Please Contribute to the Trace Fund

By Joseph DiSalvo and Pierluigi Oliverio

We are asking San Jose Inside’s readers and bloggers for your generosity.

The devastating fire on July 5 at Trace Elementary School in the San Jose Unified School District has created an extraordinary outpouring of support and giving from across the City of San Jose. According to Karen Fuqua, Director of Public Relations for the district, the citizens of San Jose should be very proud of their contributions to Trace. It is, she says, overwhelming and heartening at the same time.

As you know, both of us—Santa Clara County Board of Education Trustee Joseph Di Salvo and San Jose Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio—write for San Jose Inside every week. We represent Trustee Area 4 and Council District 6. Our constituent geographic boundaries include Trace Elementary School.

Please join us in contributing to the “Trace Fund” for the affected teachers and students. All funds received will be directed towards support for the Trace teachers and classrooms. You can give to the fund by mailing your tax-deductible check payable to San Jose Unified School District to:

San Jose Unified School District
Fiscal Department
855 Lenzen Ave.
San Jose, CA 95126
Please place “Trace Fund” and “SJI” in the memo line.

The Oliverio and Di Salvo SJI goal by the end of July is $2,500. Thank you in advance for helping reach the targeted goal.

Joseph Di Salvo is a member of the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Board of Trustees. He is a San Jose native. His columns reflect his personal opinion.


  1. Now that it looks like the A’s deal to San Jose is going to be rejected by MLB, maybe the city can sell some of the property it recently spent $46 million to acquire and use it to rebuild Trace, which is what our money should be paying for. What exactly is $2,500 going to buy?

  2. > You can give to the fund by mailing your tax-deductible check payable to San Jose Unified School District to:

    > San Jose Unified School District
    > Fiscal Department

    Write a check to San Jose Unified School District??!!!

    Only if you want to see your money disappear into an opaque, ineffective, unaccountable bureaucracy.

    Instead, write out a check and give it to a private school or a charter school.  It will provide much more education and much better outcomes, and likely rescue an innocent and promising child from a life of imposed dullness.

    Make San Jose Unified get its money the way it always has: theft from taxpayers by armed government revenue agents.

        • Ooh, good one. Kind of old and out of context, isn’t it? Of course it had nothing to do with taxes but that’s just a pesky fact that gets in the way of your apparent anti-government view.

        • > Ooh, good one. Kind of old and out of context, isn’t it?


          Freedom is never old or out of context.  Except for the hirelings and sucklings of the welfare state.

          > Of course it had nothing to do with taxes . . . .

          So, you’re so smart that you refuse to be convinced that federal tax agents carry weapons and employ them to intimidate and arrest American citizens who are less than fully tax compliant.

          They do.  And you’re not really so smart.

        • Geez. Missing the point, aren’t we? Who said anything about a real name? I said “correct” name. Got lots of time today, don’t ya?

  3. Thank you Joseph and Pierluigi for your generous post this morning!
    As a proud employee of SJUSD and parent to two SJUSD graduates who both attended Trace Elementary – I can tell you my neighborhood is committed to helping Trace bounce back from this devastation quickly.  The outpouring of support I have seen is amazing!  16 classrooms and 24 Teachers lost decades of materials, some of which can not be replaced.

    Helen Chapman
    SHPNA President

  4. The Trace Fund is a worthy cause. Now if we could just get the “brain trust” at SJUSD to aportion money for an overhead sprinkler system to ameliorate future disasters—like that’s going to happen!

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