Return of the NHL

When the National Hockey League ended it’s year long work stoppage this past summer with a new collective bargaining agreement between the players and the owners, I was definitely in the group that believed the league would have a long road ahead of it to win back the fans. I mean it’s one thing to shut down for a few months like the NHL did in 1994, hammer out a deal, and then come back to the ice. But when you wipe out an entire season and fail to hand out the Stanley Cup trophy in June, it’s pretty serious stuff.

But instead of shunning the NHL, fans have returned to enjoying the sport like never before. In the month of October the league set an all time average attendance record in the 30 arenas. While it’s been a challenge at times for viewers to find the national cable broadcasts on the Outdoor Life Network after years of watching them on ESPN, local television ratings have been outstanding. The ratings for San Jose Sharks games on Fox Sports Net have been, on some nights, nearly triple that of the last hockey season in 2003-2004.

So where’s the resentment? Where’s the payback at the ticket window that many pundits predicted would occur after hard core fans had their hockey fix taken away from them? So far, thankfully, it hasn’t happened.

The NHL did a tremendous job of tweaking its rules to make the games more exciting and increase goal scoring. The shootout to decide tied games is a big hit. Throw in sensational rookies Sidney Crosby in Pittsburgh and Alexander Ovechkin in Washington, D.C. and you have the formula for success.

When the Sharks and the rest of the NHL took a year off it seemed like a disaster. I think it will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to the league.


  1. Of course if the Sharks keep playing like they are those ratings will tank. Even you and Drew can’t keep people watching if the effort is as weak as last night’s.

    Yes, the trade played a part yesterday, but we are still seeing too many turn overs at the blue line and too many failed attempts to get the puck out of the zone.

    All that said, I am pleased to have hockey back. Last year was rough. I even started watching the 49ers and Warriors to get a sports fix.

    Only 126 days until the SJ Giants home opener.

  2. I am very bittersweet about the trade.  I mean I am just not attached to Joe Thornton yet, though is the REAL DEAL.  Marco was one of my favorite players and nothing was better than seeing him score, his face light up and bash his chest against the glass (a move learned by his friend Jeff FREEEZin).  I will miss Marco a TON and that is the only reason I am not jumping up and down.  OK, well maybe I jumped once.

    Joe Thornton will make people very happy.

  3. Let’s trade Gonzo, Cindy, Chuck, and David to San Francisco for whoever comes in second in thier mayor race.

    Then we can get this city back on track.

  4. J. Walker,

    Obviously you don’t anything about the guy who came in second in SF.

    But Gavin does have an 87% approval rating in his City.  Given the diversity and politics of the City, that is beyond remarkable.

    As for the Sharks, I will miss Marco.  But given the expectations for this season and the disappointment felt by most of us, moving now is much better strategy than waiting for things to gel.

    And watch Gavin, after stealing Stem Cell Research, he may want to go after our Hockey team next.  I’m sure his Godfather, Gordon Getty would buy it for him if he wants it.

  5. Richard R,

    1.  My post was a joke

    2.  We’d be better off with almost anyone from a real city than our current choices.

    3.  I wish we could have a mayor the quality of S.F’s.

    4.  Lobbyist like you are a big reason this city is a joke.

  6. J. Walker

    Weren’t you a bad character on dumb TV sitcom in the 70’s – DYN-O-MITE?

    You are a bit edgy there my friend, Rich said nothing that should have set you off on an attack.  I don’t think it is guys like Rich that are the reason this city is a joke – it is the elected representqatives and their lobbyist that control them that has taken San Jose off into a 6 year downward spiral into the recesses of Dante’s rings of hell.  And I’ll bet you are one of the guys that voted for Gonzales and won’t admit how wrong you were – twice!

    Rich was merely pointing out that he has more knowledge about what you thought you knew you were talking about…

  7. Back on topic now…

    I think fans did not boycot because the Sharks are truly our team.  Our first, real, major league sports franchise that we can call our own.

    Sure there are 49er and Raider fans, Giants and A’s fans, and even a few Warrior fans – but those aren’t really are teams.  Move any of them to San Jose and watch how our timid support turns into rabid devotion.  And don’t talk about the Earthquakes like soccer is a real major league sport.

    We experienced the birthing of the Sharks and will stay loyal through the good and the bad like our own children…

  8. Doug Wilson definitely miscalculated when he stayed away from the free agent signing frenzy last August.  But I’m glad he’s doing something about it before the season is completely hopeless.

    Now let’s get some defensemen.  The ones we have now are just utterly clueless.  Swiss cheese Nabokov probably needs some benching too.

  9. If San Jose chose to position itself with a positive attitude it would be a fine city.

    Problem is San Jose likes to sit and pout and talk about how bad things are.

    Most of the rest of the country would like to have what San Jose has including a hockey team and, believe it or not, a resounding economy.

    But it seems to want what was and has become unabtainable. Gosh, remember when we were rich?

    Now we need the federal government to bail us out and they won’t listen to us.

    Stop crying. Elect honest politicians (an oxymoron?) and get on with who we can be. Not what we were.

  10. Joseph P.,
    Excellent Post!!  You hit the nail on the head.  Win or loose, San Joseans will always pack the Shark Tank because THEY ARE OURS, through and through!  Yes, we can support teams that play 50 miles away, but bring any of them to town and we’ll take “being a fan” to another level.  That’s why I can’t wait to get a MLB ballpark, and team, down at Diridon/Arena…in the meantime, GO SHARKS!!!

  11. I truly belive that a new era in the history of the Sharks begins tonight with the home debut of Joe Thornton. With all due respect to Patrick Marleau, Arturs Irbe, Owen Nolan, etc. The Sharks have never had a player the magnitude of Thornton. He has that certain aura about him. You cannot believe the difference he made this past weekend in Buffalo and Toronto not just on the ice but off it. The other players realize what a talent he is and he pushes them to greater heights in their own play. I do belive the Sharks goalies are top notch and will get it together and I also belive that GM Doug Wilson will not hesitate to pull the trigger on a trade to get a defenceman if that is what’s needed.

    Randy Hahn

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