Not Always What it Seems

In a postscript to the visit of former President Clinton to San Jose for the state Democratic Convention, I was surprised to learn that his rather haggard appearance had a reason. The San Francisco Chronicle reported Clinton had a “meltdown” before his rather calm address to the assembled delegates where he advised all to “chill out.”

Clinton did not follow his own advice, apparently, when he spoke to the misnamed “superdelegates” in a meeting before the formal session. He was very angry and let them all know it, according to reports. Contrast this with the calmness and diplomacy he showed in his remarks a few minutes later, which I witnessed. However, I was struck by how tired he looked when I spoke to him face to face. Hey, a big time, coast-to-coast national campaign, is enough to give anyone the look of an exhausted marathon runner, but this seemed to be due to something else. Could it be that the impending certain loss, unknown to Clinton in the past, could be a big part of his demeanor?  Only a doctor or a psychiatrist would really know.

One thing is certain: losing ain’t beanbag. It takes a lot out of anyone and to blow an election for the presidency is a hit that many take years to recover from, if ever. Of course, it might only have been that the former president’s following trip to a fundraiser in Modesto—Modesto!—could have gotten him down. After all, having to travel to the Central Valley in a Gulf Stream jet is quite an inconvenience.

It has not been a good season for Bill Clinton and much of the panache seems gone. Yet, it was another good reason to be pleased that San Jose is center court in the national consciousness. Media and pundits and just hangers-on were all present at our Convention Center.

There are some who want our city to return to the “little San Jose” of the past—parochial and unnoticed.  That is a time and a position that has mercifully passed, and only our own insecurities and mistakes can stop us from achieving a position and status as a truly remarkable American city.


  1. Who are these “some who want our city to return to the ‘little San Jose’ of the past?”  I don’t know anyone who wants the 1970’s version of this town back.

    Tom, it’s a little far fetched to presume that SJ “is center court in the national consciousness.”  My cousin from Chicago who is following the presidential race closely was visiting here last week and didn’t know anything about the state convention that was held downtown.  I suspect he is in the majority of average American citizens from outside the Bay Area.

    Get the NATIONAL convention of either party downtown and then we will indeed be center court but your claim that the state convention achieved this is just plain hogwash.

  2. Tom, to return to the “little San Jose” of the past-parochial and unnoticed, I don`t know. Who would want to have Cherry trees and open fields of Oats and Barley all bailed up where Capital Expy. now crosses Senter. Or the hills that I rode my Honda 250 Scrambler up and down before A.J. Raisch put a quarry on Hillsdale Rd. until there was no longer a hill to ride. No one in their right mind would want a “little S.J.” again, would they Tom.
    Maybe just a few of us would.

  3. It’s time for San Jose to collectively shave our heads, go into rehab, lose custody of our kids, show up drunk at parties, rave about our money-stealing ex, and then plot our triumphant comeback.

  4. I don’t understand why Clinton doesn’t just withdraw from the race. I don’t like quitters either but there comes a time when you must look sat the big picture and what is best for the whole of our party. The way Clinton has behaved toward Obama in this election, all McCain has to do to win is run Hilary’s bashing ads against Obama and carry on with his campaign on the issues.
    Bill Clinton doesn’t get it. He did a lot of damage to his wife’s chances to become our first female President the minute he decided to screw around on his wife, and she chose to stay with him. He was caught being unfaithful before becoming our President, and caught again as his term was ending. To many of we females in the US, Hilary’s choice to stay with a man who did not stay loyal to her or his family, says much about just how truly weak she is, and how flawed her ability to make good decisions in her private life, never mind making them for our entire country is. Voting yes on the war, and now making excuses for her vote, the way she made excuses for Bill adultery, LOST her my vote. I guess denial isn’t just a river in Egypt~

  5. Friends, Mark, Kenny, Dave – “Little San Jose” is a state of mind – it says drive north for sports, culture, museums – we are not worthy!’  We can’t be the economic engine of the world in this valley. Look!  In short, it’s the anthem of a loser and that is a past that really never was, but many assumed it due to the mistakes and misdeeds of a decade or two. We have it all here and the ones who fail to see it, probably don’t like sunsets and beaches either.  Enjoy our community a bit,  TMcE

  6. #7, Kathleen, let me just say that marriage is not that simple particularly when you have children and other interests that complicate.  It’s not nearly as black and white as you make it out to be.  there’s no one-size-fits all answer about how to handle adultery and sometimes it takes a lot of strength and courage, not weakness, to weather a storm.  Also many people still believe that marriage is forever.

    I’m an Obama supporter for policy reasons, but I think it is truly wrong to base your political support of a candidate on the fact that they choose to stay with their husband rather then leave her family.

  7. I’m reposting my comments in #7. My cut and paste from Word really cut and pasted the wrong things! Sorry!

    I don’t understand why Clinton doesn’t just withdraw from the race. I don’t like quitters either but there comes a time when you must look at the big picture and what is best for the whole of our party. The way Clinton has behaved toward Obama in this election has saved McCain a lot of time and money, when he runs against Obama in the general election. All McCain has to do to win is run Hillary’s bashing ads against Obama and carry on with his campaign on the issues.
    Bill Clinton doesn’t get it either. He did a lot of damage to his wife’s chances to become our first female President the minute he decided to screw around on his wife, and she chose to stay with him. He was caught being unfaithful before becoming our President, and caught again as his term was ending. Too many of we females in the US felt betrayed by Hillary’s acceptance of Bill’s disgusting behavior. Hillary’s choice to stay with a man who did not stay loyal to her or his family, says much about just how truly weak she is, and how flawed her ability to make good decisions in her private life, never mind making them for our entire country is. Further more, while campaigning for Hillary, Chelsea had to field questions about her father’s cheating, deceitful behaviors. Her response was rude and defensive, rather than honest and open.  Much like her mother’s.

    When Hillary voted yes on the war, and then began making excuses for her vote, the same way she made excuses for Bill’s adultery,  LOST here my vote. I guess denial isn’t just a river in Egypt~

  8. For the first time yesterday, I tuned into “Countdown” and “Verdict” on MSNBC.  Much more fun than the endless soundbite menu on the networks and their local affiliates.  There was a discussion on Hillary and some viewer e-mail comments were shared.  A large number of people took issue with Hillary’s story of throwing her bookbag across the room when she heard about the MLK assasination.  These people were also college students in the 60’s and were quick to point out that nobody even knew what a bookbag was in 1968.  Her credibility factor has all but evaporated with many voters.  The bookbag statement didn’t sound credible anyway, even if she had simply said “books.”  Most people felt shock for quite a while before feeling angry enough—if they ever even did—to start throwing things, certain elements of the black community excluded.

    The Clinton campaign has been a train wreck seemingly from day one.  Obama’s has been well run and has generally taken the high road.  Bill has caused more harm than good in this campaign.  While I don’t think his escapades had any bearing on his ability to peform the duties associated with the presidency (especially when you consider religious fanatic Bush raping everybody but the ultra-rich for the past 7+ years) or should have any influence on Hillary’s campaign, I think a bumper sticker recently spotted sums up how a lot of people feel:

    “Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife for President” 

    Tom, understood re: what you mean by “little SJ.”  In that regard we have made progress.  I admire your optimism.  It would seem SJ is already remarkable.  Just a lot more negative ones than positive.  I’d put that optimisim in cold storage if I were you, until we get somebody with the ability to lead and inspire in the mayor’s seat.

  9. At least Hillary didn’t spend the last 20 years in a “church” whose preacher’s mantra is “God Damn America.” I’ll take false Bosnian sniper fire any day.


  11. The Obama vs Hillary boxing match is the best reality show ever produced.  the Dems blew it…they should have brokered a deal after Texas and Ohio…Hillary to be obama’s running mate.  But it’s too late now! The Clinton Campaign looks more like an attempted coup than a campaign! The way that they rip Obama is outrageous!

    Pete Campbell

  12. #9- With all due respect, I am not basing my support of Obama on Hillary’s sticking out a bad marriage. I am supporting Obama because I am sick of the lies, and the old guard mentality. You are wrong to take what I said and reduce it to simplistic terms like,
    “There’s no one-size-fits all answer about how to handle adultery and sometimes it takes a lot of strength and courage, not weakness, to weather a storm.  Also many people still believe that marriage is forever.”
    It takes self-respect, and self-love to value yourself enough to stand firm in one’s beliefs. Hillary Clinton has flip flopped more times on issues than a fish on a line. She lacks honesty and integrity. Her recounting of the Bosnia situation, her refusal to admit supporting giving illegals a drivers license, and many other important issues she wavers on are why she lost my vote. She abandoned her stand on Universal Health Care when Bill was in office due to pressure from corporation’s big bucks. This watered down version she is pushing now is a joke. 
    As to her choice to stay with Bill, what exactly do you think she is teaching her daughter about self-respect? We are not talking about a one-time mistake by Bill Clinton here. We are talking about a SEVEN-year affair with Jennifer Flowers, and several trysts with other women. Hillary knew about these indiscretions and rather than facing it head on and holding Bill accountable, she scape goaded and tried to blame Republicans by saying they were conducting a smear campaign against her husband! How ridiculous can you get? My father once told me that if someone screws you over once, it is shame on you, but if they do it twice, it is shame on me for not knowing any better!
    If she cannot conduct herself with strength and integrity in her private life, then she surely won’t do it in the Oval Office!

  13. Kathleen in San Jose wrote: “Further more, while campaigning for Hillary, Chelsea had to field questions about her father’s cheating, deceitful behaviors. Her response was rude and defensive, rather than honest and open.  Much like her mother’s.”

    Let’s see, some nosy, sensationalist reporter asks Chelsea about a sensitive family topic from 10 years ago and she was “rude and defensive?” I’m not quite sure why anybody would expect some phony “honest and open” response to this inappropriate question.

  14. #16- Hugh,
    While I do agree with you 100% that the media asks inappropriate questions sometimes, that’s what public officals sign up for from the gate and they know it. Everyone knows that when you run for public office you give up your right to privacy. And yes, I do expect an open honest answer to a question asked about a public official even if it may be inappropriate.
    When Chelsea and her parents packed her off to the campaign trail, they knew this question was inevitable. Chelsea is a grown woman, not a child. She willingly put herself on the line knowing someone would ask this question. If she had said that her father was wrong to do that, and that her family went through a lot and have grown closer because of it, then that would have been honest. But “none of your business,” is a defensive answer that tells me one thing, which is that the Clintons think they get to decide what they will and will not tell us.
    A public official has no business screwing around with younger employees, which they have immense power over. It is not only immoral, but an abuse of power. Deception is deception no matter how much you try and deflect it, or dress it in a suite and a tie and call it Mr. President. 
    I find it very odd that people seem to feel that what a public official does privately has no bearing on how they behave on the job. That is just naive and idiotic to me. People are their principles, and if they are lying to or deceiving a family member, or business partner in their private lives, you can take it to the bank that they will do the same thing in their public office. And if Hillary and Bill Clinton really cared about their daughter and wanted to do what most parents do, they’d have protected her from such situations like inappropriate questions by not using her to get them votes~

  15. #18- Noah,
    Re read my posts. I think I’ve stated pretty clearly she lost my vote on the issues, and the war was a major one for me. Her lack of honesty and self respect was secondary.

  16. 15 – Just wondering how much time you’ve spent at the Clinton family home? You seem to have such insight into their personal lives, I assume you must know more than the rest of us who only know what we’ve read or seen on TV—hardly the definitive manner to know about the private lives of public figures.
    Although I don’t support Hillary, I find your dismissal of her based on her remaining married a bit distressing. You are free to select your candidate however you want, but to use the simplified version that’s right out of the right-wing playbook is everything that is wrong with American politics.
    Vote against her on the issues, not because of her marriage. Vote against her because of her war vote, not because of some silliness about sniper fire in Bosnia.
    None of us knows what goes on behind of closed doors of our homes—I would suggest we not select our candidates based on what we “think” went on—it has nothing to do with how they will do the job they were elected to do.

  17. #19 Kathleen,
        Universal Health Care, or Pull out of IRAQ? I believe they are equally important. Consider the Billions $$ we spend in Iraq every week, my God, thats enough to pay for a Universal Health Care Program, fix New Orleans and put money in a reserve money for California`s next major eartquake.
        Lobbyist…our major problem at all levels of government…this is a self-servent group of people. Consider the Military Complex lobby and the Insurance Companies lobbyist`s, “pretty powerful people. Lobbyist stop at nothing.

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