or anyone else on this site who comments about our local would be public leaders, be it Michael Mulcahy, or David Pandori, or the faux-republican guy who reminds us all of the warner bros martian, or that horrible no plan labor robot who will say anything to get more votes. (Did you catch those?)

  39. First off, Michael ran a solid campaign without negative or false claims.  While I didn’t vote for him, I do respect him and would like to thank him for a good run.

    Putzy Wutzy was a Mal gets the award of the week for being the funniest without trying.  He/she writes, “He[Chuck] could have been a leader like Linda on Norcal.”  A leader like Linda . . . oh my good lord.  Excuse me while I wipe off the Fresca that I just spewed all over my computer screen when I read that.  If by ‘leader’ you meant ‘sheep like follower without original thoughts’ you may be correct. 

    You then go on to state “Chucky and Cindy VOTE ALIKE 90% OF THE TIME”.  Did you know that 76% of statistics are made up?  See how I just made up a number for my argument.  Feel free to criticize, but do it with at least some semblance of correctness.

  40. A leader like Linda who asks the tough questions like:  “Those flares that SJPD puts down after events – are they biodegradable?”.

  41. I thought that this blog of John’s was particularly funny and not too harsh really. He did one one each of the 5 candidates so no one was really safe. Can’t anyone take a joke anymore or do they have to fire back with personal attacks on John?

    Oh, you did the old “See, that is what NOT to do. I was just showing how personal attacks are BAD.” Ease up, Progressive. Yes, we so have the right to criticize our public officials or those who are trying to become one. People stayed silent for too long on Gonzales, I am glad that this isn’t the trend now. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!

  42. My girlfriend and I have just seen the remake of “The Omen.”  We are very worried over the fact that young Damien’s eyes remind us of Chick Reed’s.  We voted for Reed.  What have we done?

  43. #55
    Before you get too hard on Linda please compare her voting record to that of the mayor and council on land use issues. You will find that she voted on the right side of the law more often than anyone else.  Had more of the council followed her lead we would have saved over $70,000,000. Before anyone became a candidate for mayor, you will find that she and Chuck voted on the oposite side of Gonzo more tha any other council member.

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