Metro Story Accuses Mayor of Defiling Official City Document

Unsubstantiated Claim Includes Flushing General Plan Down Toilet

A shocking story in this week’s Metro Newspaper reported that an unnamed source witnessed Mayor Ron Gonzales in a Koran-copycat-type desecration of San Jose’s most hallowed planning document – the General Plan.  This has left neighborhood groups incensed, calling for the swiftest of inquiries and the stiffest of punishments.

The story, said to come from a high-ranking mayoral staffer, accused Gonzales of scribbling expletives all over the urban reserve section of the city’s General Plan dealing with Coyote Valley, and flushing whole sections down his private 6th floor bathroom toilet.

“He went absolutely mental,” stated the unnamed source.  “He was mumbling something about ‘returning San Jose to a bedroom community with Speno.’  It was painful to watch, a little unsettling, and of course we had to call Roto-Rooter in to fix the crapper.”

The Metro story set off several protests, scattered vandalism, and isolated violence in council districts around the city.  District 3 had a public book burning that included the torching of Article V, Section 500 of the City Charter, which defines the Office of Mayor.  District 6 held a chili cook-off to raise funds for a recall, and district 9 reported several overturned cars.  But the most violent of all protests occurred in Evergreen where several taser guns were discharged into the night.  No one was seriously shocked.

In an embarrassing turn, the Metro has since retracted the story and apologized, leading Executive Editor and CEO Dan Pulcrano to pledge $2,000,000 of revenue from body piercing advertisements to a special fund to help those affected in the now grieving districts.


  1. Did the chilli cook off have and body parts involved with it.  Maybe the Mayor could deflect some criticism by planting a view body parts around the city.  Actually, if they found some bones in the Coyote Valley they could probably stop development indefinitely.

  2. Laughter aside, information is often made to disappear in San Jose by the media. One example is the $26,000 FPPC fine levied against key parts of Chuck Reed’s Berryessa political machine.

    A loyal follower of Reed accepted the position of treasurer in two consecutive BUSD bond ballot measures in 1998 and 1999. In April this year, FPPC finally issued a $26,000 fine against the treasurer and both campaign committees. Reed has turned against the treasurer and declined to help him overcome this financial problem. This is a common practice for Reed—he turns on his own supporters when it suits him.

    To understand the situation fully, it is important to note that Reed was the political boss of the BUSD school board from around 1990 to 2001 when he appears to have gradually relinquished his grasp. His operating theory (according to former supporters he alienated) was that election to the school board provided a launching pad to challenge his position in line for city council.

    His weapon was Victor Ajlouny who smears first and asks questions later. Ajlouny has been employed as a hammer in numerous operations in Milpitas and Berryessa to enhance Reed’s political standing. And interestingly enough, the chief victims of the Reed/Ajlouny treatment have been women of color who were strong Reed supporters at one time. They get the worse treatment when the hammer comes down.

    Now Reed is throwing another loyal supporter under the bus who innocently failed to comply with FPPC regulations. This is mayor material?

    To read about this, go to the web site below and take pains to read the final three paragraphs of the Berryessa Sun article linked to the following web site:

  3. HJ-
      They’ve been digging up bodies of Ohlones in Coyote Valley for years. It hasn’t stopped the development plans yet.
      I wonder how long it will take before somebody proposes development at Oak Hill? There’s some prime real estate just sitting there!

  4. John – great article but you made one major error…..

    The Metro? A Newspaper?

    But if they have the huevos to tell it like it is about Gonzo, maybe I could stomach them.

  5. Trying to discern from Nature a unified force theory had Einstein pulling out his hair. Imagine how he’d suffer if tasked with looking around San Jose and finding even a hint of evidence to support the existence of a General Plan.

  6. It’s kind of scary how “General” the General Plan is…does anybody know if there really is one, and if there is where has it been hiding all these years before it was flushed??

  7. Once upon a time the General Plan was a respected document. Then the man from the little town to the North decided he knew better than anyone what was best for the bigger town to the South.

    He and his wrecking crew took up temporary residence and decided to throw out all the books from the past and write new ones.

    He continued to write new ones and ignore the old ones and a strange thing happened—- the elected underlings sat silent. For the most part the people sat silent as all that was once good was now determined to be bad.

    Unfortunately, this is not a fairy tale nor is it satire.

    The bell is tolling on the end of the visitor’s term but how long will it take to undue the damage after he goes back home?

  8. This person who can’t tell the difference between the letter “C” and the letter “K” is the same one that wants a statue of George W Bush in the plaza.  HJ, I suggest a daily dose of Sesame Street to help you navigate through this blog, and perhaps your next sample ballot.

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