Chuck Reed Detained for Desecrating American Flag

“Tiegate” Case to be Heard in U.S. District Court

During a Thursday afternoon mayoral stump speech, current San Jose City Councilman and mayoral candidate Chuck Reed was picked up by federal marshals and detained for several hours after being charged with the desecration of the American flag.

“We have been watching Mr. Reed and his neckwear for some time,” said Special Agent Mike Fudally.  “It wasn’t until just recently, though, when he wore his flag-patterned tie in a violent clash with a fuchsia broadcloth shirt and cream-colored tweed jacket, that we felt he knowingly cast contempt upon the flag of the United States in violation of the Federal Flag Code.

Some political insiders believe that “Tiegate” could seriously derail Mr. Reed’s efforts for the city’s top job.  Others defend him by saying his tie is a bold statement of patriotism and believe that the whole imbroglio was instigated by his opponents.  However, most believe this doesn’t even qualify as a “gate” but merely a fashion faux pas that could easily be rectified by a consultation with Carson Kressley.

“You should never wear a striped pattern with a tweed,” said Mr. Kressley, fashion star of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, “it could cause a wardrobe malfunction at the most embarrassing time.”

When asked if the pending hearing is harming his campaign, Mr. Reed was philosophical.  “If I become mayor, and end up incarcerated because of my patriotism, I promise you, this city will be better served than it is at present.”


  1. Why must it be a tie?  There are American flag lapel pins probably at your local 7-11’s check-stand that would get the message across and wouldn’t look so ridiculous as that awful tie.

  2. When questioned last night on the contract between Norcal and Teamsters, guaranting a 4% raise at the cost of working families that will have to pay the increase in our garbage rates, Ms Chavez claimed to have no knowledge of the deal. Of course, she also said the same thing about the Grand Prix race and the 11 million pay off on the garbage scandal.  Can she be believe? Stay tune for more. Mr Reed’s tie is a fashion statement. At least he shows is patriotism.

  3. Thanks for bring up Chuck Reed.  I haven’t seen his tie but I am concerned about his voting record where he voted to end the investigation into the Cisco fiasco “engineered” by the Gonzo/Guerra team with the complicity of Mrs. Potter.

    Has Chuck ever explained his vote?  I think it’s great a politician wears a tie signifying his allegiance to America and what it stands for; like justice for all.

    So, Chuck, what was in the investigation you didn’t want to be seen?  Why haven’t you encouraged the board to push the DA to pursue the corruption of the Gonzo administration?

    When you’re mayor will your backbone return?  Oh, you were probably just building a consensus.  Or maybe you should have followed David Pandori’s example and voted against the consensus…

  4. Reed: Lighter Than Air

    Chuck Reed revealed more about himself in his piece yesterday (5/18) on the editorial page of the Mercury News than he may have wanted to. The central thought he expressed was that “occasionally we have to lift our eyes above the potholes and consider our place in the world.”

    One could easily visualize Reed raising his arms, an eyeball in each hand, surveying the world to locate San Jose.

    Assuming that he was using an idiom, however, he probably intended to show his “vision” side.  Reed has never been a “vision” kind of guy, presumably because Victor Ajlouny has had his back as his consultant for years. Their entire method has been to engage in the most vulgar smear campaigns, and to avoid serious discussion of serious issues.

    The lightness of yesterday’s “vision” essay is telling. Reed opened with uplifted eyeballs and ended with “provide great services.” He carefully avoided touching ground anywhere in between.


    Regarding Cisco (to #5 above), Reed was the council member who made the motion to end the investigation into the Cisco matter. It was a convoluted motion, but the mayor explained it to the investigator by saying, you do understand, don’t you, that if this motion passes, it ends the investigation?

    Interestingly enough, this mayoral statement followed the disclosure by the investigator to the city council that he had just come into possession of several thousand copies of emails to and from high level city officials, something that had been kept from him during his earlier investigation.

    Yes, Chuck was willing to deprive San Jose residents of transparency in the Cisco matter.


    North San Jose Vision has been much discussed over the past 10 days. North San Jose Vision was simply the city planners’ effort to vastly increase business enterprises and residences along and around North First Street from 880 to 237.

    Again, Reed was the council member who moved to approve North San Jose Vision. And, unknown to the general public because the San Jose Mercury News resolutely refused to disclose it to you, Reed attached a rider to his motion called a “statement of over-riding considerations.” This statement essentially said that much of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was to be suspended because the environmental stresses by North San Jose Vision were so huge that they simply couldn’t be rectified or mitigated.

    Reed’s conduct in this matter places him firmly among those council members who have carelessly opened the way for costly lawsuits. He opened the way for the lawsuits by Milpitas, Santa Clara, and the county regarding failed EIR protections in North San Jose Vision.


    Finally, and with apologies to Pete Campbell, Reed’s role in opposing the new city hall is very questionable. I was one of the three city residents who authored the ballot opposition statement to Measure I. That was the ballot proposition to allow “moving” city hall back in 1996, and I can tell you that Reed did not lift a finder to promote public awareness about the negative impact a new city hall would have on our General Fund.

    As far as I can tell, Reed’s contribution to the new city hall was limited to voting no once, and insisting that alternative sites be looked at. Reed’s public image of fighting the new city hall is vastly misleading.

    The financing of the new city hall is a nightmare and Deborah Lohse’s recent San Jose Mercury News story on the true cost of the city hall was one that Pete Campbell, I, and others have been telling for the last half-decade. Reed has never spoken out about the true cost of the new city hall.

  5. Politicans have certain standards of haberdashery to live up to in public – American flag ties with brown shoes, etc.

    So to do engineers.  You can tell when an engineer has reached the highest levels of his profession by his ability to successfully match plaids.

  6. I heard Chuck wears the tie because he thought the public wanted him to.
    One day he asked his staff to do a survey of what the citizens of San Jose felt was THE most important issue of the mayoral campaign.  His staff asked 100,000 citizens to vote on what was more important to , ethics or land use.  50,000 voted for ethics 50,000 voted for land use.  The next day Cuck asked his staff “what is the most important issue to the citizens of San Jose?”  They said “it was a tie”.  The rest is history.

  7. Dear San Jose:

    The current administration’s behind the scenes manipulations on the alternative sites study for the new city hall remains the biggest untold scandal in our city.  The so called “study” was a whitewash.  The authors of the report arbitrarily applied the construction costs of the Meier designed complex to their “analysis” of the option of building at the existing city hall site.  The authors of the city manager’s report accepted bids for 18 other sites, but none were solicited for the existing city hall site.  WHY?  (perhaps they feared that an undesireable outcome would be found…ie that a bigger, and even grander city hall could be built at an even lower price).  But that’s not what the boss wanted…you know, the guy who got censured).

    Reed stood up.  Unfortunately,  very few followed his lead, and now we’re stuck with the bill.

    Pete Campbell

  8. If Chuck Reed supports ethics, then why does he work so hard to attack his opponents so unethically?  Why did Chuck Reed get involved in a campagin that was investigated and fined by the FPPC?  Does he believe in ethics at City Hall for everyone else, and boast that he is above it?

  9. Hey, all you mindless bloggers, especially you, Warner, you constant complainer.

    I wear the tie because Victor told me too, and this next mayoral administration will not only make Campbell, Warner, and Dexter wear ties with Victor’s picture on it, but you all will dance a jig at the Reed Street Party at the Lundy Post Office.

  10. Chuck has created so much envy amongst the other four front-runners that they all have decided to don patriotic outerwear.  Dave Cortesi has started wearing a bow tie fashioned from the California State Bear Flag with the seal of the City of San Jose sewn on. Ms. Chavez (Potter) was seen in a local womens store purchasing a two piece swim suit fashioned from the American Flag and the California State Flag.  Dave Pandori has been seen wearing a little American flag bow-tie with red white and blue flashing lights which activate whenever Dave is pleased about something.

  11. Chuck wears a patriotic tie because:

    A. He is a graduate of the US Air Force Academy;

    B. We are at war (despite what some people with their heads up their…in the sand believe); and

    C. His daughter and son-in-law (also USAF graduates) served in that war, she as a pilot of an A-10 Warthog who managed to safely land her plane, saving her crew despite having the snot shot out of it, by all those peace-loving insurgent freedom fighters.

    He can wear any damn thing he wants in my book.

  12. I forgot to mention Mulcahy.  He is now wearing a tee shirt as an outer garment with “Mayfair Packing” stenciled on it and a graphic with a huge prune underneith.

  13. Why is it that those who think the war is a good thing resort to insulting those who think it is a terrible idea and a major mistake? Just wondering, Rick.
    But, Rick points out the problem with people who wrap themselves in the flag. They somehow think they have the market on patriotism, as if those who don’t need to wrap themselves in the flag somehow love their country less. It’s just another way the Iraq mess is similar to Vietnam.
    Although I respect Chuck I find his need to wrap himself in the flag distaseful. You love your country, I love my country. Big deal. I think we are in the midst of a tragic foreign policy blunder. Big deal. I don’t feel the need to display the national colors in my daily fashion choices, you do. I think it is sill, you don’t. And there you have it. In the scheme of things it is insignificant.
    Lets get back to our own little crisis here in San Jose.

  14. Rick, I think we all know those reasons you listed and certainly Chuck has a very good reason to be proud of his daughter and demonstrate his patriotism.

    But wearing a flag tie is like wearing a tie with a Christmas tree on it or whatever.  You wear it once or twice a year at the appropriate time and then it gets put away.  He could wear that tie on any holiday when you’d normally fly the flag, but other than that, it should be a lapel pin or something, just like people who wear the ribbons or bracelets to show their support for a particular group or cause.  It just seems a little over the top to be wearing something so loud every day.  For me, it’s not about patriotism, which is an admirable quality in anyone, not just a candidate for mayor, but more about the creepy similarity this has to a certain famous guy (I think he’s a guy) who used to insist on going around wearing just one glove.

  15. Rick #13. Thanks for setting the record straight but you left out one other important fact: Reed says he will wear the tie until our troops come home.

    Some have decided to make his tie the target of jokes. I don’t find anything funny about US troops being in harms way. I admire Reed for his small but visible gesture to remind people that we are in a war and lives are at risk.

    It’s fair to question Reed on campaign issues. It is not fair, and very small-minded, to make fun of the man’s patriotic values.

  16. #13 Loosen up your tie
    We are just having a little fun with our friend Chuck.  Most of us respect the guy.  We all know of his family’s proud service.
    If you want to get angry about something just think about the fact that Cindy Chavez could be our next mayor.  A vote for Pandori will bring a smile back to your face.

  17. Rick DiNapoli don’t you understand when someone is pulling someone’s leg.  John always ends the week with a humorous post.  Kind of takes the edge off every thing.  Haven’t you every seen a DiNapoli “Mayfair Packing” Tee shirt with a prune on it.
    Be proud of your heritage.
    Thanks for a great weekend send off John.

  18. If Chuck plans to wear that tie until the troops come home, it is going to be threadbare and unwearable before that happens.  I hope for his sake that he has a big stash of them.

    This type of statement reminds me of that old Bay Area TV news primadonna Van Amburg and his crusade on Channel 7 not to let the kidnapping of Monica Rios be forgotten, running a story on the case daily for many, many months.  They finally stopped running them at some point because it did become ridiculous.  Years later, long after Amburg had been fired, Monica turned up safe and sound.

    Chuck is doing something equally ridiculous and has painted himself into a corner by saying he’ll wear that tie until the troops come home.  And the outcome of the stupidity that is our involvement in Iraq won’t have nearly as happy an ending as the Monica Rios story. 

    An understandably heartfelt but still bad decision on Chuck’s part.  Shows he was just as naieve as Bush going into this, and makes one wonder if he’d paint himself into more corners as Mayor.

  19. In truth, I thought this was one of John’s most clever columns. Very, very funny. I was smiling wildly as I read it.  I was responding more to those who chided Chuck over a very principled stance. He has every reason to be proud of his attire.

    #19 – Dan – actually it is a Mayfair Sugarripe Prune T-Shirt. My wife tells me to take it off, because she says she can’t stand to see more than one likeness of me at a time.

  20. Dale Warner presented a pretty good synopsis of Mr. Reeds conduct in office.  Can someone help me to identify any of the current council members running for Mayor that doesn’t have the dirt of corruption on their hands?  I suspect most of us could care less what tie he or anyone else wears…

  21. Although I think the tie is corny, you have to respect Chuck for his conviction to his beliefs.

    I know we all hope Cindy will develop as strong convictions, we are hoping for the type of convictions that lead to jail time!

    P.S. CHUCK, there are many tes that feature the American flag – I know you have fiscal restraint, but free up some $$ and buy a couple of others so you can change it up once in a while.

  22. We could spend a year on each member of the City Council, and what a lousy job they have done in office.  We have Pyle and Campos dropping everything to go after Cortese.  We have Lezotte blowing the whistle until her face is about as red as the faded red on Reed’s tie, but then voting to ruin Country Lane School’s neighborhood for a check for Supervisor.  We have Chavez throwing away all of the Ron Gonzales commemorative golf balls she has in her office, and we have Forrest Williams smiling with a grin that only could be found on the Cheshire Cat. 

    Ken Yeager keeps sending out enough mailers for supervisor to give every child in West San Jose a bookmark, or a martini coaster for their folks, and Cortese is telling everyone in town that “Hey, I don’t even have coffee with these guys on the Council, much less like them.”

    The bottom line is to elect Chuck Reed Mayor so at least one honest person can hold the gavel in San Jose until Tommie Mac wants the job again.

  23. #21 Rick.  I got all the Mayfair business from my father who inspected prunes and apricots for the State before WWII.  He used to bring home stories about your ancestors, relatives and forebears at the Packing company on the east side.  Shooting ducks, if you can imagine, and lots of colorfull stories.

  24. I’m sorry, ‘This is San Jose Inside’, did you say Chuck Reed is at “least one honest person [who] can hold the gavel in San Jose”.  So ” Reed was the council member who made the motion to end the investigation into the Cisco matter” is an honest action.  I think some would disagree.  But I guess one person’s hero is another’s weasel.

    Has anyone noticed Mr. Reeds absence in explaining his motion to end the investigation?  Other candidates have addressed questions and concerns presented in this lowly blog.

  25. Mark T – Monica Rios did come home thanks, in large part, to Van Ambergs KGO colleague Rigo Chacon taking up the cause and keeping the story alive. The persistence paid off.

    Let’s hope we see the same outcome for the US troops Chuck Reed chooses to honor with his simple gesture of wearing a flag tie. Unfortunately, there are many who would prefer to not think about the more than 2,000 Americans who have died in Iraq or thousands more face danger ever minute of every day. No matter what your views on the war all Chuck asks is that we remember these people. By any reasonable standard that’s commendable.

    If, as you suggest, he’s painted himself into a corner perhaps it’s not such a bad corner to be in.

  26. Why do many of you insist on throwing your vote away on Pandori?
    Yes he may be the cool, rebelious kid on the playground but 5% is not going to turn into second place anytime soon.
    Vote with your head and not with your heart… unless you want a Chavez/Cortese runoff, Vote for Chuck Reed.

  27. 24 – As I recall, it was Chuck Reed slammed the gavel fairly quickly when it came to shutting down the Cisco investigation, along with Cindy and her cohorts.  That is just not consistent with the messages Reed has been throwing out during the campaign about open government and holding those in office accountable for their actions.  It was Dave Cortese who voted to keep BOTH the Cisco and Norcal investigations going so that the public would know what really took place.  At least Dave has been consistent in wanting to get to the bottom of these cover ups!.

  28. Hey, I supported Reed for City Council, and for reelection for City Council.  Because, Dexter, he is one of the few honest city council members in the Northern California area.  Look around, at least Reed is not backing campaign managers or campagin contributors for city commissions like they do in some places.  He has been backing open government since the year dot unlike Yeager who just discovered it when he filed his first papers for supervisor.  Reed is working hard to help school districts, and he wasn’t claiming to be the big whistle blower Lezotte is and then voting for grand prix subsidies when no one was looking.  You stand up and be counted, Dexter, and tell me one dishonest thing Chuck ever did.  He wears the damn tie because he is a true and blue American hero!

  29. Enough is enough. All three of them are part of the problem. Not one of them has shown the ability to make a difference. They are not leaders. 34 reforms. Hell with this bunch you would be lucky to get one. This is a turn around job we are in need of and it certainly will not come from this threesome.

  30. ‘This is San Jose Inside’ #31, what’s the big deal?  Why can’t/won’t Mr. Reed explain why he lead the effort to squelch the Cisco investigation?  Being in favor of transparent government now is like a liar telling you he’s not lying this time.  Seems like if he really believes in transparancy he would be glad to let us know his reasoning.

    BTW, I like patriotic ties, I think his A10 Pilot daughter is a true hero however, I need to know Mr. Reed is not tied up in the non-transparent Cisco deal which is really only the tip of the coruption Gonzo iceberg…

    Early in Mr. Reeds council career he was one of my “heroes”.  It was clear he followed a morale compass and knew what was right and wrong.  However, something/someone, probable Gonzo, got to him and he “sold” out.  San Jose needs a Mayor who can take the heat and say no to special interests.  There’s at least one example, a big one at that, when Mr. Reed folded.  Why?

  31. #s 1, 2, 3, and all others jumping on Reed for his decision to ware his favorite tie. Stop wasting your time. Bashing Reed, or any of the other candidates does nothing for David. There’s only a couple of weeks to go before the primary. You need to show up at his campaign headquarters and do what it takes to get the vote out for Pandori.

    As a previous writter has stated so eloquently, the best way to participate is to “Stop yewlling from the croud” and get to David’s campaign headquarters

  32. As I watched the debate on Sunday I had a thought.  Some people have a problem with the tie Chuck wears over and over again, some people feel Mulcahy looks too much like a pretty boy in his perfect attire.  In the spirit of teamwork,Chuck and Michael should switch ties.  It might do them both some good.  Then we could go back to knocking them for their lack of leadership and vision and not waste any more time on how they look, even though it’s fun.
    By the way they all looked out of place and uncomfortable Sunday on stage singing and trying to clap to the beat.  It reminded me of the sceen in Animal House where all the white frat boys and girls went to an all black night club.  None of them had an ounce of rythem.  Mulchay looked like he was doing a bad Elvis impression, moving his hips side to side.  Cindy looked like she wanted to sit down but needed the votes.  Chuck looked like he had the moves of an army general.  Dave Cortese looked as if he had frozen a phoney smile on his face and it hurt.  Pandori had a look on his face as if to say ” is this what it takes to get elected Mayor of San Jose”.  Good thing they don’t need jobs in the music biz, they all would starve!

  33. At least Mulcahy had the balls not to sign covenants that he cant promise the city will be able to keep. What a stupid format. I am surprised they did not bring out the ten commandments.

  34. It is unfortunate that any of the candidates would “sign” anything forced on them at a meeting like this. It is the worst way to implement public policy. Kind of like the old magazine cover with a picture of a dog with a gun being held to its head and the caption “If you don’t buy this magazine we’ll shoot the dog.”
    PACT’s tactic is very similar. Public officials who bow to this kind of group pressure do not show good judgement, IMHO.
    Certainly PACT has every right to request certain positions from candidates but the candidates should excercise not to committ to positions under pressure from a near mob mentality.

  35. I made my choice for mayor yesturday.  Mulchahy.  He’s the only one that didn’t bow to the religous right creeps running PACT.  That forum was a joke!!!!

    Micheal, you got my vote and respect.  Keep it up!

    The rest of you can dance right out of here

  36. #42 I am not a member of PACT or a member of the religious right.  This is how I saw the event.  The people were religious, but I could not tell if they were right or left.  They were respectful.  They looked to be mostly working class people who wanted quality public education and housing for the poor.  The format was way too controlling.  It was not a debate and candidates were not allowed to speak to issues that they felt were important.
    Pandori however did a good job of slipping in examples of where the present administration wasted money.  He provided examples where money that could have been used as a source of income for PACT’s projects was wasted on projects such as the Grand Prix and proposed ballpark.
    Pandori was at his best in his heartfelt opening statement.  Chavez had her best performance in that she was able to use her nice smile and did not have to answer difficult questions regarding her voting record.  She was able to site state sources for funding possible projects.  Cortese also got extra points when he showed he knew members of PACT and spoke to them in Spanish.  Chuck Reed who answered no to all of PACT’s requests may not have gained any votes.  Yet, he held true to his convictions to honor and service.  (He even refused to meet with PACT if elected for half a day.  He said he would be too busy-probably not a great statement even if it is true.)  Mulcahy, stood on principle as well, yet came across as representing big business interests without consideration for the “little guy”.  He did not seem to gain votes but this audience was not comprised of his voter base (Willow Glen residents and Chamber of Commerce types).

  37. I am a troop.  The flag Chuck wears everyday is an indication someone on the city council recognizes that for those of us who have actually fought for it, FREEDOM has a flavor the protected never know. 

    For the war or against, and most know my position, there is a sense of dignity that veterans and service members feel when elected officials recognize the daily sacrifices we make to secure the American Dream.

    American troops wear an American flag every day on their uniforms.  I am glad that Chuck wears his too.  All I can hope for is that he is pushing for an investigation into the Pat Tillman “fratricide” event.  Essentially it is murder and we deserve an explanation.  Tillman is a San Jose Native with long and deep roots in our community.  We honored him in life, and we make no inquiries to his death?  Hypocritical of all those who want more investigations if you ask me.

    Problem is, there are a few residents of our lovely city who think we shouldn’t talk about the cost of war on local people. 

    Keep wearing that tie Chuck.  Even if only because Vic thinks its the thing to do.  I don’t know Vic, but I know his kin.  Ed Ajlouny, a former US Marine, former Santa Clara County District Attorney, and a champion for civil rights has done good by me. 

    Peace be upon you.

  38. #45/46- MULCAHY Knew exactly what was going on and they got false promises. It was a nice crowd, but lobbyist in their own right. If you were referring to not knowing how to play the game, I am pleased he did not sell out. This is an example of what we have endured over the past eight years. I will not vote for a council member unless I faced with the prospect of one of the two men. We need change. In this case, at this point in time I am going with the businessmanover the attorney. City Hall needs an over haul. whether its with a pencil, a pen or a plain old kick in the butt.

  39. #47
    Jerry, you say “at this point in time” as if you just made up your mind or have given the performances of all the candidates equal consideration.  Did you?  I want to be fair, but I was told that you had been a long time employee of the Mulcahy family.  Is that true?  If that is true than I can understand why you are voting for the businessman over the people’s attorney.  After I got my degree in business, one of the first things I was told was “the boss is always right, no matter if he is right or wrong.

  40. Where did anyone get the idea that PACT is right wing? They are a left leaning group that is affiliated with the Pacific Institute for Community Organization (PICO) that was heavily influenced by the socialist Saul Alinsky.

    PACT is a very influential group in San Jose associated with left-leaning church groups. The fact that you don’t know who they are only reveals that you don’t know much about politics in San Jose or in the US for that matter.

    For info see

  41. #47
    Jerry I guess you can call it selling out.  Then to be fair you would have to say that Michael sold out to the Chamber and Cindy sold out to the Unions.  You can not have it both ways.  When is it selling out and when is it believing in something?  It is a fine line.  Perhaps the difference is,  you can believe in a cause or an issue, you sell out when you can no longer think or vote independent of a group.  Pandori has a clear voting record, while serving on the council, that proves he is a free thinker.  If he does not get elected it will not be for selling out it will be for his unwillingness to do so.  He is an honest man, with a real plan on how to get this great city back on track.That is why he is the clear choice for me.

  42. #47 Oh yea, agreeing to open charter schools is really selling out to those who want better education for their children – watch out for those special interests!

    What is Mulcahy’s “business” experience anyways. His family has money and owns property but does he make day to day decisions on spending money? I just don’t get the feeling that he is day to day, getting his hands dirty guy.

  43. If Cindy Chavez has “sold out to the Unions (#50)”, then why is she such a strong supporter of PACTs “covenant” to establish 10 charter schools in San Jose? Charter schools have been vehemently opposed by teachers unions.

  44. Hi #48 I worked for some of his family members some years ago now. It was a pleasure. I am a financial person and it is my experience that in order to right the ship you must cut the fat out of your costs and look for additional revenue streams to lower your overhead. At this point in time with the deficits we are experiencing, I believe we need a business minded person who will strive for a healthy balanced budget. As for the COC. Michael got endorsement through the interview process. Cindy got hers from union with no process. The charter schools are a fine idea but there is no way you should sign a pact on an issue that has no guarantee that they will ever come to fruition. Cindy sold out on all 6 of the covenants. I can tell you #51 yes he is day to day and yes he makes decisions and yes he gets his hands dirty. Remember I worked for the family. They are hands on and right there in the trenches.

  45. Jerry #55
    Did Michael work with you in the canning industry?  What was his position at Sun Garden?  Are you saying he was hands on or other members of his family were hands on?  He is running for mayor not his family.

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