Why Should I Care?

I have an admission to make: right now, I don’t give a damn who becomes the next mayor. OK, maybe I just got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or being a news junkie has finally caught up with me. But, given the candidates we have to choose from and the situation in our city, state and world, what does it matter who becomes mayor and why should I care?

Why should I care who becomes mayor when:

We are stuck with a city council that presides over the closure of our much-needed downtown hospital and community centers, institutions that benefit all of our citizens, while handing out a $4 million welfare payment to the Grand Prix, an institution that largely benefits private and corporate interests. $4 million is twice the amount the council gives to support arts and culture in our city for the entire year.

We live in a state led by a business-as-usual Republicrat governor who hasn’t the vision, expertise, experiences or fundamental understanding of American government to be effective. On the other side, a couple of uninspiring yawns, including one who is paying his own way from a vast fortune, lead the governor’s race in the Democan party. Are you telling me that the two major parties looked around at the nearly 38 million people in our state and these are the best candidates they could come up with? We should have too much pride in our home state to swallow that, but what the hell can we do about it? There is no “none of the above” box to mark on the ballot, so are we supposed to be excited about going to the polls on June 6 for guaranteed mediocrity?

Our country is run by a cabal of wealthy corporations, oilmen, rightwing ideologues and crooked, pathological liars who are hell-bent on torching our Constitution while exerting dictatorial political and economic control over our own citizens as well as the rest of the world; a small-minded, irrational, unintelligent, uncreative, vocabulary-challenged puppet president with absolutely no vision of his own, who calls himself “the decider,” swears he is mandated by a mythological entity to engage in “strategery” and has the right to break 750 of our laws as he sees fit; and a Congress led by majority-party crooks and masters of self-interest like DeLay, Cunningham and Pombo in the House and self-righteous hypocrites like Frist, Santorum and Sessions in the Senate.

We are engaged in a totally unnecessary war—justified by lies, lies and more lies—and we are responsible—WE the PEOPLE are responsible—for the deaths and injuries of thousands of our young volunteer soldiers and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi and Afghan people—people just like you and me—and the destruction of the priceless cultural relics of one of the world’s oldest civilization.

Why should I care who becomes mayor when not even one of the leading candidates appears to be a “visionary,” and the so-called frontrunner won’t even show up at debates and forums where she can be questioned in public about her proposed program for the city? If you don’t have a leadership blueprint based on a strong vision of where we should be going as a city in the context of this screwed-up world, or you can’t even face the public and describe and defend whatever it is you do believe, what right do you have to even be running for public office and why should the people put their trust in you?

Please, somebody step forward before June 6 and paint a picture that I want to look at on the wall of City Hall for the next four years and beyond. Otherwise, what difference does it make who the next mayor is?


  1. Jack – Boy, you did wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You forgot about the depletion of the ozone layer and the bird flu pandemic.

    I believe that David Pandori does have that big picture vision that you are looking for? He is candid and frank and tells it like it is. Do you not like his ideas or are you just being devil’s advocate? Check out his new book on his website and you might find the answers that you are looking for.

  2. Jack,
    We are also responsible for saving thousands of women from rape rooms, thousands of people from torture rooms, multiple thousands from being gassed, millions of people from living in fear, helping Iraq have their first elected governing body in 5000 years, and giving millions of people hope for the future. We are responsible for helping a country create an ratify a constitution in less time then it took us to do the same thing. We arae responsible for motivating a citizenry to vote in percentages that put out country to shame. We are responsible for setting the stage for a government that has representatives working together from groups that have had nothing but hate and war between the for many many years.

    If it weren’t for our irresponsible one-sided media you would hear the other side of the story. You would hear of the millions of happy Iraqis, the incredible work our troups are doing in re-building communities that were left to wither while the repressive Iraqi regime used the food for oil money to enrich themselves on not the common people.

    It is a necessary and justified war. How soon you forget the UN resolutions that were passed time and time again that Iraq ignored. What is the rule of law if not enforced? It is no less justified than when Clinton bombed them during his tenure.

    I am so sorry that we are losing troops. But freedom and democracy are worth fighting for. I suggest you take the time to talk to some of our men and women who were actually there to hear the stories of success and the welcoming they get from the average Iraqi citizen. Talk to our heros who are there and willing to die to help someone gain the freedoms that we enjoy everyday, before you blindly follow the blur the media paints for us.

    We are a responsible country. Our local leaders are not responsible.

  3. Jack, Jack, Jack,

    The World isn’t perfect.  Hence there is much for us to do.

    Your problem is waiting for someone to lead instead of involving yourself in the solutions.

    “None of the above” has never had to make a public decision, they never had their names derided by a cynical press and public and they make no contribution—good or bad—to our society.

    The candidates for Mayor are not bad, but the system is tremendously screwed up.  It is not the politiciians fault, it is we the electorate who have not been vigilant in participating in our democracy in a positive or appropriate way.

    We have come to believe that democracy should mean “give us everything we want”.  When in reality or republic is based on hiring wise people to do the job for us.

    But most lack even the fundamental knowledge necessary to make a good decision, then blame their poor skills of selection on the very people they elected to public office.

    Each of us has become our own special interest.  We demand much and complain more and when everything isn’t done to our satisfaction it is due to corrupt or inept politicians.

    It takes courage to run for public office.  Every decision has winners and losers and every elected official (ie. human being)  has a perceived self-interest that makes them vulnerable to personal and political attack.

    What we need is not simpy cynicism, but ideas that solve problems and leaders that can bring a majority of the community together.

    We won’t change the world over night, but my favorite quote is from Bobby Kennedy,

    Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.

    It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

    We can all make a difference, if we only have the courage to try.

  4. The following paragraph followed from Bobby Kennendy’s 1966 South Africa Speech.

    It is as relevant to this disucussion as the more famous quote I used above:

    “Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society.

    Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.

    And I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe.”

  5. Finally a word of wisdom from a true patriot.  We would welcome you in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or even Saudi Arabia.  If your Spanish is up to snuff we would welcome you in Venezuela or Columbia.

    Or re-read the SJ Downtowner’s post…

  6. Gosh, aren’t we in a grumpy mood today. Before you bitch too much about the current administration’s foreign policy, remember the Islamic terrorist threat. The previous incumbent of the White House was more interested in getting BJs than fighting the war that been declared on us by the scum. During Clinton’s watch we had the first WTC bombing, the African Embassy attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole. It was obvious where this threat was coming from, yet all Slick Willie did was fire a missile at the desert and declare victory.
    I’ll take Bush over Clinton, Gore or Kerry any day.
    And it’s obvious that it does matter who is the next SJ mayor. One candidate represents the corrupt status quo while the others at least offer a modicum of reform. It’s important to send a message to the occupants of our overpriced City Hall this election. ABC!

  7. Well done #3. Right out of the neo-Con playbook. When the truth doesn’t make the case for your war just spin it until you think you can make the case. And of course, just for good measure, you blame the “one-sided media.” You must mean Fox News, but they certainly do their best as the Pravda of the Bush Administration.
    It apparently doesn’t bother you that this war was sold on lies and the retelling of known false information. The justification of the continuing slaughter of American troops is obscene. In the end, whenever that may come, this dark chapter of American history will be seen for what it is—a small group of power hungry people who planned a war for many, many years, just waiting until they could attack on trumped-up evidence. They finally got their chance and couldn’t even do it right. They did not plan or prepare for anything more than taking down a small, poorly armed military force.
    Fighting an unjust war does not make one a hero. We can only hope that your mind set is in the minority and that this national tradgedy concludes quickly.
    I’ll take a hero of peace anyday over a hero of war.

  8. It makes a big difference. We can, at least, make some small changes and maybe even big changes. Voting for someone who is removed from the current stench at City Hall will give us the opportunity to clear the air and bring an open government back to SJ. We also have the choice of keeping things as they are, with 4 more years of secret, backroom deals, a Mayor and Council owned by special interests, and an arrogance level usually reserved for the VP.
    If you don’t vote you have no excuse. There is a difference and if you don’t vote for that difference you are as much a part of the problem as those who create it.

  9. Gee, it didn’t take long for the Clinton-haters to climb out from under their rocks. It is hard to imagine anyone preferring the current dimbulb occupant in the White House to the smart, articulate statesmanship of Clinton.
    The only embarrassment of the Clinton WH was his lack of discretion in the Oval Office. W is a daily embarrassment and his actions make it hard to believe he is actually Pres. of the US. He might be a great guy to have a beer with but I sure don’t want him running foreign policy (I know, he hasn’t run foreign policy in the WH, that’s Dick’s job.)
    I long for the days of Clinton—heck, based on the current clown in the WH, I long for the days of Reagan.

  10. Jack, Right On!

    #3 and #7, all I can say is, I am thrilled that the number of people who share your views is shrinking daily.  We are down to 29% approval rating for Bush.  How anybody can say Clinton was worse than Bush is beyond me, but then again, people who say that are simply not of sound mind since if they could vote again for Bush tomorrow they would, even though Bush is entirely inept, has bankrupted every business he’s ever been involved with and is quickly doing likewise to the entire country, has alienated our allies, and is guilty of any number of impeachable offenses whereas Clinton was guilty of absolutely NONE.

    Brings new meaning to the term “Bush league” when applied to our slimey Mayor, Vice Mayor and their loyal Council lapdogs.

  11. Thanks Jack, hitting the nail on the head seems to be your talent.
    Richard Robinson, I’m really shocked you really must have changed either suppliers or brands.  I can’t believe you wrote a whole page without Ms. Chavez’s name in it.
    Well Said #9. Keep The Peace.

  12. Tom, why is San Jose Inside a national politics Blog forum – Iraq war, corporate control of the US etc – very disappointed you let Jack rant about off topic national politics  

    Did Dennis Kyne write Jack’s Blog?

    San Jose Mayor candidates are acting like a bunch of bobble headed doll politicians about

    Traffic – BART to San Jose tax boondoggle will not solve traffic problems while Coyote Valley and Evergreen development will make traffic worst

    How we will get more city services, parks, improved quality of life, increased jobs and tax revenues without more tax increases

    Our next Mayor will have open city government without backroom deals after Ron’s imperial rule

    Are we better off with Chamber candidates controlled by

  13. Isn’t the hypocrisy of the left on Afghanistan and Iraq just delicious?

    Here we have a President who actually acted to free millions of oppressed people from 2 of the most vile, evil regimes of our time and the angry left just can’t handle it.

    It just doesn’t fit the left’s template. 

    Here’s a snippet of dialog from your garden variety angry lefter’s inner voice.

    The US is the oppressor nation and source of all evil, but, but, here the US just freed 2 nations. But the US is evil, but the US just temoved 2 despotic regimes and liberated millions….  where’s my Chomsky Reader damn it!

    The angry left math is as follows:
    Bush = Evil
    All Evil in the World Summed < Evil that is Bush

    Bush is a moron, but I he did the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan and I do wish our guys (the Best of the Best) were home.

  14. Interesting statements about Chavez from this week’s Metro newspaper, from a story about her possible indictment.  I guess that would be slightly embarrassing to have a newly mayor suddenly indicted.

    “Although Chavez has tried to portray herself as independent of the mayor, recent revelations indicate that she, along with Gonzales, kept her council colleagues in the dark about Grand Prix organizers’ requests for a multimillion-dollar subsidy. Chavez didn’t volunteer that information, of course, when the council went sideways on the mayor over the backroom deal. Her role in the transaction only came to light when a public information request forced release of email correspondence.”

  15. Don’t be surprised by anything if you’ve been following the comments on this blog for the past number of weeks. Those who can slice through the spin know exactly what will happen.The sooner the better so we can put the GonzoChavez regime behind us and move on to a better place for all of us.

  16. Best line of the day: “The millions of happy Iraqis”.
    Yep #3, it’s just one Big Barrel O’ Laughs over there with insurgents wearing smiley face buttons and Groucho glasses while the slip whoopee cushions under US tanks.
    What have the folks at Fox put into that Kool Aid you’ve been drinking?

  17. San Jose can start to be a much better place on June 7th if the voters get it right.

    Mayor – Chuck or Michael
    D1 – Pete Constant
    D3 – Sam Locardo

    Supervisor Ken Yeager

    That will give us a chance to fill D6 with another common sense, intelligent, independent mided, honest leader like the 34 listed above.

    Or they can remain in the dark and get it wrong:

    Mayor – Cindy
    D1 – Jay James
    D3 – Manny Diaz

    This will make for disasterous and socialist policymaking.

    Mayor Cindy – Labor controlled,
    Jay James – Labor controlled,
    Nora Compos – Labor controlled,
    Nacy Pyle – Labor controlled,
    Manny Diaz – Labor controlled,
    Judy Chirco – Labor influenced,
    Madison Nguyen- Labor influenced,
    Forrest Williams- Labor influenced,
    Ken Yeager- Labor influenced,
    Dave Cortese – moderately independent,
    Chuck Reed – independent,

    I can see where we will be headed:
    Living wage everywhere
    Inclusionary zoning up to 50% everywhere
    Free health insurance for all
    Free day care for all
    Garbage rates $100/month

    More businesses fleeing
    Housing affordability gap widens to all time high
    $300 million annual defecit

    The labor/socialist agenda does not work. Labor representation is needed, but in proportion to the population. Just as they call for diversity in the workforce that represents the community, how about diversity in governance that represents the values of the community?

    I can’t believe that I’m Saying this, but the Mercury News so far has got it right: D3 Sam, D1 Pete – let’s hope they get the mayor’s race right.

  18. “Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society.

    Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.”

    Ahhh Rich, this really does discribe David Pandori, no?

    Anne Stahr

  19. First, a quick moment of silence for our beloved Sharks….thank you.  Great post Jack!!  You know, there are thousands of Sudanese wishing they had oil in their country…how else would they get 130,000 U.S. troops to invade to invade and “liberate” their war-torn society.

  20. Since people are offering favorite quotes here’s one of mine:
    “Tell the teacher we’re surfing, Surfing U.S.A.”
    Brian Wilson.

    Jack, take the afternoon off and go to the beach. It sounds like you need a break.

  21. Let’s hope we have some free thinkers out there.  I am a Republican, yet I did not vote for Bush either time.  I was once a member of a union, yet I will not vote for Chavez.  We have a chance to change the direction this city is taking.  It is easy to complain.  It takes time to study the issues, go to debates, attend coffees for various candidates, and review the voting records of incumbents. The work is hard, but at least you can feel you gave it your all to make the best informed decision.
      Thanks to this site I found out about Pandori’s book.  I got a free hard copy of it yesterday at his office on Linclon Ave.  The content is informative and insightful.  I find it a must read no matter for whom who you are voting.  Three things are clear about Pandori’s book .                                      1-He has given great thought to the issues.  2-he has great faith in the public,  believing we care about the city enough to take the time to read hisbook.                        3-He has the ability to look at the big picture,  which makes for insightful observations about land use issues.
    I hope the others will follow his lead.

  22. All of you angry leftists bashing Bush conveniently forget that 3,000 people were murdered by Islamic fascists on 9/11. Yet instead of supporting a President who is actually doing something about trying to stop if from happening again you pine for a head-in-the-sand idiot more concerned with getting off than fighting threats. Where Bush and the Republicans have screwed up is overspending on the domestic side on stupid boondoggles [see: Alaska, bridge to nowhere]. Unfortunately local politicians, who tend toward the left have the same stupidity [see: BART to SJ].

  23. Michael is another Bad Republican Actor turned politian.  We have one in Sacramento and we don’t need one in San Jose.  Michael has hired some great policy writers, but some of the ideas a just plain loopy, like installing surveillance cameras all over the city.  Isn’t the AT&T phone tapping enough?

    Maybe Michael is not really a Republican, after all he, wants to raise taxes on small businesses:

    One smart initiative we can push right now is to promote the creation of more “Business Improvement Districts.”

    What do you think a BID is?

    Michael is very heavily tied into the development community, including partnering with Lew Wolfe, A’s owner.  If you think City Hall was expensive, wait until you see the cost of the Baseball Stadium.  Michael is part of Baseball San Jose, he will find a way to make it pencil.

    We need someone that can think for themselves, not take wacky ideas from policy makers.  Do you we really want another Joe Guerra or Karl Rove behind the scenes?

    Chuck is the guy on council that can’t build a consensus.  What initiative has he sponsored that he was able to push through? 

    Based on Chuck’s campaign contributions, he is being influenced by developers in North San Jose.  He needs to stop the hypocrisy and come clean.  The sad truth is that these are developers that want to build 30,000 houses in North San Jose adding to traffic problems, not create jobs.  We need smart growth, not lawsuits.

  24. So all you Chamber and business candidate supporters where is – your moral outrage NOW or is using legal loopholes and slimy dirty political tactics justified for your candidates Michael, Chuck or David get elected for the greater moral political good against Ron and Cindy

    Will our moral outrage candidates make weak or strong statements about Chamber’s moral and loophole hypocrisy or be hypocrites themselves since they politically benefit?  Where are the candidate endorsers about these tactics

  25. 24—You fall into the typical trap by painting all people who believe this war is wrong and that this President is incompetent as Leftists. You know nothing about me, and probably nothing about those who believe as I do.
    It is difficult to believe that you think the billions and billions of dollars we are dumping on Iraq is better spent than if we used even a portion of that money to improve our own country. We have an appalling poverty rate, an unconscionable level of people who do not have health insurance, our infrastructure is falling apart, etc. etc.
    You like to focus on the “boondoggles” while ignoring the real tragedy—rebuilding another country while our own remains in disrepair.
    And if you really believe this country has been made safer by our current President then you’d probably be interested in some prime Nevada beachfront propery I have for sale. This President has been the greatest recruiting tool for terrorists that they have ever had.
    And the terrorists are the best thing that has ever happened to W. He had nothing before 9.11 and was on his way to being a 1 term president. He has propped up his sagging administration by using fear and a giving Americans a false sense of security. Do you really believe we are much safer now than before 9.11?
    Anyway, your guy is more or less in-charge and more Americans continue to die on a daily basis in Iraq. Maybe someday the madness will end and we will turn our attention to our own country.
    In the meantime, I wish you Peace.

  26. There is no defense for the CofC actions. But, until the entire system is changed there is no reason for them not to take advantage of the opportunities available to them. It is no better than Cindy using the loophole that allows Labor to pay their people to work on her campaign and not have to report it as an in-kind donation. It’s no better than the variety of loopholes in the ethics laws that allows money to come in that can’t be directly connected to who donated it.
    The list goes on. There is plenty of outrage to go around. Clean up the system or expect continual actions like this. The GonzalesChavez administration have operated like this since day one—if it is not illegal then it is OK. It remains to be seen though if they went to far and pushed the legality of some of the loopholes.
    Moral leadership? SVLG? CofC? Labor? These groups have an agenda and they push it. Don’t like it, then be sure you don’t vote for their agenda. If you do, you are approving of their actions.
    As for me, if those groups are involved, I’m voting opposite of what they support.

  27. Hey #26, the hitpiece by the chamber was for the benefit of Mulcahy – their candidate. Don’t lump in Chuck and David in that one. And don’t lump in the chamber with businesses. That is like lumping in the Teachers Union in with the actual teachers.

  28. Dear San Jose:

    Jack’s wrong.  He, and the rest of us should care a great deal about who’s the next mayor.  I believe that the stakes are quite high with this next election. 

    To lead is to choose, and for the past seven years our “leaders” have not chosen wisely.  San Jose is a place where the city government tried to TAKE the property of small business people and transfer the rights to another private party. (Tropicana).  San Jose is a place where the mayor and the majority of the council chose to spend the public trust on a ceremonial crystal tower instead of investing it in programs that assist people.  (Two days before the council vote to approve the project, the Mercury News published a poll that found that 64% of the people preferred a less expensive alternative).

    Reed voted no on the city hall project (and the attempted tropicana takeover).  Chavez and Cortese voted yes on both!

    Reed sided with the people of San Jose on both important questions.  If the rest of the council had had the wisdom and vision to pass on the luxury of an opulent, over-priced new city hall, the city would not be faced with the prospect of closing community centers and cutting back on park maintenance, etc.

    In a sense, we really don’t need to hear any campaign promises from the candidates.  All we have to do is look at their records on these historic decisions.

    Pete Campbell

  29. Anne,

    David P does not lack for moral courage neither does Cindy or Chuck.,—I don’t know Mulcahey well enough to comment.

    David C. has not shown moral courage, but that doesn’t mean he is a bad person.  He simply plays to the angry mob.

    Some believe it si smart politics.

  30. What these geniuses who think the billions upon billions we’re spending is going to accomplish lasting positive improvements in Iraq or Afghanistan don’t realize is that, if we ever get to a point where it appears (key word) safe to withdraw our troops, things will revert right back to how they’ve been in the 5000 or so years before they ever had democratic elections.  You don’t undo 5000 years of oppression and religious fanatacism with one hastily thrown together constitution and a couple of elections. 

    Face it, this is a losing battle, it always was, and your fearless leader (a la Rocky and Bullwinkle, I might add) showed his ignorance, arrogance and ineptitude when he announced so long ago that this mission was accomplished.

    Bush will go down as the absolute worst president this country has ever had, he’s going to bring this country to its financial knees, right where all the terroists, the oil-rich countries and China want us, hell, China already has us by the cajones now, and he makes Nixon look like an altar boy in comparison.

    And I’d rather have a president who screws around privately without impacting anything but possibly his own marriage, than one who would rather screw over everbody in this country who doesn’t own a company like Exxon or Enron.

    I guess I shouldn’t be suprised that a bunch of morons would want to vote for one of their own kind.  Their little tiny brains aren’t capable of anything else.

  31. The best thing any of us could do to prepare for the election is to ignore the barrage of “campaign brochures” that are filling our mailboxes. You will learn little, if anything, from these expensive PR pieces. Look at the voting records, look at the websites of the candidates but also at independent voter resources as well. Most of the PR pieces are disgusting and benefit only the consultants who were highly paid to create them. They will reveal very little about who the candidate really is and rarely will even provide the truth. And, whatever you do, ignore those deceptive slate mailers that pretend to be an official listing of endorsed candidates. Look closely and you will see that each of them is prepared by some consultant group. Look even closer and you will see that most of the candidates listed on these mailers paid to be listed. A real ringing endorsement.
    Do your homework, Be prepared. And vote like your city’s future depended on it. Because it does.

  32. Jack – Where are you on Chambers admitted legal loophole slime political tactics?

    Jack – Will you or moral outrage Mayor political candidates especially Michael Mulcahy and his political endorsers take the moral high ground, justify the slime politics as everyone does it so it is ok as Red Alert does or remaining silent while political evil and legal loopholes triumph? Pete – Where is Chuck on this issue?

    # 29   –  If Chamber does not represent local San Jose businesses which they claim on web site and literature or who do they actiually represent – large corporations and Silicon Valley Leadership Group companies who pays their dues Tell us are they lying again?

  33. #14, I like the way you whined to the parent….Tom, about Jacks Blog. 
    I didn’t write it….but I wish I had…
    War is not JUST a national issue.  Maybe you are familiar with the lies that have been told about San Jose native and national hero, Pat Tillman.  ALL disgusting lies, to his parents, and the other soldiers sent to die in an unlawful war, and to kill innocent people with lies as the facts. 
    I can speak first hand to my experience on the battle field, can you?
    War is just as much a neighborhood issue as it is a national decision. 
    The real inquiry on a local and national level, is how long will people continue to delusion themselves into things such as, “Bush is o.k.”  “War is justified?” On you go with out dated, prehistoric logic. 
    If you think for one minute Bill Clinton was destroying this place like Bush..please look at the voter approval ratings, just because Bush is ahead of RonnieGonzo doesn’t mean he is doing the right thing.
    Look at the surplus Clinton had in the coffers, and this clown has us at a deficit.  What is it that you think he is really doing?
    Saving Iraqi’s?  You have lost your mind.
    Deploying Democracy?  You don’t have a mind.  There is no way to foster Democracy with an undemocratic machine.  Maybe you didn’t know this, but the military’s job is to protect democracy not instill it.  We could never achieve the ends of democracy with these military means.  Please cite one example, and the Marshall plan after world War II doesn’t count.
    The fact is we have to finally admit, people who support Bush, Cheney, Powell and any of the other clowns parading around the white house, need to get to re education camps quickly.  Get there quick, they will teach you how to spell your name so you don’t have to refer to yourself as a “chamber candidate.”

  34. #19 Save San Jose or any other Mulcahy fan
    You promote Mulcahy as fit for mayor and you call yourself Save San Jose,  I have asked several times for Mulcahy’s camp to tell us where Michael stands on historic preservation. They have not given us one insight on the issue.  All I hear from his camp is “He is more than a hair cut and an expensive suit”.  SO HERE IS YOUR BIG CHANCE, please tell us where he stands on this very important issue.

  35. I have a question for Cindy Chavez supporters:

    Why do you consider the chamber mailers a hit piece when they accurately reflect
    A) her eminent domain vote to take over the Tropicana Shopping Center
    B)  hiding the secret Grand Prix subsidy deal from the council and public?

    The source of the mailer is clearly identified as the chamber of commerce. It was not mailed at the last minute.  The facts stated in the mailer are inarguably true.

    When did telling the truth become a hit piece?

  36. Hey #37:  Read this morning’s Mercury News editorial page about what the Chamber of Commerce did.  The Merc’s no fan of Cindy Chavez and even they say what the Chamber did smells.

  37. #34. I think that the Chamber represents some businesses and not all.

    I think that you are being a little dramatic on the chamber’s “hitpiece.” It did not show good judgement but it was not a personal attack on Chavez and doesn’t it state the facts which are true?

  38. In regard to Tropicana, eminent domain was a valid tool for the council to use, and it is a textbook example of why eminent domain was created.  The shopping center was a run-down, poorly maintained, public nuisance for over 30 years.  And it still is.  The slum landlord who owns it was given numerous opportunities to fix it up, but he has no intention of ever fixing it up.  He will just milk his tenants for every bit of rent money he can squeeze from them while not providing any maintenance in return.  This dump helps foster the crime atmosphere that permeates the Story and King area.  Until Tropicana is torn down and replaced do not expect much improvement in that part of East San Jose.

  39. FWD: Make Sure you watch “Environmental Concerns,”  tonight at 9:30.  This show has featured many SJ council members and will have District 3 Candidate, Dennis Kyne on this evening.  Dennis has appeared many times on this show, hosted by Dave Bonasera, to discuss depleted uranium, “a world wide “local” issue.  Tonight we will show video of the city of San Jose contaminating Japan Town with herbicides. 

    Comcast, Channel 15 on your local San Jose / Campbell cable.

  40. 41 – Interesting but that response hardly answers the question. And what do you mean “preserving the Garden Theater?” There’s nothing left of that except a bit of the facade. We still don’t know how important he thinks the historic buildings of SJ are. Will he work to stop addtional buildings from being demolished? Will he vote for inadequate EIR’s that do not adequately address our historic resources? Does he have an understanding of what preservation is? All these questions and more remain unanswered.

  41. #3 the war, 37&24; Hugh
    If someone is critical of the job Bush has done, you make it a Republican vs. Democrat thing.  Why do you compare him to Clinton, a man who lost his moral compass?  Why not compare him to Lincoln or Eisenhower.  Now they were real leaders in times of war!  Bush could not even carry their jockstraps.  Take on Afghanistan, ok.  In light of 9-11, I see the need.  So where is Osama?  Let’s get the job done.  As for Iraq,  WHAT was he thinking?  In my opinion we never should have gone in the first place.  Yet, under his leadership he chased out Powell, the only guy in his administration that could get the job done.  We have spent hundreds of billions, lost thousands of our finest, divided our great country and alienated many of our allies.  How do we look to the rest of the world when we can’t even beat the Flinstones after 3 years of war?  I won’t even touch upon his fiscal irresponsibility accept to say, his only Republican equal would be Hoover.  We as Republicans could do so much better.

  42. #44 The Garden theatre is what is was when they bought it but the rennovation is certainly being well received in Willow Glen.
    Michael is very aware of the Preservation Action Council. The family’s former business partners in the canning business, The Melehan Family are very involved. The old cannery buildings on Monterey Road were burned downed by transients five years ago. They were prepared to save it as part of the development. He knows that the mission of preservation is saving and finding new uses for old buildings and encouraging quality rennvations. He knows he will face situations where land use and development decisions threaten to affect our historic resources. He would lean on the experts in the historical society to identify properties that qualify as historical sights and let them have a voice in the decision making process. Since Michael has entered this race he has been most impressed by the organization and eagerness of the neighborhood associations. He was pleasantly surprised that these groups are well aware that realistically not going to get what they want and until the economy grows and the deficit budget shortfall is erased. Michael cannot and will not be bought by developers. He would love to have millions of dollars appropriated to historical preservation but this city gov is so screwed up that there is a whole big mess to clean up. The door will always be open with Michael because that is the kind of guy he is.

  43. #45 We as Republicans could do so much better.

    That is so true.  However, until we purge the party of the religious, right-wing, lunatic fringe we will continue to attract bumblers, losers, and other assorted lowlifes.  Let these clowns form their own party, the Looney Party, and then see if they ever get elected.

    It is time to get back to the basics of the Republican party; small government, individual rights, state rights, and a strong military.  Why are we even involved with nonsense such as flag burning and gay marriage amendments, and any other social issues that are not anyone’s business but the participants?

  44. I am sick and tired of politics as usual as well. If the council had operated in a professional manner and not made so many mistakes there would have have been no reason for Mulcahy and Pandori to jump into this race. Its not just political rhetoric for them.They truly care about this train wreck at city hall and have had the courage to stand up and try to do something about it. The Mayor needs to deal with the major issues at hand. It is the council members job to deal with church groups etc. in their districts. It is the mayors job to make sure they get heard. Cindy does the little things but based upon her responses to the major issues the mayors job is to big of a jump for her.

  45. This is interesting. When two councilmembers (Pyle and Campos) identify clear violations of the city charter the angry mob here is outraged. Why? Apparently because they pointed out facts.

    When the Chamber sends a clear hit piece, which is also likely a violation of State campaign law, followed by a push poll – the angry mob here shrugs it off. Ah, who cares – say they – it means nothing.

    The hit piece spoke only about the votes Chavez took – it neglected to mention that in both cases she was supporting Chamber recommendations and requests. She has supported the Chamber on various issues because she believes in doing what is best for the city of San Jose.

    Dando and Hines should be embarrassed – as should Michael since this was done to support his campaign. The sad thing is, it’s going to backfire and will likely make Chavez supporters more involved.

    There are two likely side effects. The first is that it paints Michael in an unethical light for having such tactics being pulled on his behalf. The second is that candidates outside the Mayoral race supported by the Chamber are seeing their supporters question whether that support is appropriate.

    The Grand Prix was strongly supported by the Chamber. Does anyone find it questionable that they now feign disgust? The Grand Prix filled every hotel room in San Jose and brought tens of millions of dollars of revenue to San Jose businesses.

  46. 53 – We’ve pretty much already covered the issues you have raised and your characterization of the comments is not very accurate.
    The attack on Cortese was not based on fact (at least none that were presented by CamposPyle.) It was a blindsided atack that did not follow proper procedures in the committee (chaired by Cindy) and did not give the accused an opportunity to respond. In short, it stinks of politics.
    As for the CofC, there actions certainly raise questions given their previous support of the Grand Prix. No one has disputed the accuracy of what they said though. Cindy’s votes on these issues are fair game and the public should be fully informed about them. Too bad the Chamber can’t get its act straight, though.
    The Grand Prix debate has pretty much been exhausted here—some think it should occur, some think it shouldn’t, some think it’s OK to give away public money for it, some don’t. Many think the process under which the money was given was highly suspect. Bottom line is the only voice we have in this is to vote—if you like the way things have been done here over the past 7 years, vote for Cindy. If you do not like what has happened, vote for David.

  47. Mulcahy had nothing to do with that piece. He does not endorse that kind of campaigning. They should have stuck with it and promoted him. He is not to far off of the pace. As for Cin dy she has left the door open for criticism. Her name is attached to too many scandals and bungled law suits. It is her own behavior that has put her in the position to get slammed. The Grand Prix was not such a bad thing but withholding info was. Just maybe in a few months we will be discussing her involvement in the garbage scandal. Hopefully not while she is in the top job.

  48. #48
    Nice to know that I’m not the only Republican that feels that way.  Regan answered once when asked why he left the Democratic Party”They left me I didn’t leave them.”  The neo- cons make me feel that way.

  49. #39. This is not about what the Mercury says.

    My question is whether or not the issues raised in the chambers mailers are true:

    1. Did Cindy vote to use eminent domain to take the Tropicana Shopping Center from its owner?

    2. Did she hide the fact that she had brokered a secret deal for the grand prix subsidy?

    Yes or no?

  50. #56, Read #42

    Yes, she did the right thing and voted in favor of improving East San Jose by removing one of the biggest blights in the neighborhood. 

    In so far as your innuendo comment regarding the GP, who knows.  However, I have yet to hear any reputable source even suggest “she had brokered a secret deal for the grand prix”.

    Personally, I have decided to go with Pandori because of his Coyote Valley, and gang crackdown positions. 

    However, his support of Prop A is troubling.  It does indicate he does not understand the issues, and is susceptible to outside influences.

  51. #47 Jerry
    I hope that Michael doesn’t look at historic preservation as something that only costs the city millions of dollars.  We as preservationists hope he sees them as assets that can bring millions of dollars to a city.  They give a city it’s character, stimulates tourism, enhance buisnesses that occupy them, create local jobs to restore them, preserve our natural resources and lightens the load on our landfills. Historic preservation is good for all of San Jose’s buisness. A Mayor can make a positive impact two ways in preserving our rich historic resources.  First, as you stated by contributing city funds when the economy is strong to bring them up to todays buiding standards. Second, a more practical solution and simpler, that is just not letting developers destroy what we have left.  I hope Michael sees it the same way.

  52. See Mulcahy’s site now.

    One of the reasons I got into this race was that I was sick and tired of politics as usual – including the negative back and forth that prevents a debate on the real issues. Let’s keep it positive.

    Besides Mulcahy’s interesting endorsements, I was surprised to learn this week that some church leaders in town have real issues Cindy, saying she is the only city leader that brings politics to table on the smallest projects. Hmmm…

  53. #57 & 58:

    I’m glad we agree that the chamber mailer is 100% correct regarding Cindy’s vote on the costly Tropicana blunder. Therefore the mailer is not a “hit piece.”

    Regarding the Grand Prix subsidy: The emails Cindy and Rick Doyle tried to suppress confirm beyond question that she met with organizers to arrange a subsidy. There is nothing in the public record indicating that she revealed this deal to Councilmembers prior to the vote. Again, the chamber mailer only states what is factual.

    Accurate statements about a candidates actions and voting record sent by an identified source with ample time for rebuttal can in no way be considered a hit piece.

  54. #53, Why then, did Pyle and Campos wait nearly a year to make these allegations?  This is so clearly a case of trying to dig up dirt on a candidate that they are afraid won’t continue the status quo and will actually expect more from them as Council members than to get in, sit down, shut up and hold on—to your rubber stamp.  What Pyle and Campos did to a fellow Council member stinks way worse than the C of C mailer.

    I believe it was Dando herself when asked this week about the piece responded that the Chamber absolutely supports the Grand Prix, they supported the extra $4M too, they aren’t disputing that, but they absolutely DON’T support the manner and timing used to present the $4M decision to the Council for consideration.  Can you blame them?  So they agreed the $4M had to be spent, but they did not agree in how the news was shared with the rest of the Council by Ron & Cindy, who knew well in advance that this extra money was going to be needed, but withheld that information so the rest of the Council’s backs would be against the wall when it came time to vote. 

    This is exactly the kind of behavior we need to eradicate from the Council and in particular the Mayor’s chair, and Cindy is guilty beyond a doubt just like Ron is.  With Cindy as Mayor, it’s just going to be four more years of the same disgusting arrogance we’ve had from the Mayor’s office for the last eight, mixed in with a lightweight agenda that Cindy doesn’t have the ability to champion anyway.

    Cindy for Mayor?  I don’t think so.

  55. In response to #4 Rich Robinson

    That’s one of your best letters. You should move to San Jose. Your insight and comments would add much needed “food for thought” at our council hearings.

  56. #58
    You say Cindy did the right thing to vote for eminent domain over the Tropicana?  You speek volumes for The Cindy Camp.  Even after the courts ruled the action she took was against the law, even after it cost the citizens of San Jose $8,000,000 ( for nothing).  The problem is that Cindy never admits to her mistakes, I guess thats why she keeps repeating them.  I.E. Fair Grounds,North San Jose,Markovitz and Fox Building and I.B.M. build #25.  In all of these land use cases the Judge found that Cindy’s voted to break the law.  The fact is that Cindy’s vote cost us over $50,000,00( just in just these cases).  Think of what that money could have done for parks,schools,roads,the arts etc.
    As far as Cindy holding back info about the Grand Prix from her fellow council members is a FACT not an innuendo.

  57. #46, talk about a ramble, first you complain to the parent in #14, than you complain about the parent in your last post.  Never once mentioning your name…why is that?  Do you work at city hall and are sworn to the tradition of secrecy? 
    Regarding local issues, If you had actually attended any of the neighborhood forums, you would note that not one person walked out of the room thinking I didn’t know what was going on locally.  Can I keep up with all the lies and misinformation put out by people like you….NO, but I am trying.
    I hope you got to watch Environmental concerns Thursday evening; as I posted here the schedule.  I have lived here in San Jose my entire life and any time you want to test me on local issues, hit me up.  I am proud to inform you that the NAACP gave me the only A+ on the report card they issue.  In District 3 and the Mayor’s card I am the only candidate to get an A+.  Who are you voting for?  You say you want me to go back on a bus tour and leave you alone; It doesn’t work that way.  I was here long before you were.  My grandfather retired from the San Jose City hall in 1973.  He would have dragged Ron G out by is ear.  Like Chuck Reed, my grandfather was an Air Force Officer before coming to San Jose’s city hall.  My Mother and Uncle graduated from the East Side and my father from Bellarmine.  I got on a bus tour becasue we are in an un lawful war.  I am running for city council because we have an un lawful city council.  I have more corporate, chronological and important history of San Jose in my little pinky than you have in your entire body….so, why don’t you go back to the sand trap you flew out of and leave us alone.  I got an A+ from the NAACP, what do you have to show for yourself?

  58. Wow, an A+ from the NAACP. There wasn’t much of a grade variation between any of the candidates they “graded.” They also didn’t include specifics on what you were graded on—only very broad, general topics.
    It’s nice you got an A+ but how does that translate into making San Jose a better place in which to live?

  59. Thank You Dan, a nice comment that I agree with absolutely.

    Big Deal, are you ready to hear what happend to all the black people in the Big Easy?  It was a plantation bust.  A modern day plantation bust in 2005.

    probably not…..you must not understand what the NAACP is all about.  How about the SJSU heroes Tommy Smith and John Carlos.  How about Wester Sweet who walked with MLK, how about Eddie Gale?  Are you familiar with the influence on civil rights issues this city has had in the last four decades.  Most of it influenced by events and actions that occured in downtown district 3.  I am hoping to continue the tradition of social justice and non violence against are fellow man that San Jose was famous for many moons ago.
    You say NO grade variation, I got an A+, Sam and Manny got B’s.  Joel, president of the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce, got a B+, Jose got an A-.  If that isn’t grade variation, you might want to talk to a teacher about grading practices.
    Maybe you read the article in the Merc. about this race we are in.  Stated very clearly that 58% are Latino, and many other nationalities are listed as well.  White, very low percentage.  This translates into understanding the world (district) we live in.  I think that is important for politicians.  Don’t you?

  60. Understanding the district (city) we live in is important. No argument there.
    It seems a bit of a double standard you follow, though. Treating others with respect is important. Abiding by rules is also important. Your recent display at the Council meeting makes me wonder if you respect others or rules.
    I am no fan of Gonzales or the rude and arrogant manner in which he treats the public, but when I have appeared at a Council meeting I have kept my remarks within the time limit and didn’t demand special treatment. Your behavior did not show respect for others or for the rules. Is that how you will operate if elected?

  61. You are kidding, right?
    What I did at the city council meeting was destroy, literally end, the argument that Campos and Pyle were forwarding.  Were you there?  Or did you just hear from your friend or read about it in the Metro?  If you were there, you would have noted that my campaign manager got a standing ovation four speakers later. 
    You can go to the city web site, watch the video of that day, and see that I was cut off in the middle of a thought…that is the dis respect that was shown.  I wasn’t cut off because of time limits, I was cut off because the guy pulling the strings (gonzo the clown) was pissed that I was ending his press on Cortese.  But you, the ever compliant citizen, think we should go along with this madness….that isn’t Democracy my friend.  If you aren’t a fan of gonzo, go tell him to his face.  Saying it on the INSIDE isn’t getting us anywhere.  You can critique my style all you want, but I would encourage you to read a book called Thinking without Thinking by Eldon Taylor.  It will solve your problem of compliance.  You don’t have to sit down just because Ron says so. 
    How about David Pandori’s new book, have you read it.  If not, get there quick.  Go to his website and find Page three, the last section.  David explains very clearly what is going on during public speaking at city hall. 
    You consider what I did a lack of respect.  Hardly, it was the greatest expression of respect one could have.  Respect for my fellow citizens who deserve at least three minutes to speak, which is customary in cities such as Campbell and Santa Clara.
    Special Treatment….I am not asking for any special treatment.  I am sorry you aren’t quite versed on procedure, but there is no where in any book that says I can’t ask for more time.  I did so Respectfully.  Watch the tape.  I asked, “Respectfully for a little more time to finish my thought.”  I was the only one in the scene showing any respect.  I guess that answers my own question…you weren’t there.

  62. Dennis you’ll find, as a candidate, that it doesn’t help your campaign to get caught up defending yourself against people who are too ashamed of what they say or write that they hide behind phoney titles.  If you are the person you say you are then the important thing is defend your campaign in public forums where you can see and hear the person making the remarks.  I don’t know you nor am I able to vote for or against you.  If you have good vision for San Jose, if you are an honest ethical person then this is what is important.  Your pedigree helps a little but it isn’t the most important item.  It’s your vision for your district and the city that is important.  Develop your vision and campaign with it and you don’t need to scream back at the annonymous screamers.

  63. I wasn’t at the city council meeting when Dennis Kyne was thrown out, nor have I watched the video, nor do I support Dennis for city council—but I do believe Dennis has a point about the 2 minute time limits imposed being inherently disrespectful of the public. 

    David Pandori does say that he’ll change the “hard and fast rule regarding time limits for members of the public”, although he doesn’t say how.  Notably, also, Cindy Chavez’s proposed sunshine reforms include a provision which would allow neighborhood association representatives additional time.  So, it’s clear at least a couple of the candidates recognize the problem that the council is not really carrying on a fair hearing of issues at council meetings when the public is given so little time to comment. 

    The two minute limit will be defended, I suspect, on the notion that (1) we need to get council meetings concluded at a reasonable hour, and (2) we need to curtail the gadflies and kooks who persistently abuse the podium.  However, the limitation is, like many city policies, an overly blunderbuss approach that disserves the public in the process. 

    Our judicial system encounters the same sorts of quandaries, and the best judges are able to move their calendars along, giving all participants due process while cutting short the rants of those who abuse the system.  The city council could stand to revisit this question.  There is no magic bullet, but what harm would have followed from granting Dennis’ apparent plea to be given more time to finish he thought? 

    Of course, allowing a true community process, where the community is actively listened to, BEFORE matters go to the city council would go along way to improving things.

  64. No, I am hardly kidding.
    You make an awful lot of assumptions about me based on no facts. I hope you will do a MUCH better job if you are elected and not speak about something before you have the facts.
    I watched the proceedings on line—I found your behavior unacceptable for a potential public official.
    I am extremely knowledgeable about procedure having several decades of experience with boards, commissions, and city, state, and federal government.
    I have a copy of David’s book and have read it. Don’t know what section you are talking about from your description—page three of the last section??
    Gonzales knows exactly what I think about him and not just from postings on SJI.
    I would suggest you have a bit to learn about being a public official—particularly in how you speak to potential voters.

  65. Dennis,

    Take Dan’s advice. By trying to defend yourself aganist every anonymous detractor you make yourself seem vulnurable. Probably why they keep going at you?

    I like what Dan says about focusing on the vision. What is your vision for your district and what do you have that others don’t which makes you the ideal choice for District 3?

  66. That’s exactly what I mean about screaming and shouting Dennis..You and everyone present then knows what happened at that meeting.  Now to respond to someone who’s ashamed to identify themselves with a lot of loud retoric doesn’t do any good.  Just gotta watch your temper that’s all I’m trying to say because there are those who put you to the test continuosly.  Keep cool!

  67. 68.  I was there when you were speaking, or shall I say yelling at the Council.  You on that dias would be a joke!  Running away from the Police, that isn’t disrespectful at all, you showed your true colors, and I don’t want you representing this city.

  68. 2 minutes,10 minutes what difference does it make if they are not listening.  For the past 8 years the mayor and council have done their buisness behind closed door.  The rest has been a side show.  What we need is new representation!It’s about the process voters!
    I’m voting for Pandori

  69. #74:  Actually, in many cases, it is evident that the city council does listen to the public comments and is influenced by them. 

    A case in point is last Tuesday evening, when the city parks staff presented its ill-conceived recommendations for “re-use” of community centers.  Staff was given as much time as it liked to present its disingenuous power-point presentation (also distributed in glossy, heavy stock hard-copy versions to the audience at considerable cost, it would seem, for an agency claiming under-funding).  After parks staff finished by dishonestly applauding itself for its great job in doing community outreach, the public was allowed to comment in two-minute increments.  I prefaced my remarks by noting that two minutes was insufficient time to fully describe what a disgrace the staff report was—and a bevy of representatives from non-profits also spoke, in two-minute increments, to the problems with the recommendations. 

    The council proceeded, on a motion by vice mayor Cindy Chavez, to unanimously deep-six the parks staff recommendations.  Ken Yeager mentioned my remarks specifically during his comments, and Forrest Williams felt the need to commiserate with parks staff, offering that they were probably feeling pretty beat up.  My point is, plainly the council was listening to the public—and in this case the council did the right thing in direct opposition to what their own staff was advising.

  70. Don-
    Well put, the council does actually listen.  That was never my point.  My point in the action I chose was to employ democracy and demonstrate the citizen is the highest office holder, although Rich R. didn’t agree in January and probably still doesn’t.  Respect has nothing to do with it.  Best you can say is it was an act of defiance or protest.  And judging by the number of Catholics that were present on that day, I am sure they know what Pax Christi, the Berringer brothers, and non violent protest is….it is CONFRONTATION.  It is how you get change from the status quo……even if you don’t like my style..you can hardly say we don’t need a shift from the status quo.  If you think what it did makes me unfit for office, we surely can expect another decade of this nonsense coming out of the mouths of elected officials.

    If you get to the replay of my comments, on line or were present that day, and watch the entire agenda item, you will note that Chuck Reed mentioned the charter issue I brought up.  Madison Nguyen mentioned the procedure violations I brought up.  Linda Lezotte mentioned the fact that an issue regarding censures had been brought up.  I did bring the censure up in overtime….but they were listening.  Campos might not have been though.  Right before it came time to vote, she rambled that she never mentioned censures.  We all know she didn’t, she mentioned investigations.  I mentioned censures. 

    There are many other instances at city hall where I have taken the same stance, the same tone, and come in under the hard and fast time rules.  However, city hall is not a board room, stock holders meeting or a high school gymnasium… Public comments should have a little more flexibility, as Don’s preface indicates and David Pandori’s book shows us.  Bottom of page three he writes specifically about this issue.
      We need a change from the status quo.  That is my vision….change the status quo.  I am not in office yet, but that doesn’t mean I am waiting until January to get to work.

  71. Don 75
    Nice try.  It is two weeks before an election, what do you expect?  You also assume that the plan agreed upon is always the staff recommendation, wrong!  You also know if a council person wants to give you more time to speak, all they have to do is ask you an open ended question or two.  Cindy and others have worked out deals behind closed doors so they can be the one to make the motion, look like the hero and get re-elected.  It is an old trick and you, of all people, know better.  I don’t mean to single out Cindy.  They all do it.

  72. Jack: Had some trouble figuring out if your post was a spoof or not, but on second read i guess it’s for real. So here’s my answer to your question: you should NOT care who wins the mayoral election. You should not care and you should not vote. Because your rant—though nicely written i must confess—indicates that you lack the intellectual nuance to vote intelligently. Your dismissal of municipal, state, and national politicians shows a shocking lack of understanding for visions of the world different than your own—if they don’t agree with you they must be idiots or part of a conspiracy.
    Right. Do us a favor. Take your anger and see if you can get published on Daily Kos. Leave the serioius stuff—like caring and voting—to the rest of us.

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