Thirsty for Change

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” —Loran Eiseley

Since Metro’s Best Of issue focuses on a year of change, including the visionary thinkers who make it happen, my vote for Best Quantum Hydration Augmentation Utensil goes to the folks over at Quantum Age Water Stirwands.

A few years ago, David Schneider and Exavier Phoenix developed the Stirwand, a miniature pen-shaped device used to stir and naturally balance the chemistry in your drinking water so you can hydrate better. All you have to do is drink your standard daily recommended amount of aqua and stir each cup with a Stirwand for 20 seconds. After just a week of continued use, your blood oxygen levels will rise dramatically and your cellular detoxification process will improve. You can use the wands not just to improve your own potable water, but also help your pets, plants and laundry.

The Stirwands are made of simple constructions of granulated minerals encased in surgical-grade polycarbonate plastic. What happens is, the noninvasive resonance of the minerals in the wand interacts with the molecules of the water on a quantum level to maximize the molecules’ hydration potential. The water becomes more energized, so to speak.

Recent Nobel Prize–winning work by doctors Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon showed that water molecules normally penetrate cell membranes in single-file fashion through conduits called aquaporins, and if the molecules are too bunched up and stuck together, which is often the case with poor quality water, then they don’t make it through the membranes and hydrate your cells. With the Stirwands, the “high matrix energy” of the minerals balances the water chemistry in a number of ways, including reducing the specific gravity of the water enough to allow the molecules to pass through cell membranes in the proper fashion.

Admittedly, the wands themselves look like something from a science fiction movie and they come in several colors. For example, the turquoise Olympian Stirwand is for optimizing athletic performance and is recommended for daytime use. The purple Zen Master Stirwand is designed for relaxation, meditation and the calming bath. The wands reportedly last a lifetime and never wear out.

Video and audio interviews with Schneider himself are all over the web. He’s a gray-haired guy who lives out in the Oregon wilderness, about 20 miles from his own mailbox. He’s been involved in health, wellness, green foods and the water industry for 30 years and eventually became disappointed with the billions of dollars being spent on dozens and dozens of brands of bottled water that aren’t really that much different and none of which contain water’s optimal chemistry anyway. So he partnered with Exavier Phoenix, whom he calls a “Renaissance man of the quantum universe,” and co-created the Stirwands. Together they are making some pretty damn good change, as the wands retail between $70 and $90 apiece.

Along with all the talk about quantum consciousness, life forces and the thought-energy of water molecules, several clinical tests have been taken. For example, in a 30-day, 50-subject study by Finestra Research Labs in Las Vegas, people’s average hydration increased by 23.5 percent and their average blood oxygen increased by 9.6 percent. Not bad numbers, might I add.

On a more metaphysical plane, people are claiming everything from restored hearing and chakra balancing to cleaner lawns and calmer pet cats—all due to better water caused by the Stirwand. Schneider and Phoenix now claim they’ve proven it’s the energy and chemical balance of the water before you drink it that matters, not how much you pay for the water or what natural geyser it came from.

Schneider will appear with the Stirwands at East West Bookstore in Mountain View on Friday, Oct. 10, at 7:30pm. The Age of Quantum Water is upon us.


  1. A few comments:

    —The name of the Las Vegas “research lab” is Fenestra (not Finestra) a word which, I have to conclude from their press releases, must translate to “bullshit” in some obscure foreign language.

    —The stunning increases in hydration and blood oxygen attribute to the Stirwand (reported as 23.5 and 9.6 percent) are, according to a link from Fenestra’s own website, less impressive than those that resulted from drinking Glacia Nova’s bottled water (glacier melt from Mt Rainier), which were 38.2 and 12 percent, respectively. Thus we dehydrated consumers are left to conclude that either the freezing cold and impure air of Washington state produces truly incredible water, or the hucksters from Glacia Nova paid Fenestra Labs a bit more than did those from Stirwand.

    —The research conducted by the Nobel laureates revealed that water molecules enter the cell membrane water channel by orienting themselves according to the local electrical field formed by the atoms within the channel wall. In other words, the cell channel is quite capable of keeping the cell hydrated—even without the help of a crapola, new age swizzle stick.

    What should we expect next week, a report on the Digestinator, a high-speed blender (developed by a smoked-up former game show host) that uses nano technology to turn solids into liquids to speed-up food metabolization? Yours for only three easy payments of $49.99!

    P.T. was right, there is one born every minute, which is, no doubt, absolutely crucial to keeping the Metro in print.

  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if Santa Clara Valley Water District purchased thousands of these super duper swizzle sticks to stir up our reservoirs and make sure the specific gravity is reduced and that the molecules line up properly and interact on a quantum level. The aura of the entire County would gain positive energy and we’d all experience a pleasant tingling sensation.

    Any country that that can be sold on the idea of man-made global warming can be talked into buying just about anything. I expect these hucksters will be as financially successful as Al Gore.

  3. Perhaps our county and city leaders can contact David Schneider and Exavier Phoenix to see if they can erect a giant crystal pyramid over Santa Clara County to focus positive energy over all the residents.

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