Selig Declares San Jose Mexican Territory

Residents Immediately Lose Driving Privileges

During his visit to San Jose on Wednesday, Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, in his speech to the Commonwealth Club, dropped a bomb on the residents of San Jose by not only telling them they would never get their own baseball team, but that they were also living illegally in San Jose.

“If you carefully study the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,” explained Selig, “you will understand that Mexico had territorial rights before the Giants.  Is this a wonderful area?  Does it have major league demographics?  There’s no question - but I have a moral obligation of keeping San Jose under Mexican ownership.”

Immediately upon Selig’s announcement, Giants owner Peter McGowan, in what most saw as insensitive and self-serving, orchestrated several riots and demonstrations in San Jose, encouraging residents to fight the commissioner.  The plan was a thinly veiled effort to protect his interests and seemed to backfire as South Bay Giants fans vowed never to return to SBC Park by ripping up season tickets, burning Giants memorabilia, and deflating their plastic Thunderstix.

The swift and violent reaction to Selig’s announcement prompted Mayor Gonzales to do a fly-by of the valley’s mayhem in a Norcal company jet on his way to a leadership conference organized by FEMA Chief Michael Brown.

Prior to his keynote address, Selig met with Mayor Gonzales in what witnesses describe as a blunt discussion.  Selig explained that “Mexico built its resorts, nightclubs, Tequila distilleries and jails with the understanding – the fair understanding” that they would one day own the tourists that used the facilities.

The response from Gonzales’ Chief of Staff Rebecca Dishotsky was also blunt, “Geez, all over a few misspelled words at Spring Training.”


  1. Doesn’t matter who or what Dishotsky is. The entire mayor’s office is being shown for what it is—a city sponsored propoganda machine designed to try and fool all of the people all of the time. They figured they have fooled most of the council all of the time, why not fool the people too. Although it has taken far too long, more and more people are now seeing this guy for what he is. It’s so bad that even Ken Yeager has finally figured it out. Better late than never.

  2. #2

    Guerra is the mayor’s Budget & Policy Director.

    Dishotsky has been with the mayor since he was elected, becoming chief of staff in Dec 2000 when the previous chief, Jude Barry, stepped down to start

    People often rightly think that Guerra is the chief of staff since he runs the show…

  3. How the mayor’s office runs is actually a mystery to most of us in the building.  Guerra is widely recognized as the power, he even dominates meetings that the Mayor attends.  Dishotsky is sorta office manager.  She really doesn’t know much about the city.  It’s actually a little embarrassing when she has to deal with a department head.  The rest of the staff just delivers messages or threats sometimes in meetings, sometimes in e-mails.

  4. WOW!

    Fascinating how so many bloggers here don’t know who is who—offical titles, I mean.  Imagine how out of the loop Joe Sixpack in this town is!

    Also, so much fire in the belly of contributors here, versus the general apathy of most residents of San Hozay.

    So, boppers, what’s the over/under on how many people will show up to vote in the Battle of the Nguyens in District 7?

    There’s a lot of apathy out there…but who cares?

  5. Young man!

    My word of advice for all of you

    If you can’t handle politics get out of them, nobody is going to help you.
    Zorro is chasing Terminator in Hollywood and the bet is 5 to 2 in favor of Zorro.

    If you want power just follow the same doctrine as Gonzales, don’t just bark from the back yard. Loose the leash.

    Things to do on your list

    If you don’t know what is going on in the game change channel or learn how to play the game.
    If you don’t like your Mayor impeach him, bring testimony onto the table.
    Hire a few activists and let your envy turn into a real “power house” in San Jose not just a safe web site forum place to be.
    If you can’t handle ten guys like yourself on your back then hide somewhere else otherwise do something to make changes.

    Politics should be only for real Man!

    Evaristo Guerrero II
    Let me be your voice

  6. The Mayor’s Office is not that complicated.  Guerra is the Mayor, Ron chairs Council meetings, Rebecca is the phone/coffee coordinator and David Vossbrink is the mouthpiece.  In addition to a number of interns and assistants, the “City Manager” will routinely visit the Mayor’s Office (every Monday) to get his orders for the week.  That’s it!

  7. Mole: Thanks for setting us straight. But I remain confused about the role of the Vice Mayor in the Gonzales administration. Which monkey is she: Hear no evil, See no evil or Speak no evil?

  8. Dear Out of the Loop:

    The role of the Vice Mayor has evolved over time.  Today it is merely a place holder, for the potential vacancy that may be created should Gonzo get bounced out of office. 

    Should Gonzo lose his seat, the current Vice Mayor will be elevated to Mayor, be given a slight advantage in 2006, when the Mayor’s race officially begins. The Vice, now Mayor, may be able to argue with the Merc and the general public that this experience places this person in a superior position to be considered the real Mayor in 2007. 

    Kinda complicated, but each of us City folks have our own copy of the City Charter, which unfortunately gives us a slight edge over the general public.

  9. You failed to note the rights of the Ohlone Native Americans, who have also weighed in, lobbying for a Casino along with a ballpark.

    Nice post, but you failed to note that today is the 155th anniversary of California’s admission into the United States of America—actually nobody remembers since it is no longer a holiday.

  10. Dishotsky, Guerra, Gonzo, Vossbrink…so many players & I do mean “players”, and so little accomplished…who ARE these people anyway???

  11. Great post!  I can’t even discuss the territorial rights without getting ANGRY!  Ronny G needs to get some guts and start pushing for something that can really change San Jose in a major way – BASEBALL. God, I hope the next mayor comes along and its not too late….

  12. Mole-

    Again I thank you for the clarrification on the mysteries of city government. Without it I would have assumed the Vice Mayor was simply trying to duck and cover from the current controversy that seems to be creating so much distrust of local government.

    Now I see that she is actively exercising her leadership potential as a placeholder who would assume the throne should the current Mayor get struck by lightning. Of course this is about as likely as him getting hit by a BART train in front of a baseball stadium in downtown San Jose.

    One more question: Why does the Mayor have a police guard? Is it to protect him from us, or us from him?

  13. Dear Loop,

    Most major cities (usually the tenth largest), assign a police officer to act as a personal guard for the Mayor.

    For example, during New York’s response to 9/11, Mayor Guliani needed to be protected from potential terrorists as he traveled the streets of the City providing aid and comfort to residents.  In New Orleans, the Mayor was one of the first to blast out of town immediately prior to the hurricane.  Upon his return, it was obvious the citizens of New Orleans were somewhat irritated that they were left behind with no shelter, food or water. His Honor, needed to be protected from his own citizens.

    On the other hand, in San Jose our Mayor will most likely not be providing much aid or comfort to our citizens or be threatened with physical violence by his own constituents. But as Mayor of San Jose he is required to attend ceremonial events in various parts of our town.  Since San Jose is such a large suburb, which easily blends in with surrounding towns, it is easy to get lost, have trouble finding parking or need to ask for directions in Spanish from our residents. Consequently, our City provides Mayor Gonzo with his own police escort/driver/translator/coffee carrier. By the way, this police officer is a real cop, carries a gun and knows how to use it.  For safety reasons, he is assigned one bullet, which he carries in his left pocket. He, (or she, during Mayor McEnery’s term of office) has been trained to use the bullet and the gun should the need arise.

    Anyway, that’s the insider version of the Mayor’s police guard.  Please feel free to ask about other

  14. Dear Loop,

    Most major cities (usually the tenth largest), assign a police officer to act as a personal guard for the Mayor.

    For example, during New York’s response to 9/11, Mayor Guliani needed to be protected from potential terrorists as he traveled the streets of the City providing aid and comfort to residents.  In New Orleans, the Mayor was one of the first to blast out of town immediately prior to the hurricane.  Upon his return, it was obvious the citizens of New Orleans were somewhat irritated that they were left behind with no shelter, food or water. His Honor, needed to be protected from his own citizens.

    On the other hand, in San Jose our Mayor will most likely not be providing much aid or comfort to our citizens or be threatened with physical violence by his own constituents. But as Mayor of San Jose he is required to attend ceremonial events in various parts of our town.  Since San Jose is such a large suburb, which easily blends in with surrounding towns, it is easy to get lost, have trouble finding parking or need to ask for directions in Spanish from our residents. Consequently, our City provides Mayor Gonzo with his own police escort/driver/translator/coffee carrier. By the way, this police officer is a real cop, carries a gun and knows how to use it.  For safety reasons, he is assigned one bullet, which he carries in his left pocket. He, (or she, during Mayor McEnery’s term of office) has been trained to use the bullet and the gun should the need arise.

    Anyway, that’s the insider version of the Mayor’s police guard.  Please feel free to ask about other
    municipal government related issues or practices.

  15. Mole-

    I am again grateful for the insight into the workings of our city government. You obviously have pondered these issues for many an hour. I also hope you are enjoying the new City Hall and finding the parking adequate.

    The question about the police guard was actually prompted by an incident that took place not in San Jose but in Washington. I was awaiting a flight out of DC when suddenly along came Ron Gonzales, with his police escort, jumping to the front of the line and boarding the flight before everyone else. When people asked “Who the @%^& IS this guy?” it was explained that he is the Mayor of San Jose and needed to be boarded before us common folk “for security reasons.” The people in the line all agreed that this was a wonderful idea and each and every one was happy to let the Mayor of San Jose board the flight before the rest of us. (OK, I’ll admit that last part doesn’t quite capture the spirit of the moment.)  However I am happy to report that Mayor Gonzales was able to board the plane without one single terrorist laying so much as an exploding roller skate in his path so I think the guard should be complimented for a job well done. He also did a great job with the Mayor’s carry-on luggage.

    On another subject, now that we have established the functions of the Mayor’s office and the Vice Mayor I am curious as to why, exactly, we have a City Council. It seems as though they only do what they Mayor demands of them. If that is the case couldn’t the city save a lot of money by eliminating their positions, or having crash test dummies sit in the chairs during council meetings?

    Be warned however, before we head down this particular blind alley…there could be many profound questions about the San Jose City Council. For example: Does Councilwoman Chirco ever speak? Does Councilman Williams ever shut up? How many hair styles has Councilwoman Lezote had this year? If Councilmen Reed and Cortese held a stare down who would blink first? And wouldn’t the entire council benefit from a speed reading course? I ask this because several of them seem to be taking an extraordinarily long time reading the Mayor’s response to the Grand Jury report.

  16. Great Article!

    Do not worry I have been told from a few very high up sources, just below God that the territorial rights will fall like a house of cards; once the unlocal motion plan in Oak town fails and it will fail.

    Then the successful ball park plan for the South Bay will be unveiled.  It will come from a neighbor of San Jose.

    Wolfe has confirmed that he will not go through another election.  San Jose must go through an election to build a ball park.

    I have been told that Wolfe knows this and he is to smart to go through another election in San Jose, especially after the last ball park measure failed so damn badly.

    Wolfe and this other City will work out a deal that does not involve an election, because, I have been told that this city has already gained successful voter approval; (through an advisory land use issue) for prime land in its convention/ entertainment district.

    Looking forward to Baseball in the South Bay!

    Go A’s!

  17. Mole,
      No, I’m not a City Hall Insider, just a befuddled citizen trying to make sense of local government. But in a sense I do work for the Finance Department. I pay taxes.
      I also pay a little bit more these days for garbage service. But that’s OK, Rich Robinson’s SJI posts have convinced me that paying more is actually good government. Let us rejoice that we don’t have an abundance of this type of good government in San Jose. It’s too expensive.

  18. Dear Old School SJ:

    With all due respect, you are delusional.  Your big-wig friends must be the ones at baseball san jose who have no grasp of reality.  To say the territorial rights will fall like a house of cards inidicates that you and your friends have completely no understanding of the inner workings of MLB.  There is no way that MLB owners will approve a shift of defined territories without the consent of the owner that is involved.  Can you imagine the precedent that would be set?  a third team in NYC or LA?  And the Wash, DC situation is a completely different deal – the Orioles did not have DC as their territory as the Giants do the South Bay.  Welcome to reality my man.

  19. Dear JOCK-ITCH-

    It absolutely takes the majority vote of the owners to approve a move of any major league team.

    For your information Jock Itch…I have been a paid consultant for two Major League Baseball teams.

    I bet you didn’t know the A’S moved from Kanas City under Charlie O. and before that the team was in Philladelphia.

    When a deal falls apart in Oakland and Wolfe chooses to bring the team to the South Bay he will gain appoval of a majority of those MLB owners…just like the Giants did in 1990.

    San Jose Old School

  20. Old School – I’m sorry but you don’t come accross as very credible.  You throw out phrases like “I have been a paid consultant to MLB” and “I have been told from a few very high up sources, just below God” … come on, anyone who has contacts that you imply you have doesn’t have to throw around such nonsense.  You haven’t addressed my point as to why MLB owners would vote to over-turn territorial rights of another team when it gains them nothing.  In fact it sets a precedent for other teams to be able to move into their own backyards.  Wake up and understand the facts before your nonsense takes over.

  21. Mr. Itch,
    This isn’t an endorsement of Old School’s arguments, but just wanted to throw at you some facts.  In the event that the A’s EVER relocated to San Jose, the team would become a contributor to MLB revenue rather than a welfare recipient of revenue sharing (in 2003 the A’s collected $13 million from MLB).  This idea is backed up by many in baseball (Jayson Stark of ESPN) and would get the support of most owners.  A POSSIBLE move to San Jose could also benefit the Giants/P. Magowan by providing them with $$compensation and gauranteed revenue (see Orioles/Expos deal).  Lastly, if the A’s relocated to SJ, it wouldn’t set up a precedent because, quite frankly, the situation that exists in the Bay Area does not exist anywhere else in the country (one team trying to move further from the other).  In closing, as a resident/native of San Jose, I don’t see SBC Park looming over my back yard!

  22. Tony D. – thanks for your reply but your argument one major flaw.  The “facts” you have thrown my way are your opinions and do not in any way represent reality.  There is absolutely no way that you can say without a doubt that the a’s would be a contributor to MLB rev sharing if in SJ.  If they were allowed to move to SJ, they’d no doubt have to incur alot of debt to build a stadium and it’s not a slam dunk that SJ would draw enough to a’s games to cover these increased fixed costs.  Second, a move to SJ would give the Giants some short-term compensation, but why do you think Magowan has not budged from his position?  Long-term revenues would be hurt and therefore it would hurt the Giants.  Third, it could set a precedent for other teams to move into one team’s pre-defined territories.

    Next time you throw some “facts” my way, stay away from the fiction.

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