Is Madison Nguyen a Contender?

Metro Silicon Valley’s issue this week looks at possible candidates to succeed Mayor Chuck Reed when he terms out in less than two years. One possible candidate for San Jose mayor in 2014 is District 7 councilwoman Madison Nguyen. She would become the first Vietnamese-American big city mayor in the country and would lead the city with America’s largest Vietnamese-American population — more than 10 percent and and over 100,000 in the 2010 census. Let’s hear what the pundits say about that. —Editor

San Jose vice mayor Madison Nguyen, 36, fits the new profile of a progressive big city mayor: young, ambitious, attractive—not white. But her core support base was damaged in an embarrassing 2009 recall election over her proposal to name part of Story Road “Saigon Business District,” rather than “Little Saigon,” as her opponents wanted.

Nguyen escaped the recall with the help of the South Bay Labor Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Mayor Chuck Reed, but some insiders suggest her alliances were strained during the election and in its aftermath.

“The Asian American community base is so splintered and half of it is very negative,” says Dean Munro, a former City Hall staffer. “If Madison is serious about this, I think she’s delusional. She’s a woman, and that does distinguish her. But I would think if there’s a moderately crowded primary, she gets 10-15 percent of the vote.”

Despite having the support of public safety and labor unions when she was first elected, Nguyen’s alignment with Reed on pension reform may have pushed her into political no-man’s land if she intends to run for mayor of San Jose in 2014.

“She’s completely eviscerated the base that she has,” says political consultant Rich Robinson. “She’s toxic in some areas of the Vietnamese community. The only reason she won the recall is because the Latinos voted for her through the South Bay Labor Council.”

But former county supervisor Rod Diridon Sr. says those opinions might be a little shortsighted by the time the next election cycle rolls around. “People just look at her and say she’s just a little lady, but let me tell you—the Asian population in the valley is coming into its own. It’s going to be a much bigger player in the next election.”

Nguyen has yet to make any public comments about running for mayor, and part of that is due to the focus she and her husband, Terry Tran, have had on their baby girl, who was born in February.

“I’ve also heard she may be interested,” says former San Jose Vice Mayor Pat Dando, who ran for mayor in 1998. “But having a young child, her priorities might start to change.”


  1. There truly couldn’t be a worse contender for Mayor in San Jose.  Even half of the Viet population (who promote and jealously guard their own by any means necessary) dislike her.

    This is the woman who equated cutting library hours with San Jose becoming a Third World country.  She (twice) has tried to racially polarize the City and caused incredible embarrassment.  She has (twice) levied baseless charges of sexism at her colleagues. That is the level of her understanding and intelligence.  She is merely the Vice-Mayor because Reed needs a puppet and she is a female minority… no other qualifications whatsoever.

    As destructive and short-sighted as Oliverio is, at least he is intelligent and capable of an independent thought.

    • Well stated Anonymously.  This is the same person that called a San Jose Police Officer a “murderer” after he shot an armed subject and was justified in the shooting then she had memory loss about ever saying that.  Never has apoligized to the officer.  Shame she is even on the council.

      • Mr. Rick,

        I don’t call that police officer a “murderer” but the woman he shot is not a subject. She is not a subject even she is only 4’9” tall and a “weapon” she had in her hand is a vegetable peeler. Yeah, the action was “justified”, but the city of San Jose must pay the victim family because of that cop’s itchy fingers.

  2. The question is whom to vote for




    None of the above

    Hmm. Can we have a Mayor None of the Above

  3. Now that’s funny. Chuck and his cronies have you fooled to think that you are one of them. Amazing how much growing up you need to do to know who your friends are in life. Oh wait you have maybe 5 friends they are all using you Madison. No Chance EVER for MAYOR

  4. In answer to the headline:  God help us if she is.

      Please leave San Jose, along with all the other destructive forces sitting at the half-moon table in City Hall.  You are all an embarrassment to us.  We are the laughingstock of City Government, and our Public Safety and City Services are Dead Last out of the Top 30 cities in the Nation.  From 2nd safest City to not even in the top 50.  Please leave.

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