Hundreds of people braved the rain in downtown San Jose this morning to protest the inauguration of President Donald Trump. The rally—one of many anti-Trump demonstrations taking place throughout the nation—kicked off at Plaza de Cesar Chavez, where the downpour softened to a drizzle as speakers from various community groups took turns at the megaphone. People hoisted signs: “No Mass Deportations,” “Fear Builds Walls,” “Resist Trump,” “We are Here to Stay.” Below are some photos from the event.
- A coalition of 50 South Bay community groups met in downtown San Jose Friday to protest the incoming president’s inauguration.
- (Photo by Diana San Juan)
I love it. From the article:
We are here to stay.
Then two pics, one with 2 sign carrying protesters, and a pic showing ONE (1) protester carrying her sign.
I guess the two protesters in the first picture could technically count as “we”.
Slow news day… ? ☺
I think someone dropped a job application out there and they all fled…either that or someone glued a welfare check to the sidewalk, off camera, and they are all hovering around trying, but unable, to pick it up.
No more federal money idiots.
I’m sure George Soros will pay them minimum wage to break windows, burn newspaper racks, and throw rocks at the police. Don’t to forget to blame their hate on Trump and all us people that voted for him.
What a Great Day it was!
Based on the majority of the signs an otherwise uninformed observer would conclude that Donald Trump, not Barrack Obama, had just concluded eight years at the helm. Injustice, poverty, economic disparity, school funding, jobs, housing; these are conditions-based complaints, and given that Mr. Trump has not been in charge of creating, neglecting, or repairing conditions, it appears the protesters are either dumb or dishonest. If you look at Mr. Trump as the nation’s new landlord, residents legitimate about their grievances would aim them at the outgoing landlord responsible, Mr. Obama.
These people deserve to be ignored (with the exception of those who deserve to be deported) but the news media, which wallows in the same mire of stupidity, just can’t get enough of them. I hope Mr. Trump continues to marginalize the lot of them.
I think they were just celebrating diversity: the diversity of white left-wing tribalist women.
It’s a well known tribal ritual where they gather in mobs and hold a symbolic funeral where they chisel prayers onto scraps of dead tree bark and celebrate the soul of their shaman, Hill A Ree, crossing over into the political afterlife.
Follow the leader, one of them being the hypocrite Gloria Steinem that convinced many women a few generations past they didn’t need marriage, then she ends up getting married herself if later life. As I saw the tail end remnants of the demonstration, I wondered how many of these women are aware that President Trump has employed top women for years in his organization, the top star now being Kellyann Conway. I’m with Finfan on this one, he’s said what needs to be saying.
Two people carrying signs is a crowd???
What about the photo of the guy carrying a trash bag in the crosswalk,was he one of the protesters?