Home Fires Burning

Sudden loss and rattled nerves on the first day of the Santa Cruz Mountains wildfire

The Summit fire that engulfed the Santa Cruz Mountains around Corralitos on Thursday hit the small, tight-knit rural community without warning, resulting in some last-minute heroism and a great deal of anxious waiting. Hours after the early-morning blaze was first detected, dozens of cars lined Corralitos Road and Hames Road as highway patrolmen blocked off Eureka Canyon Road. No one was allowed back up the mountain, even those who had left for work in the morning and been given no opportunity to gather valuables or rescue pets. At nearby Bradley Elementary School, officials with dust masks ferried children to waiting parents, while the remaining children stayed inside. There was a lot of nervous pacing around the cars parked near the Corralitos Market.

Leaning on the side of one of these cars was Nathon Zazzara, a man in his mid-30s with a deceptively calm look on his face. He was enjoying an apple only hours after having been forced to abandon the battle to save his father’s home on Dove Lane near Nisene Marks Forest, which was one of at least 10 structures that the over 2,000-acre fire had destroyed by midday Thursday (four hours later, aided by relentless winds, it had grown to almost 3,000 acres). Zazzara was unhappy at the loss of a house he’d watched his father build plank by plank, but for now, he’s just happy that his family got out safe.

“My father built that house out of wood he hand-selected from the lumberyard, to get only the very best,” Zazzara remembers. “I have a lot of great memories watching my father build that when I was young, but the main thing is just that I was able to get my father out of there. Even after the fire battalion chief told us to leave, he was going to stay until who knows when.”

As Zazzara spoke, a middle-aged woman with dark hair ran up to him and asked if he knew how she could get back to her house. When he told her there was no way for the time being, she grew distraught and complained that she had left her dog behind since he wouldn’t get in the car with her. Now he was up there all alone. Down the road a bit, Dave Loveless was directing evacuees into the Corralitos Community Church, where families could park their cars, get out of the smoke, have some coffee and listen in to the latest news from the fire’s front lines. He reported a general sense of frustration amongst the evacuees, many of whom were unable to gather valuables or mementos before it was too late.

“A lot of people left to go to work in the morning,” he says. “They left all their animals up there and it’s a one-way road, so they can’t let people go back up there. The fire crews need the access. But people are definitely frustrated. When you’re focusing on your pets and family, it’s hard to see the big picture.”

Closer to the road blockade on Eureka Canyon, District 3 County Supervisor Ellen Pirie was on the scene. She had just received assurances from the California Department of Forestry that help was on the way. A “supertanker” helicopter and 500 crews from Southern California were on their way to help contain the wind-swept fire (40 crews, totaling about 500 firefighters, were already on the scene). She said fire officials were attempting to hold the fire to 4,000 acres, but winds were extremely powerful, so it would be hard to know if they’ll succeed.

“We don’t know how many structures have been destroyed yet, but we know hundreds more are at risk,” Pirie said. “It’s really hard to tell because it’s very rugged terrain.”


  1. I have been working with Animal Shelters and Animal rescuers all over to try and get animal victims of the fire temp housing.

    Here is an email I received from the Santa Clara County’s Animal Shelter’s Dirctor, please share it with friends and family!

    We are primarily serving as a switchboard during this crisis, referring people in need to people who can house dogs, cats, horses etc. Anyone who wants to help should call our main # 408-686-3900 and give their info to the receptionist. We are very limited as to the number of animals we can take at the shelter, so we are pursuing other options whenever possible. 

    The Humane Society Silicon Valley 408-727-3383 is taking overflow dogs and cats from the Santa Cruz area shelters. 

    Brigid Wasson

    Animal Shelter Supervisor

    Santa Clara County Animal Care & Control

    12370 Murphy Ave.

    San Martin, CA 95046

    (408) 686-3901


  2. Kathleen- Please send this out to your list – we have rabbits and other animals that will need temp space as the evacuation begin. have them contact me 831 239-7119 – I am in Campbell, One of our larger sites is evacuating now. 20 animals that is just one.
    Rescue community members
    We have a large wildfire in our county- THE SUMMIT FIRE Watsonville and Santa Cruz Mountains.  – 2500ACRES BURNING and no end in sight  
    The fire is spreading and evacuations are occurring –
    The Rabbit Haven is organizing a plan for small animals that need evacuation. 
      I need to locate spaces for rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, and birds.  Larger animals horses and others have space through the red Cross at teh Fairgrounds in Watsonville.  So far the Watsonville Fairgrounds has taken in some of the evacuated horses .
    The shelters are bracing, with good support from the community , however we need back up space for smaller animals who otherwise may have no place to go. I want to be able to have a center where animals can be dropped off and to be able to call on a variety of rescue groups to temp house for a week or two.
    I am contacting area vets to provide any medical support they may need. Hopefully ,  VCA will open their door to evacuees as they have in the past.
    Can you help house a few rabbits, and/or other small animals if this fire continues and more animals need to be evacuated?  (these rabbits, birds, and other small animals belong to individuals so will just need to be housed temp (usually a week to two weeks).
    If so,  what kind and number of animals -how many? 
    What is the best way to contact you today and tomorrow.  Any other contact people you know that may help out?
    I am keeping my eye on all sites, and area shelters and will let you know what is needed –
    I will post you individually – when and if we need a listing I will post it on our web.
    Thank you, 
    auntie Heather
    on behalf of the south Bay shelter rabbits and rabbit in the larger community.
    The Rabbit Haven

  3. Sounds like a turn for the better with the weather.  If someone could please let me know what it means that there is now a state of emergency declared in the county, I would sure appreciate it.  Is it county wide or just where the fire is?  And what does it mean for revelers for Memorial day who are out and about?  What about public gatherings?

  4. I just received this from a friend. If you can help. please do! Thank you! =^,,^=

    The Watsonville Animal Shelter needs help from the community. Please pass this on to your friends, and help if you can.
    Here’s what they need:

    Finanical donations can be made using PayPal at http://www.fowas.org or mailed to the Friends of the Watsonville Animal Shelter, PO Box 1930, Watsonville, CA 95077.

    If you live near by the shelter is in need of ceramic bowls; bottled water; litter boxes; cat litter; fresh vegetables for rabbits and small animals; straw for bedding; cat and dog toys and beds; chicken and livestock feed; zipties; and used towels, blankets and sheets. It also is seeking gas gift cards for rescue transports, Safeway gift cards to purchase fresh vegetables and supplies, as well as snacks and drinks for staff and volunteers.

    Please, spread the word!

  5. #6- Thank you for doing that Wonder Woman. I know that they could use help in fostering other animals, and could use donations of food, money etc.

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