Steve DeCinzo


  1. Bit of a cheap shot really.  If you want a game show host, Reed’s not your man.  If you want a civic leader who is smart, and cares about people, Reed is your man.  Chuck Reed (and his wife) have done a lot of good, for a lot of people, for a lot of years.

    pete campbell

    p.s.  I served as a volunteer on Reed’s campaign

  2. I agree with Pete, this comic is not funny and is typical of the sleaze in the Metro. Mayor Reed loves his wife very much and would never behave the way he’s been depicted above. Just because Bill Clinton can’t keep his pants zipped and his mouth closed doesn’t mean every political figure acts like trash.
    I’m really disappointed in SJI Jack for allowing garbage like this on here, and confirms many of the older SJI bloggers fears about SJI going down hill~

  3. Actually, this is a great cartoon.  Assuming you understand satire, which apparently eludes some individuals.  I especially enjoyed the slap against the World’s Most Useless Newspaper, the Mercury News.

    Keep up the good work, and a Pulitzer will be in your future.

  4. Ooh, some of us our pretty sensitive. Lighten up 1 and 2—it’s a cartoon, nothing more, nothing less. Sleaze? SJI going downhill? Focus people, focus.

  5. 1 & 2: I don’t think the writer here was asking for Reed to be more personable, but rather pointing out all the extraneous crap which becomes primary in politics.

  6. #4- Yes, Sleaze. Some things aren’t funny and this is one of them. Sensitive, focus? Give me a break. This is SJI not a porno rag like the Metro, or the Merc. SJI never put such offensive things like this on here before. I guess bad influences do rub off~

  7. Pete and Kathleen, I really like the Metro. I have a computer as well but I don’t languish on the porno sites. I’m sure you have your reasons for being so critical. Should I throw out my computer to please you?
      I read the Mercury news today while on the stationary bycle at the Athletic club. I was reading Marcela’s article on the MHC. When I got to the interview of Fernando Zuezueta, by the Merc, I was puzzled by the connection. It was Fernando Z. and the Merc that split the hispanic community with the exclucivity clauses while he was on the board of Merc’s Muevo Mundo hispanic publication. This was the beginning of the end for any support that might have come in the form of support by the other hispanic news papers and the community that was offended by those clauses. All the hispanic news papers are still serving our community.
      Marcela inherited a dying idea, that had been bleed to the point of killing the host. Yet the very folks that created the death knell are the ones that are critizing Marcela today. And as far as the Mariachis are concerned, You guys have never contributed any thing. Those of us that served as volenteers resent your criticing Marcela. How about that Jonathon Clark, let’s hear from you, Mr.Zuazueta and Blanca. Enlighten us!
      Of course they want it back, now that Marcela has breathed new life into the Plaza. What about the consultants? Our Mayor allowed an insider to do the report.  where was DeCinzo on that cute trick. I’d love to get the low down on that behind the scenes negotiation, could the old Guard be involved here , we will see as the city puts an advisory panel together. At the very least it puts La Familia on notice out there in East San Jose. Here comes sunshine Ese. Tire slashing and death threats. I’m surprised the Merc did not name the cowards that did this to Marcela.
      Yep I like the Metro!
          The Village Black Smith

  8. #7-Gil Hernandez, “Should I throw out my computer to please you?” Woo! No one asked you to. We are both expressing our opinion about a Mayor we like and respect, much like your expression of loyalty to Marcela. A dying art for sure~

  9. Mr Hernandez:

    I have always objected to anyone (Metro/Merc/etc) who makes fun of the mayor based on his personality traits.  Anyone can rip him for his policy positions etc, but when it comes to criticizing the man for not being sufficiently entertaining, I feel obliged to speak out. 

    Pete Campbell

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