Remembering Doug McNea

Mr. Doug McNea passed away last weekend. One headline read, “San Jose Tax Activist Doug McNea Dies At GOP Convention.” The label, “Tax Activist” doesn’t do the man justice. Doug McNea was a man of principle who stood up for his ideas. He also stood up for others. Doug was active in the fight to save the Tropicana Shopping Center when the city tried to take it over through eminent domain.

Doug McNea was President of the Santa Clara Taxpayers Association. He was also an effective member of the San Jose based Coalition For Redevelopment Reform (CRR). Loraine Wallace Rowe, Chair of the CRR Group had this to say about Doug. “With the death of Doug McNea the people of San Jose, Santa Clara County and the State of California lost a good friend and a staunch advocate. Doug passionately believed in and fought for the prudent use of tax dollars and against the diversion of tax dollars from schools and health care to developers and special interests by the Redevelopment Agencies. I had the privilege of working with Doug for many years and was always impressed and uplifted by his integrity, intelligence and humanity. I shall greatly miss working with him.”

More than once, Doug was the Republican Party’s “sacrificial lamb” when it came to local elections. It’s pretty hard, if not impossible, for a Republican to win a State or Congressional seat in Santa Clara County. (Democrats outnumber Republicans by a huge margin). Doug tried anyway. Not too many people would have the nerve or the endurance to run for an office knowing that the odds were very much against them. Still, someone had to represent the party and its ideals. Doug McNea thought that that was important, so he did it.

A lot of people dabble in politics to satisfy their egos. Doug McNea did not seek the limelight. In fact, he was actually a bit shy and reserved person in many ways. Doug was out there anyway, working, speaking, and debating for ideas and principles. Doug McNea was much more than a “tax activist,” he was a good man who fought for what he believed in and stood up for the rights of others. His four children and eight grandchildren should be very proud.


  1. Doug had ethics, integrity, honesty and worked for public good even against long odds, all traits that are sadly missing is local politics and City Hall

    A good guy who will be missed by many

  2. Doug was special. He was so capable in so many different ways as an outstanding,aware,committed,and and thoughtful friend. Doug was also an athelete who loved the ocean and all it had to offer. I especially appreciated that he paid attention to our political world and was not afraid to be engaged and spoke out when he deemed it necessary.

    Doug’s family has had real heartache in these last years since, in such a short time, both he and Donna are now gone.

    It was good to have met Doug and his wife Donna.

  3. I met Doug a few times. He always spent a lot of time working to represent those the workers of the south bay who are just too busy or tired at the end of the day to attend community meetings or write letters to local politicos.

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